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"Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

I'm going to post something on the story tomorrow; I've been working doggedly on my thesis (due next Friday, aiie!) and I spent most of my night preparing for a meeting that no one had the decency to inform me that they were not attending. Always nice of them.

I'll be back on the story circuit tomorrow morning!

Channe, the next JMS
Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter - tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther... and one fine morning - so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
-f. scott fitzgerald
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> MEMORANDUM

TO: H. Schneider, Director, Operations
FROM: J. Callenegra, CEO
RE: L. Chenei, M.D., Ph.D. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OOOH! Some really Nice subtext there.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

*pokes some life into the thread, grinning*



Henderson is curled sadly in the corner of a slightly damp floor, in a cell similar - identical - to the one she was in before. She coughs a bit, and this awakens her. As her eyes open, she immediately realizes where she is and galvanizes into action. She reaches for her gun instinctively - it isn't there, of course. She looks like hell - and from the way she doubles over when she tries to get up, she feels broken, too.

HENDERSON (muttered)
Oh... hell...

From out of nowhere -

Hell is... death, correct?

She looks sharply up.

Wh- who's there?



As before. A few seconds after the last scene. Keller is sitting on the floor of her cell, one hand on the Bravo team member's corpse, looking almost like on herself.

What do you want from us?

She looks down at Tom.


As before. Henderson attempts to stay unfazed.

I've seen worse than hell.

No doubt that you have.


We want - what we already have.

And the door opens on Keller's cell. A blinding light. Keller flinches. We cut directly back to Henderson and see no more of what happened to her.

Channe, the next JMS
Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter - tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther... and one fine morning - so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
-f. scott fitzgerald
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

*blinks, looks about, calls into the dark night*

Is there anybody...? Anybody at all...?

In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the grace of God.
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue


Venting gasses, tumbling out of control ...


MAR, CHENEI and DOWNEY scramble from their chairs, all pretense and animosity quickly forgotten in the emerging chaos.

Get to the god damn Hab Suits,
people !

All three work in the zero gravity awkwardly. The shuttle's tumbling doesn't really help ...

Finally MAR reaches a HAB SUIT ( big and bulky but futuristic ; think modern day EVA suits ) and pulls it on, we SWING ROUND to reveal the others doing the same.

Now what ?


The shuttle continues it's out of control roll but it is, barely and almost imperceptibly heading towards Ishnu ...

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue


Downey and Mar push off one end of the shuttle and drag themselves back into their chairs, quickly strapping in.

Sit down, strap in, shut the hell up.

Chenei looks about to give him a piece of her mind, but at a mouthed "just do it" from Mar, she pushes herself back into her seat and straps in her body and legs. She thinks for a moment, and locks her head in.

Calculating trajectory. Here we go.

I knew there was a reason I stayed awake during shuttle training...


The shuttle hurtles through the growing atmosphere, its outer hull burning. It's a spectacular sight.

However, even the untrained eye can see that the shuttle is tilting forward on its axis a bit more than it should.


As before.

We're off axis...


The camera turns now to Chenei, who smirks to herself, as if engaged in her own private joke. Between hand-movements, the two copilots strap themselves in preparation for landing.

We've cleared the outer atmosphere.

Too fast.

Can't slow down.

There, thirty-two point eight-five by ninety-five point two-three. Looks pretty clear for a crash landing. About two and a half clicks from Daly's last known signal.

CHENEI (aghast)

The two up-front pointedly ignore her.

Right. Sounds better than the side of a mountain to me.

Calculating final trajectory...


The view of the shuttle as it comes in, full-tilt, over the gorgeous forest of Ishnu, silouhetted against the green-blue sky.

The shuttle moves hell bent for Vegas to a clearing of some sort, and as it moves forward, it hits the ground, bouncing like a rubber ball, and then comes crashing down again. One whole side of the ship flies off, revealing the intestines of the vessel. It finally skids to a stop.


The interior is smoky, and damaged; what you'd expect from a crash-landing. The two co-pilots seem to be all right, if a bit rattled; they begin to unhook themselves from the seat.

