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The Day After Tomorrow

I think people should be criticizing the b.s science of the movie because liberal politcal organizations are trying to use this movie as propoganda for their b.s policies for global warming

Is this happening in USA? If it is, it would explain a lot. It's only a movie for christ sake... :eek:
I liked the movie for what it was -- an action thriller. To make anything more of the movie, i.e., trying to corellate it to fact, is a fool's errand.

I expected to pay 8 bucks for an entertaining, visually appealing movie that kept me interested. Aside from the crappy CGI work on the wolves, that's what I feel I got.

Is it Oscar material? No way. Was it fun? Yeah, and if a friend of mine who hasn't seen it yet gives me a call, I'll go drop another 8 bucks on it (although maybe not the $3.50 for the cherry slushie this time).
I liked the movie for what it was -- an action thriller. To make anything more of the movie, i.e., trying to corellate it to fact, is a fool's errand.

I expected to pay 8 bucks for an entertaining, visually appealing movie that kept me interested. Aside from the crappy CGI work on the wolves, that's what I feel I got.

Is it Oscar material? No way. Was it fun? Yeah, and if a friend of mine who hasn't seen it yet gives me a call, I'll go drop another 8 bucks on it (although maybe not the $3.50 for the cherry slushie this time).

My thoughts exactly. It's entertaining movie. It delivers what it's supposed to do. It's nothing that will be remembered for it's characters or father-son story, it will be remembered as an ultimate fx movie. I think that once they release the DVD, it's soundtrack will be... well.. it will rape totally 5.1 sets. Catastrophic movies tend to do that.