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the menu font (antony)

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I don't get laughed at, I get looked at like I'm a freak, even more so when I say I have no interest in smoking or doing drugs. Oh well, I won't be pushed into something I don't want to do by the general populace.
Actually, alcohol is really an aquired taste, I think. It does taste bitter when you first try it.

But let's face it, it causes a lot of problems, too. I know of no one in their 30's who laughs at someone who doesn't want alcohol. But there are a lot of alcoholics who are recovering, and I doubt anyone my age in this town doesn't know someone who had to give up drinking.

As for smoking: only an idiot smokes. Trust me, I smoked for about 10 years. And I was an idiot every minute of the time.
(Sorry, smokers, but I really do wonder what the hell made me start in the first place now that I'm off of the darned things.)
Yay! Another normal person.

Alcohol is in my always so humble opinion one of the most pointless things ever discovered.
It stinks and it's done more harm than good throughout history... what's there to like?

There's no accounting for taste, indeed.

But yeah, anyway, tygir and DS... the older you get, and the older the people you socialise with... the easier it gets to be a non-drinker. It's the worst in your teens and early twenties - then people like us are really considered freaks. Which is the one thing that really gets to me. Argh.
But look on the bright side of alchohol... people like me then come along and provide much comic amusement at the board.
Alcohol is in my always so humble opinion one of the most pointless things ever discovered.
Not so, it lets me come up with outrageous colour schemes for websites and maybe one in a thousand of them are actually good.
Left to my own devices the pages all gradually turn into shades of the same colour.

Of course getting stoned is much more creative, but also so lethargy-creating that I can't see the point of working through colour palletes when all I want to do is consider the taste of warm pizza.
I saw a great comedy sketch once (but can't remember the comedian). Anyhow, he was saying something to the effect that the laws would be very different if stoners voted. But as it is it's more like "oh, darn! I thought it was Super Wednesday!"

(Note: in the U.S.A. voting days are always on Tuesdays. They call voting day "Super Tuesday" sometimes.)

Edit: hey, I just realized this thread is in the Questions and Suggestions forum.
We can get off topic so easily sometimes.
I don't really... I'd prefer to have a glass of Coca Cola.
But it added to the picture.
And it's a spliff, not a cigarette.
Wow, what a fun thread this turned into!

My husband doesn't drink ... doesn't like the smell or taste of alcohol and hasn't for a very long time. He will have the occasional sip of champagne or glögg but that is about it. Some people think he is strange but well ... since he -is- he doesn't mind. He does make a great Designated Driver!
I still can't do beer or any hop-based drink, tastes like liquid belch to me. Cider and Tequila... Mmmmmmmmmmm

/me chews his pizza
I'm really enamored with drinks like Bailey's. I like White Russians and Godiva chocolate liqueur. Mmmm calories.

And I saw your menu font on a war movie preview here in the States today, Ant.
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