Um, we're still alive. Nice job.

They'll skewer me for wrecking Company property.

Nat, we're all fired. We're more than fired. I'm never going to get a job again for the rest of my life.

Mar presses her lips together in a face reminiscent of a death's-head grin.

CHENEI (more to herself)
If we live through this.

Downey pauses, he turns.

What did you say?


She begins unhooking herself from the landing straps.

I'm sure you'd love to share with Nat and I, Doctor.

CHENEI (pointedly, obviously)
I seem to have forgotten what I just said. Now, if you want to get out of here with all of your intestines in that beer paunch of yours, I suggest you both begin to listen to me. This is my department now.

She sweeps by them and begins to unload supplies from a locker.

Downey and Mar exchange a look. There's something bad that passed between Downey and Chenei, a long time ago...

In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the grace of God.
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Something I thought we should know follows. As it is, it's slightly sketchy; if any of you feel like adding, deleting, or modifying, go right ahead.



The Company is one of the largest genetic/chemical research and development firms in the world. On its consumer side, it deals with pre-birth and in-womb genetic manipulation, has a line of health products specially formulated to make you look and feel younger, and operates a hospital division working with doctors to develop experimental therapy (to do what? no idea. research required. will get back to you on that.). There are other things, too, but this is all I can think of right now.

That's what the consumers - and most of the world - sees.

The Company also has a separate subdivision, where much of its profits from the health products go. This subdivision works indirectly for the Terran world government in biogenetic weapon development among other things.

Special Operations work for this side of the Company. In real life, they're billed as accountants, computer technicians, mailroom employees, security guards, etc.

They are hired through one way and one way only - through the Security program. The Company's holdings on different planets are quite extensive, and security is tight; occasionally, walking through a Company facility it won't be a surprise to see a few security guards standing by a door every few feet. Selection of Special Ops operatives takes place through the Security program only.

Special Ops employees are contracted, sworn to secrecy, and are asked to sign a Nondisclosure Agreement that gives the government and the company the right to 'take necessary action' if the Special Ops employee voluntarily is forced to or decides to spill any of the Company's carefully-placed beans. A dangerous job, but the rewards for successfully serving the Company in this way are often beyond any security guard's wildest dreams.

There are two divisions in Special Operations. One, Ground Division, operates mostly on planets. Two, Ship Division, operates the Company's research fleet (which, in this sort of day and age, isn't as out of the ordinary as it may sound; fleets of ships have replaced fleets of trucks and FedEx planes.).

Obviously, the Company has extensive training programs. Extensive. Some of them might even be considered brainwashing. Some of them include things like getting your system used to using stims for three or four days straight. Some of them center around shooting galleries. Some of them are sessions where chemical blocks are placed around certain areas in the brain - secrets can go in, but they can't go out. (I want to see if this could be possible, so more research. I think it would be good for the story if something like that could be worked out.)


I've seen my two original co-conspirators posting around the board... where have you gone?

In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the grace of God.
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Don't worry, I'm still here Channe.

Oh, and if anybody'd like a copy of the story so far, I've put it on my site here. It's not edited very much though, and is confusing near the beginning, since some story shifts occurred later, mainly the character name changes and the separation of the B5 parts of it.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.

[This message has been edited by crazybillyo (edited November 05, 2001).]
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue


This time, it's heading _away_ from us towards a muddy looking planet that really doesn't appear to support life ... it's a geological expedition presumably.

We HEAR footsteps clanging along a metallic deck towards ...


Plain and simple ; a bunk, a desk, a window and a computer screen - a few books along a shelf and SAKURA himself sat behind the desk, typing away at the computer, a pair of antique glasses perched on his nose. From this view, he'd appear almost harmless, almost like your favourite grandfather ...

SOMEONE knocks at the door.


LIEUTENANT ESTELLA LANGLEY enters ; prim and proper, English, black hair is short and boyish and plain, almost Vulcan, features.
( think Sharleen Spiteri, from the band Texas ).

Lieutenant ?

We're approaching Vellus, Captain.
Geological probes _are_ ready but
I ...

