YES Jan is absolutely sure about this. Jan does not launch major fan campaigns just for the fun of it. Jan also thought "that seems odd" and checked her facts before she first posted this. Jan is aware that what seems sensible to
you really has nothing whatsoever to do with what the studios do. Jan would not still be doing this nearly two months later, and after 1,000 objections pretty much identical to yours, if she wasn't
sure that what she is saying is accurate based on a source
in a position to know. And I and others wouldn't have joined her efforts if we didn't know from sources of our own that what she is saying is correct. It ain't like we're gettin' paid for this stuff, people. (Actually it is cost those of us who are self-employed or do off-the-books work on the side, because it is cutting into our productivity.)
Would anyone
else like to ask this question or some close variant of it?
If we weren't
damned sure this was real we wouldn't be wasting our time. And if this wasn't real don't you think
JM-Effing-S would have told us we were panicking about nothing by now? There is plenty to prevent his commenting on a situation like this if true, but nothing in the world that would stop him from saying something if it were fake. At a bare minimum he could privately e-mail Jan or me or Amy and say, "Stop. Everything's fine and all these stupid
B5 bucks are starting to piss Warner Bros. off. They don't like getting beat up for stuff they're not even doing."
Funny how he hasn't done anything, in public or in private, to derail this effort. All he's said publicly is "I would like to comment on this, but I can't."
So can we at least stipulate that this casting thing is
real and move on to pointless debates about
other aspects of the campaign?
Yes, we know what we're talking about. No, we can't tell you
how we know - although frankly by this time I would have thought that most of you could have
figured it out for yourselves and understand why neither we nor our sources can publicly identify them. But maybe this crowd isn't as smart as I thought.
...if it is being planned to make a feature film based on the impressive sales figures on DVD box set (read: fan base, or at least people who sympatize with B5), then they would be happy to please us, in order to reduce risk...
The financial people know perfectly well that a project like this probably
can't succeed if it
only appeals to the established fan base. Hence their desire to do anything that they perceive will increase the film's appeal to non-fans, including cast changes.