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To Live and Die in Starlight on Sci-Fi (US) June 2

Re: To Live and Die in Starlight on Sci-Fi (US) Ju

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by solaris5:
<font color=yellow>Well, dude, seriously. If that's your life, it takes a pretty dumb person not to figure out that something is wrong and do something about it.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
I think that was referring to the many, many people in the Third World who don't have realistic alternatives.
Re: To Live and Die in Starlight on Sci-Fi (US) Ju

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jade Jaguar:
<font color=yellow>Beats living in a thatched hut without running water...</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
Ah, so you have visited my college, I see. /ubbthreads/images/icons/rolleyes.gif
Re: To Live and Die in Starlight on Sci-Fi (US) Ju

What is this Third World you speak of? Define it please. I often find conflicting views of it.
Re: To Live and Die in Starlight on Sci-Fi (US) Ju

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by solaris5:
<font color=yellow>Well, dude, seriously. If that's your life, it takes a pretty dumb person not to figure out that something is wrong and do something about it.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
Sol, I had no idea the land of Canada had no poor people in it.

Brush off my passport, I'm coming up!
Re: To Live and Die in Starlight on Sci-Fi (US) Ju

Pillow Rock's right. I did say most of US don't realize how good WE have it. I've traveled a lot, and much of the world has to worry every day about such simple things as food and shelter, and as Hypatia implies, so do some in the "First" world. The third world is generally taken to mean the less developed countries, and also the nonaligned countries, those not considered part of the 'Free World', or part of the 'Communist Bloc'. Of course, the communist bloc is closed for repairs...
So, even though I may share some of your lust for things electronic, if that is your, or our biggest problem, our measure of how well off we are, we should remember that for most in the world, we are considered very well off indeed. Most of those huts aren't thatched any more either. They're usually made from cast off scraps of wood, metal, and cardboard.
Re: To Live and Die in Starlight on Sci-Fi (US) Ju

Free World indeed. I don't know, I was just looking for an opportunity to snap on someone. I always do in situations such as these. I was pretty much waiting for one of you to include the Balkans in the third world definition so that I could have a reason to scream at the top of my lungs /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending which way you look at it /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif) you did not. And hopefully with good reason. I guarantee you, we did not live in straw huts back there. The only noteable difference was the sharper difference between the rich and the poor. Otherwise, technologically, economically, educationally, we were atleast on par with the western world. Ofcourse the parts that we did do better in, such as automobiles, is ofcourse due to the fact that it IS Europe, and all that is new and cool comes there a year and a half before it goes across the big pond /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif
And again, for the most, I'd argue with you. I know people from pretty much anywhere, and it isn't "better" here than it was back there. Atleast not in the sense that you think. The opportunity is greater, yes, but otherwise the rest of the world isn't as deprived as americans like to think.
Re: To Live and Die in Starlight on Sci-Fi (US) Ju

People you know here who came from there got out, and were probably better off than average, or certainly better off than the poorest, in their countries. I have been to Colombia, Venezuela, most of Central America, Mexico, and Iran. In all those places, in cities and the countryside, many or usually most people are very poor, have very little. I lived in Maracaibo, Vene. for two years. There was a whole section of town with no running water, or sewers, built of cardboard and junk, and all had to be rebuilt after the rainy season. This is the norm in Latin America. The majority of the people in Mexico City live that way. I have toured Mexico many times by bicycle, through the country side. People have a hardscrabble life. They work hard for everything. Just hauling water can take hours. In the US, Canada, and Europe, few of us have it as bad as the norm in much of the third world. I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, I just want you to appreciate what you have.
Re: To Live and Die in Starlight on Sci-Fi (US) Ju

Perhaps my daddy should buy SciFi and made me their CEO
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by A_M_Swallow:
<font color=yellow>What day of the week is 2nd June?

Are there any major sports matches on that night? Anything else that may take away the viewers?</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Back at the beginning of the month I answered that this tended to be about when the NBA and NHL finals got going. Now that we are close enough to have a better idea of the specific schedules I thought that I would update this for anyone interested in the potential conflicts but not the interest in American pro sports to know from other sources.

In hockey (taking this one first because it is siimpler), game 7 of the Western Conference Final between Detroit and Colorado is tonight (Friday 5/31). The winner advances to the finals which will begin next Tuesday. There is no hockey conflict.

In basketball, both conference finals are now at 3 games to 2 and both game 6's are tonight. If there are any game 7's they will be played on Sunday, but no times have been set yet. So while there might not be any games at all on Sunday, we still don't really know whether there will be a conflict between the movie and basketball.
If game 7 is needed in both series the celts/nets will be on 5PM EDT and lakers/kings about 8-9PM EDT. If only one 7th game needed I haven't heard yet. will post more info if I hear anything.
These are all EDTs
Re: To Live and Die in Starlight on Sci-Fi (US) Ju

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jade Jaguar:
<font color=yellow>People you know here who came from there got out, and were probably better off than average, or certainly better off than the poorest, in their countries. I have been to Colombia, Venezuela, most of Central America, Mexico, and Iran. In all those places, in cities and the countryside, many or usually most people are very poor, have very little. I lived in Maracaibo, Vene. for two years. There was a whole section of town with no running water, or sewers, built of cardboard and junk, and all had to be rebuilt after the rainy season. This is the norm in Latin America. The majority of the people in Mexico City live that way. I have toured Mexico many times by bicycle, through the country side. People have a hardscrabble life. They work hard for everything. Just hauling water can take hours. In the US, Canada, and Europe, few of us have it as bad as the norm in much of the third world. I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, I just want you to appreciate what you have.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Sorry Sol, but I believe Jade and CO. are correct. You have many countries Central America, most of Africa, many Islamic countries, that have very few major cities (the best shot at working for better wages).