LANGLEY pauses, wanting to continue, but unsure if she should, eventually prompted to continue by --

Anything else ?

By Company Regulation 367 slash 8,
sub-section 4, paragraph 9 ...

SAKURA knows the regs, he knows what's going on and he knows what's coming.

I'm hereby relieving you of duty
and confining you to your cabin
for the duration of this mission.

So, what happens now ?

We go to Ishnu and we rescue the
crew of the Titans.

But don't be too upset if what
you find isn't what you wanted
or needed to find ...
Good luck, Lieutenant.

LANGLEY thinks this odd.

Thankyou ...

LANGLEY turns on her heels and exits.


The SHADOW swings away from the planet we saw earlier ( Vellus ) and out into deeper space ...

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> ( think Sharleen Spiteri, from the band Texas ).

Try as I might, nothing is coming to my mind. Obscurity rules!

And sorry, Channe, my life's been a whirlwind, both at home and at work. I've had time to post comments but not to stop and compose anything artistic.

I am looking forward to seeing Crazybillio's website. One of us should copy off and edit it. *looks around*

Again, I apologize. I will try to get with the program. At least we've got B6 helping us now too.

By Grabthar's Hammer!
By the Suns of Worvan!
~Doctor Lazarus, Galaxy Quest episode 52, "Today is the Tomorrow of Our Yesterdays"
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Channe, mental blocks of the sort you describe are probably possible NOW using some of the brainwashing techniques our various governments are expert in.

Interesting enough, the most Effective Brainwashing technique known is about 1000 years old.
Sleep Deprivation. Combined with malnutrition.

The Christian monestaries/convenmts of the middle ages used the technique to indoctrinate the members of their orders and keep them under control.
It's the same technique used by most Cult Religions today.

Keep someone on a low calorie diet for a couple weeks, allow them only minimal amounts of sleep (or no sleep) for long periods of time. After a while, their mind becomes so pliable you can convince them of Anything.

If you go for Total sleep deprivation, this effect can be achieved in only two or three weeks. Sometimes less.

Particularly if you (as the Cults do) use group hugs, constant "prayer" sessions and endless repetitions of "we are the only people in the whole world who love you" as your indoctrination.

Company loyalty is a just a bit more abstract version of the same thing.

An intensified version of this is Exactly how the North Koreans and Chinese brainwashed American POWS during the Korean War.
They kept the prisoners awake for several weeks until they were too tired to think, repeated the thoughts they wanted these men to believe over and over for hours until even pain wouldn't wake them up.

When they recovered from the exhaustion, They Believed.

It took a repetion of the Same type treatment to "unbrainwash" them later. Most were never quite right afterwards.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

I've downloaded the composite script and, if no one objects, would like to try and rework it to take out the B5LR elements at the very beginning ...

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Actually, babylon six, I'd like to wait until we hear from Warren and Obsessed as to what they'd like to do with it.

In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the grace of God.
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Acknowledged, Channe

But I was thinking about the structure of the crew on the Titan and came up with some stuff ...

CSS ( Corporate Space Ship ) TITAN


Captain Daly - CO
Lt Commander Keller - Co-XO ( Ground Ops )
Lt Commander Mar - Co-XO ( Ship Ops )
Lieutenant Downey - Tactical Ops
Lieutenant Henderson - Bravo Team CO
Lieutenant Kaheel - Alpha Team CO
Ensign 'Reg' Lee - Comms Officer
Doctor Chenei - Chief Scientist

My idea is this : because it's been agreed that corporate ships have two, fairly distinct divisions, Ground Ops and Ship Ops, there should be the equivalent of TWO XO's.

Daly is in overall command of each division.

Keller is in charge of Ground Ops and reports to Daly concerning matters of such. She has two teams under her: Bravo and Alpha ( under the command of Henderson and Kaheel respectively ) and is superior to everyone, except Daly, when planetside.

Mar is in charge of Ship Ops and reports to Daly concerning all shipboard matters. She is the direct superior of everyone, except Daly, whilst they are on the Titan.

