WHAT CHANNE WOULD DO IF SHE WROTE FOR RANGERS (part one)... just for Apocalypse_Box!
A good amount of the conflict would be foreshadowed in the pilot - and, by the end of season four, the viewers would be able to trace a lot of the conflict back to each character's truth - the fact that Martel's looking for something, Tafeek's difficult road, the reason why Malcolm never sees his face. Each one of these truths would be tied together within the greater story - each one of these truths would affect one another. That scene would be the basis of a lot of the interpersonal conflict between the main characters and those they meet on their journeys through the stars.
I'd go with a five-year structure, as well; not to copy JMS, as I know some of you will scream, but the fact that a five-year structure is perfect for telling a dramatic story: establishment, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution. So, I'll keep this Babylon 5 tradition (and, indeed, from-the-beginning-of-western-drama tradition).
While to come up with a fairly involved story arc in the amount of time I have to write this is positively ludicrous, there are a number of things I would definitely address.
- One of the primary themes in the show would be communication - between races, between people. The dearth of it, the profusion of it, what happens when it's true and what happens when it's false.
- The Hand would remain a primary antagonist. One problem, though - how do I overcome turning them into Thirdspace aliens or just another bunch of Shadows? Let me think about this for a bit.
- I would make Tafeek a Worker caste, and through him we'd see more about the Rangers and about the Minbari. If I had my druthers, he would have become a Ranger after the Minbari Civil War. Hey, maybe he was the Minbari version of human resources at the Whitestar construction yards. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
Um, I'm rambling. More later on. Stay tuned.