SCIFI.COM & Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers
Babylon 5 Fans,
The SCI FI Channel has teamed up with J. Michael Straczynski to create a new BABYLON 5 movie, THE LEGEND OF THE RANGERS. The movie will air on SCI FI in January 2002, and you can find more information about it on our newly relaunched RANGERS Web site at
As most of you know, RANGERS is both a stand-alone movie and a pilot for a potential series. That means the better the movie does in the ratings, the better chance there will be for an ongoing RANGERS show. SCI FI will be launching a traditional marketing campaign in the coming months to support the movie, but we'd also like to try something that's never been done before: we'd like to add you to the RANGERS support team.
We know BABYLON 5 fans are among the most passionate fans on the planet, and we also know that you want what we want: to see more BABYLON 5 on the air. So we'd like to enlist BABYLON 5 fans who want to help us with a grassroots effort aimed at attracting new viewers to Rangers. Here is how you can help:
->Send us your ideas about how fans could best help promote/support the movie, keeping in mind that the goal is to reach sci-fi fans who would not ordinarily tune into a BABYLON 5 movie.
->Let us now if you think invitations, T-shirts and downloadable flyers (that can be printed and handed out and/or posted) with tune-in information would be useful for B5 fans to give out and/or wear in order to get other people to watch the movie.
->If you are a fan who owns a car and frequently drives in the New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas, Washington, Detroit or Atlanta metropolitan areas, and you would be willing to have your car "wrapped" in advertising for RANGERS, please let us know. The types of cars most suited for wrapping are:
Plymouth - P.T. Cruiser
Volkswagen - Beetles, Jettas
Lincoln - Navigator
Ford - Explorer, Expeditions, Excursions, F-150, Dulies, All Vans
GMC - Jimmy, All Vans
Chevy - Astro Vans, Conversion Vans, All commercial Vans
Dodge - Durango, Ram Trucks
Nissan - Pathfinder, Extera, Maxima
Honda - Civic
BMW - M-3
Please send your ideas to and/or indicate your interest in having your car wrapped by Wednesday, Oct. 24.
And please visit for the latest news and updates on the series.
it sounds like the promotion is starting up.
No one here is exactly what he appears.
G'Kar - Andreas Katsulas
Nothing's the same anymore.
Commander Sinclair - Michael O'Hare
Babylon 5
Babylon 5 Fans,
The SCI FI Channel has teamed up with J. Michael Straczynski to create a new BABYLON 5 movie, THE LEGEND OF THE RANGERS. The movie will air on SCI FI in January 2002, and you can find more information about it on our newly relaunched RANGERS Web site at
As most of you know, RANGERS is both a stand-alone movie and a pilot for a potential series. That means the better the movie does in the ratings, the better chance there will be for an ongoing RANGERS show. SCI FI will be launching a traditional marketing campaign in the coming months to support the movie, but we'd also like to try something that's never been done before: we'd like to add you to the RANGERS support team.
We know BABYLON 5 fans are among the most passionate fans on the planet, and we also know that you want what we want: to see more BABYLON 5 on the air. So we'd like to enlist BABYLON 5 fans who want to help us with a grassroots effort aimed at attracting new viewers to Rangers. Here is how you can help:
->Send us your ideas about how fans could best help promote/support the movie, keeping in mind that the goal is to reach sci-fi fans who would not ordinarily tune into a BABYLON 5 movie.
->Let us now if you think invitations, T-shirts and downloadable flyers (that can be printed and handed out and/or posted) with tune-in information would be useful for B5 fans to give out and/or wear in order to get other people to watch the movie.
->If you are a fan who owns a car and frequently drives in the New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas, Washington, Detroit or Atlanta metropolitan areas, and you would be willing to have your car "wrapped" in advertising for RANGERS, please let us know. The types of cars most suited for wrapping are:
Plymouth - P.T. Cruiser
Volkswagen - Beetles, Jettas
Lincoln - Navigator
Ford - Explorer, Expeditions, Excursions, F-150, Dulies, All Vans
GMC - Jimmy, All Vans
Chevy - Astro Vans, Conversion Vans, All commercial Vans
Dodge - Durango, Ram Trucks
Nissan - Pathfinder, Extera, Maxima
Honda - Civic
BMW - M-3
Please send your ideas to and/or indicate your interest in having your car wrapped by Wednesday, Oct. 24.
And please visit for the latest news and updates on the series.
it sounds like the promotion is starting up.

No one here is exactly what he appears.
G'Kar - Andreas Katsulas
Nothing's the same anymore.
Commander Sinclair - Michael O'Hare
Babylon 5