I'm new here, And I just wanted to say Thanks for posting those files.
I have had nothing but problems registering at scifi.com, and they still haven't sent me the confermation number yet.
I don't know what scifi.com was thinking. Thier registeration page even says that it could take a few hours before the confermation code is sent, yet they're making the trailer available for only a few hours...Hello?
I don't know who's idea it was to require registeration before you could see the trailer, but the least they could've done was to make sure thier system could handle the load, and keep the content available longer in case it couldn't. As slow as thier site is, and between the registeration requirement and registeration taking so long that I'd be surprised if anyone recieves thier confirmation code before the trailer is pulled, there are going to be a lot of disappointed fans. Nice going, scifi.com.
Oh, BTW, if your trying to veiw streaming video over a modem connection, it will suck, no matter what format it's in. With the lossy compression being used, a lot of the information has to be sacrificed so that it can fit over a modem connection, and not take forever until it can be played. This is true, to a varying extent, for all streaming formats, not just realplayer. Just a bit of internet trivia for today.
[This message has been edited by Scott (edited June 12, 2001).]