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The Drakh Pleague


I read that book series, I just seem to have forgot that little detail, which was probably mentioned in the book in passing. I read that trilogy first, then the Psi-Corps, then now just finishing up the Techno-Mage trilogy. Is it any wonder how a little detail like that slipped by me?

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
Are you sure about when the last book in the trilogy was released? It just seems that Legions of Fire has been on my bookcase for awhile now. I dunno, it still seems to me that spoilers should be reserved for things that really are spoilers ... If someone were to post the script to B5:LOTR, for example, I'd have to call that a spoiler ... same thing for the unproduced scripts of Crusade ... or maybe even a novel that was released in past few months, or yet to be published novel ... or outline for a novel... Either way works for me I suppose, since I don't post spoilers ... or at least I don't think that I do, which was the point I was making from the beginning.

"Dawn's in trouble? Must be Tuesday." -- Buffy Summers, "Once More With Feeling."