I did agree the screaming sequence was a bit over the top, and needed to be dialed down a bit.
However, overall I think it's an original idea, and if nothing else, I respect JMS for giving it a try.
Actually, I find that it might be the only really good way to handle a ship like that, and may actually be standard on most Minbari ships. Why you say? Glad you asked.
We've never truely seen Minbari ships, except for White Stars, where you see the weapons expert firing. It could very well be that even on Sharlins and other standard Minbari cruisers and destoryers, this is how it's done. Why? Because even the commanders of a battle use this holographic interface. The Minbari are big on holograms, so why not design and interface that allows a full spectrum of the battle from a better perspective than a little grid on a little crystal display (or whatever the White Star's use) This, of course, is all theory, but it's possible.
The reason the White Stars be different might be for several reasons. One, humans came into the picture, and since humans are used to a standard, sit behind a console and look at something throught that, that it might be more efficant for them. Two, the White Star's weapon systems seem forward only. Why float around and do all those acrobatics when you can only fire in basically one direction? Where as the new vessel seemed to be able to fire from every direction (and we've seen Sharlin's fire from almost all directions except the aft quarter)
Again, this is all in an effort to explain it, and I'm sure JMS could do better than I. However, I think if it's used properly (aka, not the last time, when Sarah was on too many stims), it isn't really that bad, and has SOME better qualities than a standard interface.
Just my 2 cents.
It's like I've always said, you can get more with a kind word and a 2 by 4 than you can with just a kind word.