Keller is superior to Mar whilst both are on a planet and Mar is superior to Keller whilst both are actually on the Titan.

What'cha all think ?

PS - did u know that Keller and Downey have yet to be given a visual reference ! I keep imagining someone like Andrea Parker ( from The Pretender ) or Claire Marshall ( Cupid, Spin City ) playing that part

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Interesting ideas, babylon six! Let me try and take yours and integrate them into what we already have.

Speaking for myself, I'd very much like to get away from using military ranks. These aren't military men and women; well, some of them are, but in the grand scheme of things they're still considered civilians because they're privately employed. Plus, not constraining them to military ranks gives *us* a lot more freedom in our universe to play around in.

The way we have been writing this places Daly at the forefront as overall command man, with Keller as his second. Ship operations, run by Downey at communications and tactical and Mar at ship operations overseer and ground support. They work in the context of whatever Daly & Co. are doing. The Titans is a small ship (funny name for a small ship...)

Keller is in charge of Zulu Team, and Henderson is the Bravo Team leader. Reginald Lee and Kaheel are both under the command of Daly and Keller, members of Zulu Team.

Daly and Keller have been company employees for fifteen years, most of that spent working together. Their attitude each other has worn off on the rest of the crew, but there's still a Company chain of command, and using the terminology for employees of a local firm -

Daly on first tier, Keller on second tier, Downey and Henderson on third tier, Kaheel, Reg, and Mar, are fourth tier.

Then, there's the element of Chenei, who is Director of Research of the Titans mission. If she feels like it, she can take over anything she damn well pleases, because she has a higher rank within the Company than Daly. However, that sort of behavior is frowned upon and can get you more than simply fired; there's a reason why the research directors leave the logistics to the operations folk...

In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the grace of God.
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue


The sun lowers in the sky and there is a sense of foreboding as shadows are cast cross the ground ...


MAR, DOWNEY and CHENEI trample through the forest, hampered by heavy packs and their own weary _and_ injured selves.

CHENEI is in the lead ; MAR and DOWNEY are following close behind, each wielding what appears to be a high tech pulse weapon.

MAR and DOWNEY talk.

Did I ever tell you how much I
hate this godforshittin planet,
Lieutenant ?

Once or twice.

MAR halts momentarily and looks up at the sky for a moment ... trying to find where the wreck of the Titan is.


The wreckage of the Titan floats past the camera, big chunks, little chunks and, eventually ...

A MASSIVE CHUNK of the Titan trails the smaller cloud, it's a fairly hefty portion of the ship ... we CLOSE on a portal and ...



Deserted and possibly absent of atmosphere.

INT. BRIDGE (continuous)

A faint glimmer from some barely working consoles, we approach a bank of consoles and ...


A monitor spits out text.

C ... itan ... rtially oper ... ife ... gns detec ... umber 10 ... ctor destr ...

And then, it too fades and we are consumed by darkness.



By torchlight, we see several Titan crewmembers, some of which we saw on the Bridge earlier ...

(voice over)
Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph !



MAR and DOWNEY thunder through the growth in the direction of CHENEI's voice, guns pointing out in front of them, eyes wide with panic, adrenaline pumping ...

They come across CHENEI who is staring at something off screen.

MAR and DOWNEY fixate on it as well and MAR gulps, finding her throat dry ...

Captain ?

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Channe, good comments, but I'd prefer to have Mar on the third tier rather than Downey.

If Downey works within the Ship Ops division and Mar is in charge of it, then surely she'd be of a highter 'placement' than him.

Also, didn't someone have a character saying that Mar was the highest ranking direct employee of the corporation ?

Here's a reimagined hierarchy.

TIER 1 : Daly

TIER 2 : Keller

TIER 3 : Kaheel, Henderson, Mar

TIER 4 : Reg, Downey

TIER X : Chenei

DALY - overall CO of the TITAN and outranks everyone except Chenei who, as a Researcher can and may over rule Daly.

KELLER - overall XO of the TITAN and second in rank next to Daly.

