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The Guessing Game

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>And posting an article like that about Julia Roberts isnt right either. <hr></blockquote>

There goes that selective indictment again. I suppose it's easier to ignore everyone else's misdeeds on this board except for those whose opinions you don't agree with.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr> You post comments which come across as very rude (you seem to be the only one saying otherwise) in a forum where the VERY ACTOR you are talking about vists and talks<hr></blockquote>

I'm well aware that the VERY ACTOR I was talking about posts here. I might even have some critical comments for God almighty if he/she ever posted here.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>These people dont have to spend time on forums with fans. Especially long after the show aired, and when things are looking grim for a series. But they still come back and are polite enough to drop us a line. <hr></blockquote>

If that's important to you, then great.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr> So yes, saying what you said was extremely rude under those circumstances, as well as being in very poor taste. <hr></blockquote>

I was already pretty clear of what you thought, but thanks for saying it again.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr> Show some respect, and if you dont happen to respect them, then at least be polite because it isnt every day or every show that actually has the cast post and talk to the fans. At least you hid an apology somewhere in that large post of yours, so thats something.

I'm really not sure what it is you expect from me. You said I was rude. Fine, I apologized. Now it seems that you aren't even satisfied with that. If you haven't complained to AnthonyF already, then you probably should.
I love the IMDb, but I find it hard to believe that it is a good indicator of what an actor is currently doing, especially a TV actor. There are numerous actors who have guested on B5 or Trek, but do not have their appearance listed on the IMDb.

As to Julia Roberts -- was she EVER alive?
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>I find it hard to believe that it is a good indicator of what an actor is currently doing, especially a TV actor. <hr></blockquote>

If you know of some better sites then please list them, because I'd like to go there.
IMDB being the best out there is irrelevant. The only accurate source is an up to date copy of the actor's resume, and I doubt you have a copy of Warren's. If we were to go by the IMDB, the Jeremiah episodes aired to date would have been pretty lacking in guest actors.

And <a target="_blank" href=http://www.tvtome.com/>TV Tome</a> is frequently more accurate and up to date on shows where a competent editor is in charge.
IMDB is mostly fan-generated. Although sometimes things are reported in advance, the bulk of the "entries" are made up by folks reading the credits off a VHS tape or taking them from a printed episode guide. Hence it is essentially useless for finding out about the current activities of most actors, especially those who aren't major stars. (They tend to have obsessive fans who find out about their projects well in advance and post info as soon as they hear it.)

To draw conclusions about the state of someone's carreer based solely on IMDB information - or lack of it - is just plain silly.

In any event, given JMS's recent usenet post, it appears the guessing game has been called on account of darkness. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif


<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino:
<font color=yellow>

In any event, given JMS's recent usenet post, it appears the guessing game has been called on account of darkness. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif


Joe</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Sadly, I have to agree although I will keep the torch-lighter handy, just in case something totally unexpected happens and someone does decide to do the series in the future.

My thanks to the cast for their excellent portrayals and consideration for the fans.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr> IMDB being the best out there is irrelevant. <hr></blockquote>

In this case, IMDB is very relevant since that was the source used.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>The only accurate source is an up to date copy of the actor's resume, and I doubt you have a copy of Warren's. <hr></blockquote>

Agreed, but you can't deny the impact of IMDB as a resource tool. This site, sci-fi, aint-it-cool-news, dark horizons and many more have all "borrowed" from IMDB when it comes to breaking news, gossip and, yes, even actor's current projects. The most accurate source for any information is straight from the horse's mouth, but the fact still remains that most information comes from other places.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr> If we were to go by the IMDB, the Jeremiah episodes aired to date would have been pretty lacking in guest actors.

Then I guess it's a good thing that I never used it as a Jeremiah source. You probably won't find any information about "All In The Family" episodes either, which is why I typically go to other sites for information on television series.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>And TV Tome is frequently more accurate and up to date on shows where a competent editor is in charge. <hr></blockquote>

Yes, its one of the places I go when I want to find out information on television shows. I go to IMDB (amongst other places) to find info on actors, movies, and future projects.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr> IMDB is mostly fan-generated. Although sometimes things are reported in advance, the bulk of the "entries" are made up by folks reading the credits off a VHS tape or taking them from a printed episode guide. Hence it is essentially useless for finding out about the current activities of most actors, especially those who aren't major stars. <hr></blockquote>

Yes, fans do post there. Some things are pulled from resource literature, television interviews, PR fluff, and various other places. It's precisely because its used so often by fans that incorrect information is usually spotted fairly quickly. As I said earlier, if you know of a better online source for such information, then I'd sure like to go there.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>To draw conclusions about the state of someone's carreer based solely on IMDB information - or lack of it - is just plain silly.

Then you must live in complete darkness since most news is based on a single source -- some of which are even more unpredictable and unreliable than IMDB. If you have problems with me drawing conclusions on IMDB based information then you must really be pissed about the multitude of other sites out there that do it.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>In any event, given JMS's recent usenet post, it appears the guessing game has been called on account of darkness <hr></blockquote>

On that, at least, we can agree.