Name of my band: Gargantuan Bucket of Penises
Haven't seen Green Hornet, no desire to, both because I burned out on both superheroes and Seth Rogen. But wait I'm not threadcrapping! I read some mixed reviews of this flick and they all suggest that the movie is confused... not quite comedic, not quite all action, trying to be classic comic book and also making fun of itself, but not too much...
So what I'm wondering is, you know, like what else can they do? How can you even make a comic book without being completely lame or too snarky? Should they even try? How much should "adult themes" be a part of it? For example I think the self-consciousness seriousness of the new Batman franchise has gotten tedious. On the other hand, I really enjoyed Kick-Ass. Maybe I'm just a snob who thinks "adult" comic book movies are absurd, but if they make 'em just for kids than we won't care.