HENDERSON - in charge of Ground Ops. Too all intents and purposes, the closest thing that we could compare her to is a Marine. Onboard the Titan she acts in an Unofficial' Security Chief role.

MAR - in charge of Ship Ops. Supervises any and all day to day running of the ship and reports anything relevant to Keller and Daly.
Subordinates in her field include: pilots, tacticians, engineers and linguists. Downey is therefore, probably, second in command of the Ship Ops division.

DOWNEY - whilst working as Mar's second he is also the senior communications and weapons technician on the Titan and is thus a very respected authority onboard.

REG - a Ground Ops specialist and technical specialist. The Comm Tech of most expeditions and also a reserve Comm Tech on the Titans ( because everyone has a second, less important duty ).

KAHEEL - nominally in charge of Bravo Team but Daly supercedes his control, as does Keller, when they choose to accompany Kaheel and Bravo onto the planet.

The TITAN carries 2 GROUND OPS TEAMS of which Henderson is in control. Each team has their own CO however, Alpha's is Horton whilst Kaheel is Bravo's.

ALPHA TEAM - nominally commanded by HORTON but accompanied on the Ishnu mission by Henderson, who is thus in overall

BRAVO TEAM - Kaheel and Reg are members of this team. Kaheel is the CO and Reg more than likely it's nominal XO. Kaheel and Reg are superceded by Keller and Daly when they join the crew.


Alpha Team goes down to Ishnu, led by Henderson who chooses to accompany Alpha because she fancies a ground mission rather than monitoring it from orbit. Alpa Team goes missing and Daly takes it personally thus takes a malformed team down, calling it Zulu Team as a tribute to the first squad he served in. Several Bravo Team members are left on the ship and die in the ensuing attack ...

Geez, I can ramble, can't I !

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

I like those character ranks and assignments, babylon six. They go pretty well with what's already been said. I only ask that Daly be the only one addressed with an overtly military rank - i.e. Captain. I like the freedom not giving them any ties to the military gives us.

The only thing I'm going to say about the Ishnu Situation is that we have purposefully not outlined it because that is one of the secrets of the story that we're going to find out as we move on. For example, read Obsessed's Kaheel-backstory post and my memo, and extrapolate from there.

Other than that, yes. We know from Keller's backstory that she and Daly lost an entire resistance cell during the Regulan conflict, and rather than have that happen again, Daly took it personally... that would be a good explanation for why he went...

While writing, check here for the unanswered questions already raised by the background...

And where's the heavy shelter with the fire? On the planet or on the Titan?

In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the grace of God.
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Channe, don't forget that even Merchant ships use the title Captain.
For that matter, so do Airline Pilots.

Aboard ship, it just designates the person with Ultimate Authority. Military or otherwise.

Your "conflict" between the Captain and Chennai so far as Who has authority would be handled by a simple protocol.

Chennai tells the Captain what she needs his ship to Accomplish for her.
It's HIS job to figure out How. She cannot give orders to the crew except through the captain.
She doesn't have the expertise or training to make shiphandling decisions, so she cannot Meddle with them.
OTOH, she Would be in charge of the Research Staff.
Research staff would NOT be part of the Ship's crew.
They are all Passengers, so far as the Ship is concerned.
Passengers would still fall under the Captain's authority in matters relating to the ship's Safety.
And any "peacekeeping" that might need to be done.

However, it is possible, even probable, that at least some of the people on the mission are wearing more than one "hat".
Scientists who are also trained for shipboard jobs to save money and living space.
They would find themselves in some interesting situations occasionally.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

I was going to comment on the title of Captain, but Bakana beat me to it. Captain is an occupation as well as a rank, used on merchant and cruise ships, and fishing boats. Likewise, you're perfectly entitled to call yourself Captain when you're out in your Boston Whaler.

The heavy shelter is on the "Titans", indicating that there still are survivors still onboard who, at this point, are simply waiting to die.

By Grabthar's Hammer!
By the Suns of Worvan!
~Doctor Lazarus, Galaxy Quest episode 52, "Today is the Tomorrow of Our Yesterdays"

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