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The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Please

Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

Thanks Kosh. Any idea when we'll get any info? Such as Format, when, cast, basic premise?

Didn't anyone from this forum (besides me) attend the Hawthorne con, and post about it afterwards? JMS made it quite clear that the new project is a film.


Thnaks, I saw the transcripts a couple folks wrote up, but, I didn't remember having seen that. I only remember the 2:35:1 (Please don't barbecue me if that's not right, it's close enough everyone should know what I mean)sized hole in his head comment, which, although pretty obvious, isn't confirmation.
Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

I wonder when Warner Brothers will be making an announcement.

<Broad Irish Cop Accent from an old WB cartoon>

Hey! [points to thread title] The sign says, "No speculation". If I catch any of ya people speculatin' it ain't gonna be pretty. We've had our bit o' news, now move along. Nothin' to see here. When there's real news, we'll be lettin' ya know.


Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

Thanks, Joe - now I'm going to have that Bugs Bunny vs. Rocky scene in my head all day ("If my friend Rocky was in here, copper, would I do....this?"). :p

Anyway, does it count as speculation even though JMS mimed the operation of a movie camera (and this in addition to the aspect ratio clue)?? I mean, come on!

Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

Bugs: ("If my friend Rocky was in here, copper, would I do....this?"). :p

Clancy: Ye might, Rabbit, ye MIIIIGHT


(Hey, no speculation, no foul)

Rabbit season!
Duck season!


Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

Jan posted this in the other forum, but I thought it should also be CC'd here as this is a news thread.

From: jmsatb5@aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 8/3/04 9:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <20040803163259.12089.00002857@mb-m01.aol.com>

>1. When will Season 2 of "Jeremiah" be released on DVD? We don't have
>Showtime, and we've watched Season 1 Dvds ad infinitum.

I've no idea, it's an MGM decision, and they have not consulted or informed me
concerning any of the DVDs.

>2. Does the recent death of Richard Biggs mean that the B5:MoS project
>has been cancel(l)ed or postponed?

It's resulted in a slowdown to make changes and adjust things.

>3. Will the remaining eight episodes already filmed of "Jeremiah"
>constitute Season 3 or part of Season 2?

They were filmed as season 2, how Showtime chooses to market them is their


(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)
Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

In response to:

I would like to raise the question of who would be the perfect actor to take on the role of Dr Franklin - and do it in a manner that could preserve the character.

jms said:

That character will not be recast.


Since no one seems to actually use this post, I figure I will keep it up-to-date as a 1-stop source for TMoS news:


From: jmsatb5@aol.com (jms at b5)
Subject: from jms 8/23/04
To: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
Date: 8/23/2004 7:06:26 PM

Just some quick, minor updates....

<edited out comic stuff>

Pending contractual negotiations and formal pickup by the networks involved, I've been offered two different series, so we'll see which goes first. They could both be very cool to work on, but one of them could be insanely successful. I should know more about this situation in late October. (Neither is Trek-related, just to nip any potential rumors in the bud.)

Starting sometime in October, in an unrelated project, our friends in Britain can expect to see me hanging about on-and-off in the general vicinity of London. Just, y'know, workin', doin' stuff.

<edited out convention stuff and buddy the cat update>

Oh, and in the next week or so I should be turning in the next-to-final draft of the TMoS screenplay.


(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)
Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

Hope this fits your criteria, but anyway:

Earlier this month I was at DragonCon in Atlanta, GA, USA and got to meet and get autographs from the great Peter Jurasik. As I had my "PRESS" badge on, he was very chatty (he even signed a picture -"To the best writer in the Centauri Republic!")
So, after we talked a bit about Richard Biggs, I asked him straight up, "Is there going to be a new Babylon 5 production anytime soon?"
Peter: with a grin Well, you know how things are in Hollywood. It's on in the morning and after lunch it's off again. Echoes and whispers are all i hear. Really, it's all just the movement of shadows right now. wink

Yep, he winked at me when he said, "It's all just the movement of shadows right now."

