Joseph DeMartino
There was an exchange on the newsgroup about interspecies mating and reproduction, which led to the question of G'Kar's offer of a "direct mating"* to Lyta, which led to a discussion whether or not the Narn government would pick up the tab for all the attempts to impregnate Lyta, which led to a question about whether or not the Narn government subsidized G'Kar's other extra-cirricular activies with Human females:
From: Narn Embassy to the Interstellar Alliance, Minbar
To: RW
Date: December 14, 2312 (Earth Standard)
Re: Your request for financial records of Narn Diplomatic Mission to
Babylon 5, 2257 to 2262 (ES)
While the IA "Freedom of Information Act" requires that we declassify some records from the period under discussion, all information pertaining to the late Ambassador G'Kar, of blessed memory, remains sensitive. Therefore we are unable to supply you with the information rather rudely requested in your letter quoted above. However, in the spirit of interstellar cooperation we have undertaken to review Ambassador G'Kar's expense reports for the period and can find no reference to anything resembling a "fluffer" or a "floozie". Ambassador G'Kar, as we're sure you know from your history, was a highly moral and deeply spiritual figure who embodied all that is best in the Narn species. He was pure of body, as well as pure of soul.
Indeed, the Human expression "cleanliness is next to godliness" might have been coined to describe Ambassador G'Kar. The only unusal items on his expense reports for the period you requested concern contracts for cleaning and laundry services for the Narn mission - which were much higher than for any other diplomatic establishment and seem to have required an unusual number of personnel. Perhaps the odd Human insistance on limiting employees of such services to females (about which the Ambassador informed us shortly after his arrival at Babylon 5) gave rise to the rumors you seem to have heard about. I have enclosed a facsimile of a typical expense report for your inspection. I trust this answers you question.
Commercial Attache
* (For the record I am of the opinion that it is impossible for any interspecies mating in the B5 universe to produce a pregnancy, much less viable off-spring, and that G'Kar was just using the "direct mating" idea as a way to get Lyta into bed - on the theory that she wouldn't know any better.)
> Surely they don't foot the bill for *all* those fluffers -- er, hm,
floozies -- that G'kar enjoys? < - Raven Woman
From: Narn Embassy to the Interstellar Alliance, Minbar
To: RW
Date: December 14, 2312 (Earth Standard)
Re: Your request for financial records of Narn Diplomatic Mission to
Babylon 5, 2257 to 2262 (ES)
While the IA "Freedom of Information Act" requires that we declassify some records from the period under discussion, all information pertaining to the late Ambassador G'Kar, of blessed memory, remains sensitive. Therefore we are unable to supply you with the information rather rudely requested in your letter quoted above. However, in the spirit of interstellar cooperation we have undertaken to review Ambassador G'Kar's expense reports for the period and can find no reference to anything resembling a "fluffer" or a "floozie". Ambassador G'Kar, as we're sure you know from your history, was a highly moral and deeply spiritual figure who embodied all that is best in the Narn species. He was pure of body, as well as pure of soul.
Indeed, the Human expression "cleanliness is next to godliness" might have been coined to describe Ambassador G'Kar. The only unusal items on his expense reports for the period you requested concern contracts for cleaning and laundry services for the Narn mission - which were much higher than for any other diplomatic establishment and seem to have required an unusual number of personnel. Perhaps the odd Human insistance on limiting employees of such services to females (about which the Ambassador informed us shortly after his arrival at Babylon 5) gave rise to the rumors you seem to have heard about. I have enclosed a facsimile of a typical expense report for your inspection. I trust this answers you question.
Commercial Attache
* (For the record I am of the opinion that it is impossible for any interspecies mating in the B5 universe to produce a pregnancy, much less viable off-spring, and that G'Kar was just using the "direct mating" idea as a way to get Lyta into bed - on the theory that she wouldn't know any better.)