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"Today we lost Richard Biggs"


\"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

Copied from RASTB5.Mod:

Subject: Today We Lost Richard Biggs
From: jmsatb5@aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 5/22/04 7:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <20040522182556.22491.00000701@mb-m27.aol.com>

I was awakened today with several phone calls from cast members and Doug to
pass along the terrible news that this morning, Richard Biggs passed away.

We're still gathering information, so take none of this as firm word, but what
seems to have happened, happened quickly. He woke up, got up out of bed...and
went down. The paramedics who showed up suggested it was either an aneurysm or
a massive stroke.

His family members have been informed, and all of the the cast have, as far as
we can determine, also been informed.

This is a terrible loss for all of us. Richard was a consummate professional
but more than that he was an honorable, stand-up guy. If he gave you his word
on something, you never had to wonder about it afterward. He was always
helpful and supportive of all the cast, even those who only came in for one
episode, always with a ready smile and determined to do whatever it took to
make the scene work. He was, quite simply, a terrific guy, and everyone here
is just devastated at the news.

More word as this develops. We may try to have some kind of fund raiser to
help give whatever assistance may be helpful for his kids.

We all miss him terribly.


(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

Terrible news indeed. I just caught him in a couple of reruns in recent weeks, and was hoping to see him in B5:TMoS.

A sad day for the entire B5 family everywhere. My prayers are with his.

Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

This is a shock. When I read the title of the thread, I was hoping it was a play on words, like maybe "lost" was a reference to him not reaching an agreement to be in the movie--something like. I never would have expected it to be a legitimate post about him passing away.

From what JMS said, it sounds like he was as good a person as he was an actor.

My prayers are with his.

Same here.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

Richard is in my prayers and my thoughts are with his family.B5 has lost a great man and a terrific actor .
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

My god :(

My blood just froze when I read that :(

My condolences to the family indeed. He will be missed :(
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

Terribly sad.

What a terribly fragile existence the human form really is. Nothing to predict, nothing to warn of danger... and so many opportunities left unexplored.

I don't have the right words to properly express this.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

His scenes with Jason Carter were some of my favorite moments in the show. Any future B5 will be diminished for the loss.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

This is really sad news. It is tough to imagine B5 without him no matter what the incarnation. A real shame to have it happen to someone relatively young. I remember my thoughts when DeForest Kelley died (Dr McCoy from Star Trek). He was in his 70s though I believe so it wasn't as big of a surprise, but I couldnt imagine Trek without him. I feel the same way now about Richard Biggs and B5.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

According to IMDB, he was only 43 years old ... still a young man in my book. I still think his character arc of Dr. Franklin dealing with stem addiction one of the best performances in the series. My prayers will go out to his loved ones.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

A Sad day indeed.

May all of our thoughts go out to his wife and children at this distessing time.

Richard gave something to all of us and we shall be forever grateful.

Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

I'm still hoping this is a dream.

I don't know what to say, except my prayers.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

I don't know what to say, this really is a huge shock!

43? Life just isn't fair. My thoughts are with him and his family, this truly is a dark day in Babylon 5 history :(

May he rest in peace...
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

"OmiGod" I cried, reading this news of Richard's death. Felt like the news of a family member's passing.

Cannot believe it. His craftsmanship on B5 was something special, he made Stephen Franklin a very real person. His death really is like a bolt out of the blue. What a loss. No future B5 wil really be complete now. He was a part of that special jigsaw which, when put together, made the finest sci-fi series ever made. We will all remember him. This is so sad. My thoughts are with his family.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

So sad :(

Just last night I was talking with a friend about the wonderful 'I Spy' scene between Marcus and Franklyn.

I suspect Jason Carter will be particularly saddened by this news, as they seemed to be friends as well as collegaues, and performed so well together at conventions.

I hope some form of fundraiser such as JMS mentions is organised for his family. I'm sure there are many people on this board who would like to contribute a small thank you for all the pleasure he brought us.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

Just heard.

So sad, he was so young....

We will remember him.

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