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" To Live and Die in Starlight"

\" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

Date: August 30th, 2001

Re: "To Live and Die in Starlight private Screening

To: All the B5LR.com message board posters

Dear all Babylon 5 fans,

Cyber-hello to you all. I am pleased to announce that on Monday, August 27th, 2001 @ approximately 4:30 pm (7:30 pm Eastern) at 'Sharpe Sound Studios' located in North Vancouver, B.C., a private screening for the executive producers and the cast of "Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers" took place...What we all saw, was a complete and final cut of "To Live and Die in Starlight"...

Yes! This is true. And as for the cast of "Legend of the Rangers"...Alex Zahara, Dean Marshall, Enid-Raye Adams, Jennie-Rebecca Hogen, Gus Lynch, and of course, myself, Warren T. Takeuchi, we witessed this magical moment!

Unfortunately, Dylan Neal, Myriam Sirois and our mysterious Political and First Contact officer, David Storch, were unable to attend!

Well, first of all, I have to say how extremely generous the Executive Producer's (Douglas Netter and Joe Michael Straczynski) were to us (cast), in terms of presenting the opportunity to screen "Rangers" with them! This is a very unusual circumstance to occur in the TV/Film industry, so we (cast) were all extremely grateful to say the least.

Also present were producer, Ron MacLeod, production manager, S.Lily Hui, and a couple people from "Sharpe Sound Studio" who contributed auditory elements to the show.

Well, all I can say about having seen "Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers- To Live and Die in Starlight" in its' entirety is... "AWESOME"!


I understand that I will definitely be accused of being biased since I participated in the show, but, I have to say that this just ain't so!!!

I found it quite interesting when watching the movie, that I could sit back and watch it as an audience member! I was completely engrossed with what I saw on film! From begining, middle and end, I was captivated with the action/adventure and drama! I have to emphasize Dylan Neal's performance as "Captain David Martel" of the Starship "Liandra" as absolutely fantastic! His brilliance in the role will definitely win your (fans) hearts!

The show has the feel of a feature film!
Dark, moody, and extremely textured visuals were projected on the huge screen before us!
"JMS" delivers the goods once again!(Not surprising!) and lets "To Live and Die in Starlight" stand solid on both two feet!

Along with Babylon 5 veteran, Mike Vejar directing and Director of Photography, Henry Chan, who lighted Steve Geaghan's brilliant sets, "JMS's" story was told!

Christopher Franke's music was utterly incredible...and I could go on and on!

All I have to say is that "To Live and Die in Starlight" will deliver action, adventure and drama...and much, much more!

Oh yeah! Andreas Katsulas as Citizen "G'Kar" is absolutely brilliant! Boy is he entertaining, which confirms why he is such a fan favourite! Excellent actor!

Anyways, you people have no idea what kind of a ride you are about to jump on come January, 2002! Boy, you will have some fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks again to the Executive Producers, Douglas Netter and J.Michael Straczynski for giving this incredible experience to the crew of the "Liandra"...

"We live for the one, We die for the one"...


Extremely proud,

-Warren T.Takeuchi-
"Kitaro Sasaki"-Legend of the Rangers

Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

i dont think anyone here will call you biased...

i hope to be just as amazed as you when the movie finally comes out

I have no one to envy...
I envy you having me to envy...
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

What a great experience and we all envy you the chance not only to see the movie, but on a big screen

Just today I read an article in Dreamwatch #84 with an interview with Doug Netter, and everything sounded so great. Since I live in North Vancouver I am particularly envious
but now I am waiting with my fingers crossed hoping that one of the Canadian networks picks it up.

Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

Doomo Arigatoo Gozaimasu, Sasaki Sama.

We are prepared to feel

In January.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

Boy, it's getting hot in here. Why is that?
Oh, I know, it's my blood boiling in anticipation!

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."

[This message has been edited by GKarsEye (edited August 31, 2001).]
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

how's the CGI?? (just had to ask even if i get no reply lol)

"Will you follow me into fire? Into storm, into darkness, into death?!
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mercurius420:
i dont think anyone here will call you biased...


Are you serious? I am biased and not even in it LOL

Saying that I am still sure this will be a fantastic film and series to come

Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

Hey Everybody! Alex Zahara here and I can't add much more than what Warren has already said because he hit it all. The FAMILY feeling we all had from the read through forward has made it to the screen! Joe, Doug, Mike and everyone else took care of us like you would not believe! Can't wait to Jan 2002, who cares about that Millienium thing Jan 2002 is where the real anticipation is at!
Thank you all for your support...
Alex Zahara

Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

Ahhhh... I get the feeling that the end of the year and the beginning of the next will be quite nice. A DVD coming out the 4th of december, Lord of the Rings also in december and then to top it, To Live and die in Starlight. I really look forward.


Gideon: I thought you said you don't hold a grudge?
Galen: I don't, I have no surviving enemies, at all.
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

Thanks Warren. Your "Ace Reporter" badge is in the mail!

It's nice to hear something new about "Starlight". The board's been getting a little slow lately. I can't believe that the movie is completed and we still haven't gotten our hands on so much as a leaked shot of the Liandra. Sometimes loyalty can be a pain in the ass.

You said this was the final cut? Did the producers give any indication that they might want to do some more touch-up work, or is it truly 100% finished?

