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Television's new low...


Television\'s new low...

This is just rediculous.
Re: Television\'s new low...

I anxiously await the episode where the son picks himself to marry his mom. Then again, that would be something more along the lines of a Fox reality show.
Re: Television\'s new low...

I anxiously await the episode where the son picks himself to marry his mom. Then again, that would be something more along the lines of a Fox reality show.

I wouldn't count on that. They all seem to be sinking at the moment.

I tried to watch the Ozzy Osborne show when a friend of mine wanted to see it. I just could not sit through it, it was... I dont' have a word for it. But it was unbelieveable to me. In the worst of taste.
Re: Television\'s new low...

Oh, I should try to marry my mom off! I'm sure the fact that she's already married will make it an instant ratings hit!
Re: Television\'s new low...

The Osbournes is actually the only reality show I can stand. It cracks me up. I never watch the other reality shows--can't stand them.

Re: Television\'s new low...

LOL. I never watch reality shows, but some of these ideas are just hilariously ridiculous
Re: Television\'s new low...

Sorry, folks, as absurd as this is, I still think Joe Millionaire is worse.

I doubt if this stuff can get any lower (and still stay within the bounds of the law).
Re: Television\'s new low...

I really don't like reality shows and worst is that their invading the television and making less space for good scifi and other programs. But I like The Osbournes, mostly because I always been a fan of Ozzy and is cool to know how he live. I imagine something like that.
Re: Television\'s new low...

Joe Mill. is a show I know I'd hate without needing to bother with watching it.

But I bet it's making killer ratings.

This is why I enjoyed Gigi tonight on TCM. If you hate musicals, you'll probably hate this one. But I love it.

"Thank heaven... for little girls...
for little girls get bigger every day..."
Re: Television\'s new low...

i put on mtv last night and JACKASS! was on . I just couldn`t help laughing at the stupid things they were doing .. at least that is original programming i suppose ...