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TNT's Crusade Promos - How Off-Base Were They?

Re: TNT\'s Crusade Promos - How Off-Base Were They?

You're right it's dumb
ButI like the part where they said "6 renegade rangers"
and then "tum tum tum"the images of Galen,Gideon and the gand comes out
Re: TNT\'s Crusade Promos - How Off-Base Were They?

Well, they had A Call to Arms, War Zone, Racing the Night, and Each Night I Dream of Home, because they used clips from that movie and those episodes. That should have beeen enough material to make a 1 minute promo and a 30 second promo. The Blackstar clip clearly didn't belong, but they probably wouldn't have been aware of that, since they obviously knew very little about Crusade.

In fact it stands to reason that they had at the very minimum 6 episodes to work with in addition to ACtA. War Zone was one of the second batch of episodes filmed, at which point there were already 5 in the can. Perhaps they were just determined not to use any shots with the grey uniforms in ...

:( :mad: :(
Re: TNT\'s Crusade Promos - How Off-Base Were They?

Well, they had A Call to Arms, War Zone, Racing the Night, and Each Night I Dream of Home, because they used clips from that movie and those episodes. That should have beeen enough material to make a 1 minute promo and a 30 second promo. The Blackstar clip clearly didn't belong, but they probably wouldn't have been aware of that, since they obviously knew very little about Crusade.

In fact it stands to reason that they had at the very minimum 6 episodes to work with in addition to ACtA. War Zone was one of the second batch of episodes filmed, at which point there were already 5 in the can. Perhaps they were just determined not to use any shots with the grey uniforms in ...

:( :mad: :(

"...first 5...the last ones to go through post..."

Racing the Night and Each Night I Dream of Home may have been the only ones they could use from the first five when the promos were made.