And those who do try and move to them to "better themselves" find them UNBELIEVABLY overcrowded and end up in situations similar to their living conditions when they lived in the coutryside.

And no I'm not talking like "oh lovely Italy" kind of countryside, I am talking rather baron, or swampish, with few if any solid structures and even fewer ways to earn money or even any place to spend it if they had it.

We need to try to keep open to the possibilities of life else where on this planet, ..... it can be tricky when all a person has known is a fridge full of food, a store down the street, and yours or a friends car to take you where you want to go.

I have it pretty good myself, considering my family has always been somewhere between poor to middle-middle class. But we are all one bad combination of events from being that dude standing on the side of the road with a grungy backpack and considering where we'll be sleeping tonight, forget about tommorrow.

Whoh, heavy. So, yah. /ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif

On Leg. of the Rangers tonight, I had a reoccurance of "the old wound" as soon as Dylan said the words "we don't die stupidly", ohhhhhhhh, nails on chalkboard kind of stuff!!

But I am appreciative of a chance to see it again, get a proper recording of it, and pehaps take special interest in the weapons officer this time.....hehe.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sisko:
<font color=yellow>If game 7 is needed in both series the celts/nets will be on 5PM EDT and lakers/kings about 8-9PM EDT. If only one 7th game needed I haven't heard yet. will post more info if I hear anything.
These are all EDTs</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

One last update on this: There was a Game 7 in the Lakers/Kings series. The second half and the overtime ran into the TLaDIS time slot. It would seem that the SciFi programming staff the ability to guarantee that a playoff game in some sport will go into overtime on any given Sunday evening by scheduling TLaDIS.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SavantB5:
<font color=yellow>
It should be noted that this should be re-run time for the major networks. I'm guessing there won't be much competition. Even Six Feet Under should be done its season by then.

Anyone want to predict what rating B5LR will get?

I'll start. My prediction is 1.0.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Yes, I'm responding and quoting my own post. I was wrong about Six Feet Under (it ended this past Sunday).

But, I am proud to say that my rating estimate wasn't bad.

B5LR got a 0.9 rating, folks.

The other films did: (sorry, I don't know which titles correspond to the times and I'm too lazy to look it up)

1PM: 0.5
3PM: 0.7
5PM: 0.8
7PM: 0.8

It looks like the older B5 movies are getting to that "played out" level, just as the series re-runs have. Last week's 4:30 film(whatever it was) got a 1.2 rating and the one before it got a 1.1.

I don't think SciFi is going to come to a lot of positive conclusions if they compare the ratings to other programming they've run.

Sorry to be the bearer of "not so good" news.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by channe:
<font color=yellow>To everything there is a season...</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
Apparently not...
Actually, it could be considered a season. Like Fall in southwestern Arizona. Lasts about 2 hours. /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

O.K. so it's a very short "season".
I'm hoping that B5 has not finished its season on this world.

But, if you think about it... I wouldn't have watched the marathon, save for "Rangers" and "A Call To Arms," simply because I -have- the DVD, I've seen River of Souls and Thirdspace too many goshdarn times...

Do you think many others are the same way?
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SavantB5:
<font color=yellow>Sorry to be the bearer of "not so good" news.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Why? It's the only kind of news we're ever allowed to have.

B5 and it's movies (other than TLaDiS) have been played to death. The only thing we discover upon re-watching the latest Sci-Fi reruns is increased cuts to allow for more commercials, and that pisses us off. Some will say that we should not be expecting to get pristine, uncut copies for our archives off Sci-Fi. Well, I don't. I'd just like to be able to watch an episode or movie and not be noticing that stuff I've seen before is now missing. If the episodes and movies were available on disc (LD, DVD, VCD), I'd buy them. Unfortunately, 45% of Season 2, 100% of Season 3, 73% of Season 4, and 67% of the movies have never been released on disc. If Sci-Fi is going to make cuts for extra commercials, they should put up the standard blurb at the beginning, "This film has been edited for time." or something like that.

What is needed is a NEW B5 universe show that looks like a B5 universe show. <u>Crusade was that show.</u> However, it had obvious problems with continuity, and is just a 13 episode block, i.e. a dead end. People either already know it's just a 13 episode block, with no new shows coming, or are disappointed after they watch it and then find out that it's a bridge to nowhere, and just stops dead, part way across the river.

For a show to have appeal, it has to appear to have a future. Right now, nothing in the B5 universe appears to have a future. Just rerunning the existing shows isn't going to generate any excitement, any buzz. Sci-Fi should have gone for a 13 episode block like was done with Crusade (only without all the TNT-esque meddling); or a pilot that only they saw and then either went for a 13 episode block or not.

Instead, they choose to test the waters with one 90 minute movie, that has some embarassingly bad parts to it, and has an obvious lack of ties to B5 (i.e. all the familiar CGI). Sci-Fi needs to show a little faith, but they have no faith.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by channe:
<font color=yellow>But, if you think about it... I wouldn't have watched the marathon, save for "Rangers" and "A Call To Arms," simply because I -have- the DVD, I've seen River of Souls and Thirdspace too many goshdarn times...

Do you think many others are the same way?</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

I would probably have watched "A Call to Arms" and "To Live and Die in Starlight" to make another SVHS copy, and then would have been PO'd by the extra cut's I'd probably have found. People said that 5-7 minutes was cut from "In the Beginning."