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The Title - again

I wouldn't. We have already seen the climax of the Shadow War, so what would be the point of re-doing it now.
Lazy story-telling at its worst.

That was suggested as part of a montage/recap to bring newbies up to speed, not as the main plot of the whole movie. Chill out, dude. :)

The Teep War and the Legacy of the Shadows are two plot threads that we haven't seen, even if we have an idea of how they turned out. B5 was always more about the process and the journey than the result. (Hell, why should anyone have watched Crusade? We already knew the plague got cured. For that matter we knew by the end of "Midnight on the Firing Line" that G'Kar and Londo would kill each other. We just didn't know the context - which kinda makes a difference.)


For that matter we knew by the end of "Midnight on the Firing Line" that G'Kar and Londo would kill each other. We just didn't know the context - which kinda makes a difference.)
Well, in all fairness, at the time that episode first aired, we had no idea that they would REALLY die like that. At that point it was just a dream or preminition. Something to add mystery and make you wonder.

In War Without End it them became fact that yes, they did kill each other, and "oh by the way" that dream/preminition back in MotFL really did come to pass.
I like The Memory of Shadows... it has a nice ring to it.

Though if I was going to come up with one, it would have to be 'The Measurements of Sheridan'

LACKY: "Mr President, your suit is ready!"
SHERIDAN: "About time, I'm starting to get cold... what the hell?"
LACKY: "What is it sir?"
SHERIDAN: "It doesn't fit! Who the hell took my measurements? I want him tracked down and punished!"
LACKY: "Do you want me to send out the Rangers for good measure?"
SHERIDAN: "No, no, they always make bad tailors..."
If the other character had been "Lochley" instead of "Lacky", presumably she would already know "the measurement of Sherian". But that way lies NC-17, so we'll move on...

I can't believe we all missed the most obvious title of all:

Babylon 5: The Mallard of Sinclair.

<runs away>


That was suggested as part of a montage/recap to bring newbies up to speed, not as the main plot of the whole movie. Chill out, dude. :)

You're absolutely right Joe, my bad.

That's what happens when real life spills over into your discussion board postings - having recently had a long ... erm ... "philosophical" discussion with a buddy of mine about this very issue.

His argument was that the shadow war was B5's finest hour, and nothing else had come close to it so of course to make a B5 feature film really kick ass it should be a re-telling of that story in movie form. If that was successful a second movie could move onto something new.

Guess I was just still fighting that same argument when I got here.

Sorry ...

I wouldn't. We have already seen the climax of the Shadow War, so what would be the point of re-doing it now.
To set the stage for the "memory" of shadows, and to do it using modern movie wizardry... but I repeat myself.

Lazy story-telling at its worst.
Yeah, I knew JMS was a lazy bum the first time he did that "previously on Babylon 5" schtick, and it was confirmed by re-using scenes of prophecy and memory throughout the series. I mean, we heard the sounds of the Battle of the Line in the pilot. It was sheer "lazy storytelling at its worst" to then have an entire episode, frequent references in the arc, and then a whole telemovie about it! :LOL:

Luckily, I love some forms of "lazy storytelling at its worst."
How do you feel about reading follow-up messages before replying to the original message? :)
Like I said, I thought I was on the last page of the thread, and since GH was responding to my post I thought it polite to keep up the conversation. These things do happen, especially to those of us who engage in lazy postreading at its worst! :LOL:
I don't find it very likely that the film would start with the end of the Shadow War. It was kind of anticlimactic, and only made sense to us because we had all the back story on the Shadows and the Vorlons. You can't impress newcomers with the meaning of it all that quickly, without sounding kind of hokey, IMO. Of course, I could be wrong, and I'd still love to see the film, either way!
Having some spare time on my hands and with the thought that every movie has their own website these days, I typed all of the titles into my web browser (www.<insert name here>.com) to see whether any of them are registered.

A good idea, but that will only tell you if there is a 'live' website associated with the domain name. To actually check if those domain names have been registered by anyone (they could be registered, but not in use yet), you'd have to check the WHOIS engine at Network Solutions (or any other domain registration company). Think I'll get right on that... :)

So I _did_ start checking right away, and found that the followign domain names are unregistered, and available:


On a whim, I decided to also check out www.gkar.com, and found that it's registered to the Greater Kalamazoo Association of Realtors. Now _that's_ humor! :)

Evidently no one has made it over here from the posts in the other forum, so I'll be the first. Unless, of course, it's just that nobody bothered.

B5:TMoS does indeed stand for "The Memory of Shadows."

*Small, Tasteful Victory Dance at Getting it Right*
Evidently no one has made it over here from the posts in the other forum, so I'll be the first. Unless, of course, it's just that nobody bothered.

B5:TMoS does indeed stand for "The Memory of Shadows."

*Small, Tasteful Victory Dance at Getting it Right*

I'll be dancin' right along with ya! :D
But that's unpossible! :confused: JoeD, myself, CE, and vacantlook all correct at the same time?

NOW somebody tell me JMS doesn't read this board! :D
KoshFan wrote:
Evidently no one has made it over here from the posts in the other forum, so I'll be the first. Unless, of course, it's just that nobody bothered.

B5:TMoS does indeed stand for "The Memory of Shadows."

*Small, Tasteful Victory Dance at Getting it Right*

JMS's Confirmation of TMoS Title

From: jmsatb5@aol.com (Jms at B5)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
Subject: various from jms
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 12:26:59 +0000 (UTC)

My apologies for the prolonged absence, but the loss of Richard Biggs kind of
took the wind out of our sails and it's taken a while for me to feel up to
saying anything about B5. This has also had the effect of slowing up anything
to do with B5:TMoS (which as some of you have guessed or inferred does indeed
stand for The Memory of Shadows), because in the writing we/I never imagined he
wouldn't be here to be a part of it. More on that another time.


It looks like Nathan, aka "Blurrt", gets the door prize for the first person to correctly guess the title. Sorry Aisling, "The Meaning of Spoo" did not turn out to be the correct title.

Link to Nathan's Post

From: "Blurrt" <nsaulr@optushome.com.au>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
Subject: Re: JMS New Babylon 5 related project (sorry if its already been
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 13:26:53 +0000 (UTC)
2004-01-30 05:26:53 PST
Delivery-Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 06:26:44 -0700

"Jms at B5" <jmsatb5@aol.com> wrote in message

> Writing on B5:TMoS is complete,

The Memory of Shadows



Dan Dassow

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