So, I of course laughed as I thought it was a cute reference to Shadows - coming from Londo and all. Then he signed my pics and I shook his hand and walked off to see Lorenzo Lamas.

On my way back up the escalator, it hit me:
The Movement of Shadows = TMoS

I now know that isn't the correct title (according to JMS' post above) but still, how cool was that? Besides, maybe Peter didn't mean anyting by it, but it's possible that Movement was an earlier title and he just didn't know about the change yet.

Hey, maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it was a blast to meet him anyway.
Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

Sounds like Peter has been taking Vorlon lessons...
Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

What Peter J said to me at the "Babylon 5 Diplomatic Mixer" was that he wouldn't believe anything was happening until he was given a contract to sign. Which doesn't mean that he hasn't heard anything, just that he's not committed to anything.

Isn't he an altogether nice man??

Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

I also believe this to mean that the project isn't as far along as everyone seems, and is still far from a done deal. Hopefully within a few months we will hear something more concrete and things get green lighted.
Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

I also believe this to mean that the project isn't as far along as everyone seems, and is still far from a done deal. Hopefully within a few months we will hear something more concrete and things get green lighted.

This is not necessarily the case. Just because actors, or in this case an actor, hasn't been offered or signed his contract does not mean the project isn't a full go.

Most often the OC of Trek weren't notified of a new film until a mere week or two before filming was scheduled to begin.

Remember, the actors usually aren't needed until principle photography...and there's a lot to get done prior to that.

I wouldn't read anything into it. He's obviously aware of what's going on, but simply hasn't done the contract for his part as yet.

Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

This is not necessarily the case. Just because actors, or in this case an actor, hasn't been offered or signed his contract does not mean the project isn't a full go.

Most often the OC of Trek weren't notified of a new film until a mere week or two before filming was scheduled to begin.

Weren't notified at all? Or weren't given a schedule?Wouldn't they have at least had to agree to appear in it?

CE, maybe you can clear something up. There's a bit of an upset over on the moderated newsgroup where a fan emailed Jerry Doyle asking if he'd read the TMoS script yet. This seems to have displeased JMS greatly. My question is, would actors in a feature film generally be shown the script when offered a part or is that only for the major stars, if any?

Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

After this Jerry Doyle thing and all this silence surrounding TMoS, JMS never made any comment or gave us any hint like he used to, the only thing that comes to my mind is:

TPTB of WB must have demanded some kind of "Silence Law" in a serious way. With the risk of contract breaking and all the legal implications.
That's the only explanations for all this secrecy for months, after tons of hints that he gave us before.
Just my humble opinion.

Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

There's a bit of an upset over on the moderated newsgroup where a fan emailed Jerry Doyle asking if he'd read the TMoS script yet. This seems to have displeased JMS greatly.

Just FYI, JMS did not upset or hurt my feelings. I mean, yeah I do feel a little embarrassed (seeing how my name is plastered at JMSnews.com ).

But I can safely say that ain't even close to worst thing that's ever happened to me, not by a long shot! :)

I don't see where you did anything wrong. If JMS didn't want the information getting around then he shouldn't have put it out there, simple as that. Last I checked the internet was known as the "information superhighway." If you put stuff out there, you know it's gonna travel fast. If you don't want the actors to know something then don't tell their fans, because it's eventually gonna get back to them.
Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

I'm loosing respect for JMS. Like that time he made fun of a fan's fan fiction. He is an asshole sometimes.
Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

I'm loosing respect for JMS. Like that time he made fun of a fan's fan fiction. He is an asshole sometimes.

He's just a guy. Don't hold him to any higher or different standard than any other poster.

BTW, he answered my post about his being harsh and clarified why he answered the way he did. Still harsh, but makes a certain sense, too.

Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl

Bloody hell.....

Just shows what you miss if you are off the net for a while...

for my ten penneths worth I kinda agree with JMS but the words were kinda harsh.


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