If so, it seems a shame that it has to sit in a lonely storage area for another 3 months. >8-(

And thanks to Alex Zahara for dropping in and commenting on it as well.

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say. This was one. No, not good. Not supposed to mention 'one'... or 'THE one'... Mmmm. You never heard that."
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

If it's as good as In the Beginning, my favorite B5 movie, I will be very happy!

Can't wait until January!



"We're in here! Can anyone hear us?"
"I hear you." [giggle, laugh]
"In here!"
"We are here." [giggle, laugh]
-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Convictions"

Tammy's Station
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

Actually, the movie is pretty much complete in terms of the editing (shots/scenes chosen, deleted, etc.), but the final, final finished film will be completely done by mid to end of September, and then off it goes to the Network (Sci Fi Channel and Warner Bros.) I don't believe that the movie will be sitting on the shelves at the Network...They (executives) are going to watching this show more than once...twice...three times a Minbari...

I also want to add that the "CGI" is top-notch! Awesome! The "Liandra" is a brilliant design, and I was extremely happy to fly that ship! Extremely efficient, very versatile and stealth to maneuver for me...I will be looking forward to taking the navigation controls again in the possible series!

Until next time...

Cheers! -Warren-

Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"


This is the most painful wait I have EVER experienced!

It's almost as bad as waiting for the final of the original to be released in Australia!

DO you know WHAT really sucks... Australia won't get it for who knows how long!

PUHLEAASSSE let it be released on video!

I don't know how much more I can take of this waiting... I'm going to have to start chewing my toe nails soon!!

Thanks Warren and Alex... I AM JEALOUS!!

"Officially, I'm a P5. Unofficially, my range is more... much more."
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

I think it's safe to assume that most of us are insanely jealous.

I am grey, I stand between the candle and the star.
We are grey, we have no bloody fashion sense.
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

Thanks for the info, Warren and Alex. If the executives or someone else at the network will be viewing this sometime soon and if they are as blown away as you guys were, is there any chance that they will air it earlier and/or go ahead with plans for the series?

I know they're wanting to wait for the ratings (and I know that topic has been talked to death at other places on this board), but if it's really *that* good, would it be stupid of them to hold off and wait?

It's also cool to hear that they treat you guys so well and respect your participation in the movie. Will that affect your decision in accepting/rejecting other work while waiting for word on the series?

(...and if you do, in fact, go to series, is there any chance you can bring that G'Kar guy along too

Take care, and thanks again for reporting.

Not many fishes left in the sea. Not many fishes, just Londo and me.
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

I'm glad to here the design of the "Liandra" has that kind of reaction from you, Kitaro. I have been awaiting a look at the new vessel, (like many of us,) for some time now. To have a the Navigator looking foreward to 'flying' it again is wild. I guess seeing the finished product, (CGI interfaced with your actions,) really had a profound affect. Before I couldn't wait, now I'm going nuts!!!

Again thanx to all the actors and crew coming here. I, (as a fan,) have learned alot about the B5 universe here. All of you reading our arguments, posts, opinions, guesses, etc. have and will no doubt continue to do the same. What a motivation for an actor, being able to get direct feedback from fans. You have the best jobs in the world, while working for, (I get the feeling it's more like working with than for,) the best in JMS.

All us fans must keep adding to the fan base. Lets see if we can beat 4.1 rating from "In the Beginning"!!!


(Had to edit a misspelling)


[This message has been edited by Hesperous (edited August 31, 2001).]
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

I can't wait. This semester's hard enough, and being able to see this great new adventure in the B5 universe will be reward for all my hard work.

I'm so glad you guys from the cast came and told us this. You're so considerate! There's not much for us to chew our teeth on right now, except for what we hear in the magazines.

Wow, wow, wow. I hardly ever hear something so positive. I had my doubts, surely, about Rangers. I still have them, and like a good little fan I will have them until I sit down in January with my popcorn and get to see another installment of my favorite universe.

(waves an ISA flag and whistles the ISA anthem)

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

Hi to everyone!

Best wishes to all B5 Fans in the World from Hungary!

We also wait for this movie (we hope, later it's a series)!!!

In Valen's Name

"We're old souls, deal with it."
Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> It's also cool to hear that they treat you guys so well and respect your participation in the movie. Will that affect your decision in accepting/rejecting other work while waiting for word on the series?

(...and if you do, in fact, go to series, is there any chance you can bring that G'Kar guy along too )


Ninja, damn straight. It's great to FEEL all aspects are working while playing on set, it was amazing and astounding to SEE it translated to film, magically seamed together.

B5lr has already affected any future decisions of mine. This series would be one of those moments that are rare in anybody's life time.

A great job, with f**kin' kick ass people all hell bent on entertaining the shit out of you on a great show and having all of you along for the ride would be a dream come true...!

But I'm projecting.

Course if JMS offered me ANOTHER series I'm outta here...

And G'Kar will definitely be affecting this crew if the future is truely what we want it to be.


Re: \" To Live and Die in Starlight\"

**Chants quietly (wouldn't want to wake up the neighbours): Please let there be a series, please let there be a series...**


Why does this thing keep sounding better and better every time we hear something new from the cast??

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say?"
- G'Kar, A Tragedy of Telepaths

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