This is intended as a lighthearted stab due to the serious debate in off topic that took place a couple days ago.
500,000 years ago, the vorlons and shadows were in one of their great wars, and the vorlons chose earth as a military colony, but there was a vast pre-industrial society all over the planet. The Vorlons chose that the only way to not truly interfere with the natural evolution of the humans, was to interfere in the evolution of the humans, and thus they decided to adjust the genetic patterns of the humans, making the Vorlons appear as gods to the young race. In the following 2000 years, there were many battles between the Shadows and the Vorlons on Earth, and the humans witnessed almost every one, seeing what they could only interpret as gods and demons fighting one another, this is where the mythological Greek and roman gods came from. After the war was over, they saw the damage they had done to the people of Earth, and they devised a plan to get the humans back on their natural evolutionary course, or, at least as close as possible. The Vorlons decided that there could be no more than one Vorlon on Earth at a time, and that it could no longer be used as a war colony like it had been by the First Ones 164 ½ million years ago. They then slowly began working out the old pagan religion and replacing it with the monotheistic religion that they themselves once believed in, before they had been shown otherwise, or so they thought, by the Third Space Aliens.
Moses, when he parted the ocean, had a Vorlon within him, that he did not know about, who spoke to him, similar to how Kosh spoke to Sheridan on Z?Ha?Dum, when Moses struck his staff down upon the ocean floor, the Vorlon with in him parted the ocean, to allow the Jews to escape.
Abraham, who gave us the Ten Commandments, and is considered by many to be the father of the monotheistic religion, spoke not to god, but to a Vorlon in the open, who he believed, and was made to believe, that the Vorlon was God.
At this point there hadn?t been a war with the Shadows in around 8000 years, but the Vorlons knew that the Ancient Enemy would return sometime soon, and they believed in a prophecy that a human would come along, be donned the chosen one, and defeat the Shadows for good. They had believed this man to be the one known to us as Jesus Christ, and the Vorlons manipulated him as they manipulated all humans, into believing that he was the son of ?god.? Unfortunately, for the Vorlons, he was mortally injured before they had been able to get him to the point where he would come with them, they came down and paralyzed him on his crucifix, so that it appeared as he had died. When he was entombed, they returned to him, and healed him, making it look as if he had returned from the dead. When he was ?brought up to heaven by his father? as the people of earth, and he himself were made to believe, he was really being pulled up by a tractor beam, into a Vorlon ship, there they examined him in very close detail, and watched as he handled what had been given to him. They decided very quickly that he was not the chosen one, but he would be good to spread the word the vorlons wanted on other worlds, so they adjusted him, and they sent him out to other worlds, to spread the word of ?god? and an orderly way of life. The Vorlons gave him a good life, much longer than he would have lived had he not been influenced by the Vorlons, sadly, in a blaze of glory, he died around 1000 years later, in the last great war against the Shadows.
To this day, all of our religious beliefs (if you have them) are from Vorlons, and so I say:
500,000 years ago, the vorlons and shadows were in one of their great wars, and the vorlons chose earth as a military colony, but there was a vast pre-industrial society all over the planet. The Vorlons chose that the only way to not truly interfere with the natural evolution of the humans, was to interfere in the evolution of the humans, and thus they decided to adjust the genetic patterns of the humans, making the Vorlons appear as gods to the young race. In the following 2000 years, there were many battles between the Shadows and the Vorlons on Earth, and the humans witnessed almost every one, seeing what they could only interpret as gods and demons fighting one another, this is where the mythological Greek and roman gods came from. After the war was over, they saw the damage they had done to the people of Earth, and they devised a plan to get the humans back on their natural evolutionary course, or, at least as close as possible. The Vorlons decided that there could be no more than one Vorlon on Earth at a time, and that it could no longer be used as a war colony like it had been by the First Ones 164 ½ million years ago. They then slowly began working out the old pagan religion and replacing it with the monotheistic religion that they themselves once believed in, before they had been shown otherwise, or so they thought, by the Third Space Aliens.
Moses, when he parted the ocean, had a Vorlon within him, that he did not know about, who spoke to him, similar to how Kosh spoke to Sheridan on Z?Ha?Dum, when Moses struck his staff down upon the ocean floor, the Vorlon with in him parted the ocean, to allow the Jews to escape.
Abraham, who gave us the Ten Commandments, and is considered by many to be the father of the monotheistic religion, spoke not to god, but to a Vorlon in the open, who he believed, and was made to believe, that the Vorlon was God.
At this point there hadn?t been a war with the Shadows in around 8000 years, but the Vorlons knew that the Ancient Enemy would return sometime soon, and they believed in a prophecy that a human would come along, be donned the chosen one, and defeat the Shadows for good. They had believed this man to be the one known to us as Jesus Christ, and the Vorlons manipulated him as they manipulated all humans, into believing that he was the son of ?god.? Unfortunately, for the Vorlons, he was mortally injured before they had been able to get him to the point where he would come with them, they came down and paralyzed him on his crucifix, so that it appeared as he had died. When he was entombed, they returned to him, and healed him, making it look as if he had returned from the dead. When he was ?brought up to heaven by his father? as the people of earth, and he himself were made to believe, he was really being pulled up by a tractor beam, into a Vorlon ship, there they examined him in very close detail, and watched as he handled what had been given to him. They decided very quickly that he was not the chosen one, but he would be good to spread the word the vorlons wanted on other worlds, so they adjusted him, and they sent him out to other worlds, to spread the word of ?god? and an orderly way of life. The Vorlons gave him a good life, much longer than he would have lived had he not been influenced by the Vorlons, sadly, in a blaze of glory, he died around 1000 years later, in the last great war against the Shadows.
To this day, all of our religious beliefs (if you have them) are from Vorlons, and so I say: