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The Official Myriam Sirois Thread

**RW is excited because Myriam answered his questions**

Thanks Myriam!

Lorien: Who are you?
RW: The salad man.
Lorien: Why are you here?
RW: To be the salad ambassador.
Lorien: What do you want?
RW: Everyone to know the joys of salad.
Lorien: Do you have anything worth living for?
RW: Yes, my salad bars.
Sorry Myriam about leaving out the word "cry". I have edited it in now.

Thank you for answering.

Andrew Swallow
Just wanted to say that we think U b Kewl.
Can't wait until the 19th!!!
Be there be square
I don't have anything to say here.

*Revives thread*

We love ya Myriam!!!!

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by crazybillyo:
*Revives thread*

We love ya Myriam!!!!


**Stands next to billy and begins a chant of "Myriam, Myriam"**

Dulann: You don't solve your problems by hitting them.
David Martel: Yeah, well, it made me feel better.
Myriam! Myriam! Myriam!

Hey Myriam, here's your "official" thread. Thought I'd give it an old bump back up to the top of the board
. Well...at least for the time being.

"We live for the one, we die for the one."
Excellent job, Myriam. I only now got to see the movie since I was on vacation.

Liked the spikiness of Sarah's personality, and the back and forth with David.

And the gunnery pod was quite a sequence. I thought it was innovative, and still rooted in what we already knew of Minbari culture and design.

Hated the "It ain't over till it's over" line, but I pretty much hate that quote whenever it's (over)used.

I hope to get the chance to see both you and Sarah on my tv screen for many years to come.


A ship in a port is safe, but that's not what ships are for.

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper

How's everybody? Hope you've all had a great weekend. I went away to Montreal for a couple of days and well...seemed to have missed all the fun!

I have to give Dylan credit he sure knows how to spark discussion, it's taken me over an hour to read through it all. Wow!

I just wanted to say thanks for all the continued support and a BIG THANK YOU to all of you who are spending time writing letters. What more could any of us ask for? I am truly touched by your efforts.

I wish there was something more I could say but I guess THANK YOU will have to do.

Speak to you soon, Myriam

P.S. Thank you to all of you who have posted here. I greatly appreciate it
Bye for now...M

It is now February 2nd, and is officially Myriam's 27th birthday!

Have a great one Myriam!

Good to see you had a nice trip, and you're welcome for all the support. You're part of the family now.

Have a nice day.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.

"You are all in violation of security ordinance 22V3A. That means get the hell out of here!
- Zack

[This message has been edited by GaribaldiHairs (edited February 02, 2002).]
Bon Anniversaire!

Sheridan:Are you sure we can't jump
Sheridan:Then we have a problem
Lennier:No $h!t Sherlock
Sheridan:RUN FOR IT!!!!
Downbelow Sound Archive
J'espere vous etes tres heureuse avec votre vie!(please pardon my most likely incorrect 9th grade french grammar)

Sheridan:Are you sure we can't jump
Sheridan:Then we have a problem
Lennier:No $h!t Sherlock
Sheridan:RUN FOR IT!!!!
Downbelow Sound Archive
Happy Birthday Myriam!

Dulann: You don't solve your problems by hitting them.
David Martel: Yeah, well, it made me feel better.
Aha! I knew I screwed up! I should have said "J'espere vous etre tres heureuse avec votre vie!"

Sheridan:Are you sure we can't jump
Sheridan:Then we have a problem
Lennier:No $h!t Sherlock
Sheridan:RUN FOR IT!!!!
Downbelow Sound Archive
No Kribu! Please sing! And just in case in the unlikely scenario that your lovely voice causes someone's head to explode I'll take the full blame

Sheridan:Are you sure we can't jump
Sheridan:Then we have a problem
Lennier:No $h!t Sherlock
Sheridan:RUN FOR IT!!!!
Downbelow Sound Archive

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