Re: The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was comi
Even though I consider myself a Christian (or, more to the point, what I believe is more in synch with Christianity than any other religion) I can't ignore 30+ years of human experience. The fact that early Christians were ostricized and persecuted doesn't tell me anything about the existence of Jesus. Hell, from what I've seen, there's always a group of people that are more than willing to be ostricized and persecuted -- everything from boys piercing their ears; to spiked hair and purple hair; to tattos and brandings; to hate groups and satan worshippers; to cultists and comet worshippers.... people have been doing stuff like this since the beginning of time. Jim Jones got a 1,000 people to drink the Kool-Aid... Marshall Applewhite got 39 computer programmers in California to castrate themselves and commit suicide in order to reach the "mother ship".... The fact that people are fanatic about their beliefs doesn't really say anything about the validity of those beliefs.
If they are ruled out, why else would a human being do what they did?
Even though I consider myself a Christian (or, more to the point, what I believe is more in synch with Christianity than any other religion) I can't ignore 30+ years of human experience. The fact that early Christians were ostricized and persecuted doesn't tell me anything about the existence of Jesus. Hell, from what I've seen, there's always a group of people that are more than willing to be ostricized and persecuted -- everything from boys piercing their ears; to spiked hair and purple hair; to tattos and brandings; to hate groups and satan worshippers; to cultists and comet worshippers.... people have been doing stuff like this since the beginning of time. Jim Jones got a 1,000 people to drink the Kool-Aid... Marshall Applewhite got 39 computer programmers in California to castrate themselves and commit suicide in order to reach the "mother ship".... The fact that people are fanatic about their beliefs doesn't really say anything about the validity of those beliefs.