It's been off for several years and lasted only two seasons, but it was a relatively realistic view of life around Cape Kennedy. It featured footage from NASA of shuttle launches, and often featured its primary characters in space, doing the routine things in space.
It also showed a few astronauts in training, their struggles to live their dreams. I really don't remember too much about it, except that it was always slotted around 2am and I had to record it on our only VCR at the time, a really ancient machine. Corbin Berenson played the veteran astronaut teaching all these new people and showing them the ropes. His nickname on the show was Bull.
I really, really loved this show, since it offered a much more realistic, present view of space than any sci-fi show I'd ever seen. No zipping off to the next solar system at warp 8, just inching up to orbit at 18,000+ mph. Has anyone else seen this show?
I really, really loved this show, since it offered a much more realistic, present view of space than any sci-fi show I'd ever seen. No zipping off to the next solar system at warp 8, just inching up to orbit at 18,000+ mph. Has anyone else seen this show?