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"Today we lost Richard Biggs"

Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

Has anyone else noticed the parallels between his life and that of Dr. Stephen Franklin? Rick grew up in a military family (father in Air Force) and before he became an actor, he wanted to be a doctor. Some of his other roles were doctors as well, and his interest in medicine is one reason why he played these roles so well.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

I read somewhere that he did some teaching in acting, and if I remember correcly, he even came up with an acting curriculum to be used in schools. Now, I understand why.

He was teaching in "The Briggs and Carter Experience", which I believe started as kind of a goof at the conventions when he and Jason Carter would take the stage together. I was surprised to see that it had actually turned into a bona fide acting seminar, although it was still all about having fun. I believe, there was to have been a Briggs-Carter Experience cruise in June. I've checked Jason Carter's website a few times for a mention but it hasn't been updated since April 28.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

Has anyone else noticed the parallels between his life and that of Dr. Stephen Franklin?

I may have just noticed another parellel. The obituary that JBonetati linked to (thanks for that, by the way) lists Rick's real-life sisters as being: Juanita, Maria, Alicia, and Celia.

In the episode GROPOS, Stephen's dad is lecturing him about not calling his mother and sisters often enough. He catches Stephen up on what each of them is up to.

Anyway, I know I remember one of Stephen's sisters being named Juanita. Also, I'm pretty sure Stephen had a total of four sisters, and the names Maria, Alicia, and Celia sound really familiar, especially Alicia and Celia.

I'm going to have to watch the DVD of that episode to be sure, but I'm thinking Larry DiTillio intentionally dropped Biggs' real-life sisters' names into the script. A neat little connection that is.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

Some of you may be familiar with the work of John Hudgens, who worked on the official B5 "music videos" for the show - clips from the show, with and without sound, cut in time to some appropriate piece of music. (I'm not sure if his work is part of the blooper reels seen at conventions, or if he's just done the later "vidoes".) John hasn't put together anything like that in four years, but he was moved to produce a tribute video for Rick Biggs.

I don't have QuickTime installed on my office PC, so don't know what this looks like or how well it works, but here's the link


Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

Me either. And I changed my Quick Time plug-in settings to enable everything possible. :(
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

I'm playing it on a linux computer. It works there. (Xine)


Especially the ending is like I had imagined it before seeing it.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

p.s. When I tested my post I had to press Refresh to get the link to work. Something denied me access the first time.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

p.s. When I tested my post I had to press Refresh to get the link to work. Something denied me access the first time.
I am denied access no matter how many times I refresh.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

I could not get the HTML page posted to thegalaticgateway to work on Windows ME but the alternative link on the moderated newsgroup did. A second person will need to report the problem.

Try this link http://download.theforce.net/theater/temp/rickbiggs_320.mov

I'm truely speechless... This just took my breath.
You have got to see this, it's so touching... Every little bit there is so much in place...
How could he edit this so perfectly?
The SiL music was definitely in place...

This is just amazing work.
I have no words to tell you people how much it moved me.
This is beyond describing.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

Truly a beautiful memoriam. It evoked that long awaited bawl that I needed on this. Before, it all seemed too surreal.

As a filmmaker and editor, I wanted to do something like this myself, but didn't have the ability to take the vid from the DVDs. Ironically, he did almost exactly what I wanted to do in exactly the same way.

Peace Rick...you are already missed terribly.

Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

Londos, just right-click Swallow's link and press "Save as", it did the trick for me.
Thanks for the tip, I should have thought of that. It worked fine.

I too am speechless.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

The video and the music from "SiL" just put me away. John did a lovely job. I know Pat Tallman put it on CD or DVD to bring to the memorial service this afternoon, and there are already suggestions that a higher-res version be included on the movie DVD set or - if it is too late for that - the Crusade set. (Which would also be fitting since that marked Richard's last appearance as Dr. Franklin.) I'll certainly drop another letter to Doug Wadleigh and urge the studio to do this - and maybe contribute a portion of their profits on the disk to the Memorial fund for the Biggs children. ;)


Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

That video is good, really good. It is an impressive and very appropriate tribute to Rick. I agree that the SiL music was perfect for it. So were the quotes from the series, including Delenn's comment about candles going out.

Yet another example of how awesome this show is. It's good enough on its own merits as entertainment and storytelling, but it can even serve as its own memorial to a much missed participant. In a way, this show is more than just a "show".

Yeah, that was very touching and very much deserves full-res and more exposure (the DVD set being a good idea). I would even say it'd be worthy of the end credits and/or an eventual DVD feature for whatever B5:tMos is.
Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\"

I found this account of the service for Rick on the Zocalo Today:

The service was held today, Wednesday May 26, 2004, at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church in North Hollywood. It is a HUGE church, and I am happy to report that it was packed wall to wall with family, co-workers from Days, B5, and Strong Medicine. Rick was born on March 18, 1960, and passed away on May 22, 2004 - a mere 44 years old. There were many beautiful bouquets of flowers, with an especially beautiful one having sunflowers located on the floor, right at the head end of the casket. Rick is the only brother, and he has four sisters. His family is very large, very close, and very loving - and he has produced two beautiful children, RJ and Hunter.There were several pictures of Rick, the most striking (IMO) being a portrait with his sons.
Service began with a beautiful rendition of "The Prayer" by Christina Ashford and Norman Large, accompanied by Sonia Ruud on the piano. Next, the welcome and opening prayer, then Rick's Life by one of his sisters, Alicia (who is known as Kathy.) Jerry Reddinger read from Job 19: 23-27, followed by Michael Lynch reading 1 Corinthians Chapter 13.

Peter Levine, Rick's friend for over 20 years, from when they attended USC together, told about what it meant to BE Rick's friend, and some of their activities... not all looked upon benevolently by the administration. Pastor Ken Frese told about The Father of RJ and Hunter, and then a tearful Andrea Lynch, one of Rick's nieces, read the Letter to Uncle Rick.

Some short prayers, followed by The Lord's Prayer (sung exquisitely, but I didn't get the lady's name!), the Benediction, and the hymn, "Joyful, Joyful." The attendees then lined up to pay their last respects to Rick and visit a moment with his lovely wife Lori and his family.

The following is transcribed exactly from a card inserted in the program:

In honor of Richard's most prized contributions to this world, his children, a special fund has been set up for their education. In lieu of flowers or gifts, please send donations to:
The Benefit of the Children of Richard James Biggs II
Washington Mutual Bank
840 N. San Fernando Blvd
Burbank CA 91502.

To help his children remember what a wonderful man he was and how many people's lives he touched, please send your special memory or photo to:
RJ and Hunter Biggs
1052 W. Alameda Ave #350
Burbank CA 91506.


From Babylon 5, I saw the following people: This is from memory, and just because I didn't SEE someone does not mean that s/he wasn't present, okay?

Andreas Katsulas
Pat Tallman and Jeff Willerth
Bruce and Melissa Boxleitner
Jerry Doyle
Jason Carter
Walter Koenig
Claudia Christian
Doug Netter
John Copeland

I don't know anyone from any of Rick's other shows, but as I said, the church was PACKED. A fitting tribute to a wonderful man.

Doctor Stephen Franklin, May your walkabout be a pleasant one. Rest in Peace.

A private memorial followed at a home.

Richard "Chats" Feldman