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The mighty GKarsEye watches Firefly

But would you say it's target audience includes women?

The presence of women (or lack of) isn't necessarily the only element in how those women are portrayed.

I think JMS just spoiled me horribly. :eek:
But would you say it's target audience includes women?


I think JMS just spoiled me horribly.

I'd say that Firefly's female characters are just as strong as Babylon 5's female characters.

I like that Zoe, Inara, Kaylee, and River all four have femininity to them and strength. I mean, this show comes from a man who created Buffy to turn the stereotype on its head of the ditzy blonde running down a dark alley and getting killed by a monster after all. He tends to create fairly decent female characters.
I just can't see the fascination with Firefly. It was nothing but medicore, in my mind. Joss Whedon doing sci-fi literally had me salivating at first, but it soon went.

The captain reminds me of that guy from Sliders. Remember Sliders?

I do. And do you remember Kari Wuhrer's wonderful cleavage?

Certainly, and a very cute Sabrina Lloyd. ;)
Hyp, if you get teh Scifi Channel, Firefly is going to be showing on Friday nights before SG-1, Atlantis, BSG episodes, when they come back for the new season, in a few weeks. So, you may want to look into and consider that before spending the money of Netflixing (Thanks for the new verb GKE)
Yeah, if Zoe and Inara aren't strong female characters, I don't know who would be. And River -- well, River's craaaaazy....

My main reason for comparing Firefly to Tolkien was this: Tolkien is very widely acknowledged as an absolutely fantastic author. But there are many people in the world who don't care for him, or simply don't care for the genre at all. They are not evil people, they're just wro-- I mean, they just have different tastes.

Firefly is much the same way. Jaw-dropping, side-splitting quality. But there are always people out there that it won't appeal to.
Ooo, free is even better than Netflix. :D

Thanks Sindatur. I know I still get the sci-fi channel becuase they seem to be doing a Star Trek (TOS) mini-marathon today. :)

Ooo, a shirtless Spock. :D ;)

Glad you are checking out this show. I bought the DVDs a few months back and totally loved it. It did take an episode or two before I really got into things, but when I did I was hooked.

I do have to agree somewhat that the female characters (so far) were more or less weak. I think they did develop better as the show went on, but initially there wasn't much too them.

The strength of this show is its characterization and witty writing, so I have to assume if it would have gotten past 13 episodes it would have been even stronger.

Let us know how you think of it after the first 4-5 episodes.

I can't wait for this movie. I've gotten so many friends hooked on this show --- moreso than I have been able to B5.
Being a mere mortal with access only to terrestrial tv, I haven't had chance to review Firefly yet. All I know of it, is that I took a personality test about it once and came out as being closest to a character who I think was called River. Wasn't she supposed to be a bit loopy?
The thing with Whedon shows for me seems to be that the concepts seem "dumb" at first .. but once I get over that, and say what the hell, I'll watch anyways .. I'll always end up loving them. I can see how some people might have a harder time detaching themselves from a concept that might seem inherintley dumb though.

As for the whole sex issue .. Joss Whedon is the last person in the world to blame for letting his female characters be weak :D .. in all of his shows really.
I'm pretty much convinced, finally, to check it out.

It's just a shame the skiffy channel goes into other programming during holliday weekends. So it'll be a couple weeks at least before I'll probably find it possible/convenient to watch it.

I shall catch it, I do hope I remember. :eek:

Dory alert.
I believe that's Jayne and NEVER tell him it's a girl's name or he's likely to push his favourite gun somewhere you'd find a little uncomfortable :D
You should definitely watch episode 5 - "out of gas"

If i remember this episode was nominated for an emmy for writing. It provides some backstory, and is quite a bit different than your typical scifi episode.
I watched about half of Firefly when it first came out, then stopped. It was mostly the cowboy thing that I couldn't buy. Okay, space is a frontier, and it would be tough going, in a strange wilderness, to pioneer there, no problem. But, given the cost of space travel per pound, no one would be hauling, i.e., oxen and yokes to a distant planet. That was just stupid. Primitive conditions, fine, but that didn't make any sense whatsoever.
But, given the cost of space travel per pound, no one would be hauling, i.e., oxen and yokes to a distant planet. That was just stupid.

I don't think it was supposed to make real-world economic sense really, but to make tonal or metaphorical-kinda sense and give the story-world a specific color.

Heck, maybe the dumping of colonists on planets with little more than a herd is more of a social thing than an economic thing. There did seem to be quite a bit of arrogance toward those on inner planets to those from outter planets.
i'm still undecided if I should check this out. If GKE's mind is altered by the end of the run I may be tempted. Its often easier to let others make simple decisions for me, even some guy in New York...

I'm not a big buffy/ Angel fan. buffy was great four 3 seasons, Angel for the second, thats a bout as much as I watched.

Joss Wheldon is ok, but I sometimes fail to see what the fuss is about.

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