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The Rangers

The trick if they ask Us questions is that they might get so many cointradictory answers they have trouble keeping them straight.

After all, we argue about So Many things in the B5 Universe because JMS hasn't told us the "Official" answers yet.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
It seems to me that the best and fairest way of handling this is to let members of the forum ask any question they want of anybody - with the understanding that neither the actors nor anybody else is obligated to reply. This is how JMS does things on the moderated newsgroup: If you put "ATTN JMS" in the title of a post, you can be pretty sure he'll read it. But you can't be sure he'll answer, and the group has an informal "no whining if you don't get a reply" rule. We did things the same way on Compuserve. You could address a public message specifically to JMS and if he answered it, fine. If he didn't, also fine.

The Home Theater Forum has a similar rule for two studio execs that are members of the group. You can post an "ATTN Fox" or "ATTN Paramount" message. If either the Fox VP or Paramount VP can answer the question publicly and wants to, they do. Otherwise they don't. (HTF goes as far as asking that the members not use the studio folks' names in the thread titles since "Fox" and "Paramount" are enough to get their attention.)

As long as arrangement is agreed to and understood by all parties, we shouldn't have any problems. I certainly think it would be preferable to an outright ban on asking questions.

Just my 2 cents.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Citizen DF, welcome aboard. I agree Antony should get paid for all of his work on this site. The monitors, too. But I bet they would not want to work under the rules and regs. of the scifi.com's world, either.

That's the trouble with that, I would think. You'd find yourself bound by their preferences. And considering the fact that they are a big business, they might object to some of what is said here.

To pay for the site, I think we could buy something. I don't tend to buy scifi nick-nacks or anything. (Gkar's bust was very expensive when it was being advertised.) But if I ever see something I like, I'll buy it. Antony will get something like (1/2) penny for it!

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo

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