Thank you for contacting Amazon.com Kindle Support and providing us with an opportunity to assist you.
I understand your concern about the book, " Jim Butcher Dresden Files War Cry #3."
I've checked our website and verified that the book, " Jim Butcher Dresden Files War Cry #3 " isn't currently available for Kindle.
To help you with this issue, I've contacted the publisher directly letting them know that you are interested in a digital version of this printed book not yet available in the Kindle Store.
Amazon truly cares about its customers and we'll continue to work with publishers directly and ask that they make their content available for Kindle.
However to make sure that your comments are heard by the right people in the organization, I've also personally forwarded your comments, to the concerned department, so that they can take notice of it, take them into consideration as we plan for future improvements.
We are always striving to provide the best possible service to all of our customers, both in the United States and abroad, and we appreciate your feedback. It is important for us to know how customers react to all aspects of shopping at Amazon.com.
We appreciate your patience and understanding. Thanks for using Kindle.