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The Great Link

<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by flynn2000: </font color>
Hope my first time posting doesn't make me look like a fool.

Not at all. You make some excellent points.
Antony, perhaps you should have reserved your comments for a Star Trek group. (failing that, you might want to issue an apology to the B5 fans here.) I might have to quit coming here now

So going to a Trek board and saying I prefer it to B5 wouldn't seem a bit dodgy? Thank you to those who already responded to this overreaction.

Ivanovafan, don't be a big baby. Would you prefer me to lie and say "Ooh, B5 is the best thing I ever saw in the world." No. We're all adults here. I've never claimed B5 was my favorite show ever. I claim that it is "a favorite" however. They are both in the top of my "all time TV loves" list, and anyone knows that who comes here. I don't need to explain myself on B5, I'd say it's pretty obvious from me doing this site that I love it.

But they both are on my top TV list, and I never have problems with that. I don't feel they compete with each other in that list. They're both great. That's how I feel, and that's why I get annoyed with threads like this because they're completely to that feeling in me as a fan. I enjoy both, so there. And as a big fan of both, they are very different shows.
giver ivanovafan a rattle or something to shut her up

No , only joking

Star Trek is one of my loves aswell and i hate people who try to compare b5 and star trek , They are different shows about different things