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Tonight's Lost (Did anyone notice?)

Re: Tonight\'s Lost (Did anyone notice?)

Next 6 weeks (I believe it's six weeks) are repeats. Next week is All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues (Where Claire gets kidnapped)

I agree with Kribu, I'm still really enjoying the show. They have opened the lens up more, starting to show connections between people. Did anyone notice that Hurley owned a Box company? With the way things are going in LOST, I'll bet Dollars to Donuts that it was the Box Company Locke worked at.

So, the island was broadcasting these cursed numbers, and bad things have happened to anyone who's used them (The guy in Australia, Hurley, the guy in funny farm, Danielle's team) And what was that at the end, was that the hatch that has those numbers on it?
Re: Tonight\'s Lost (Did anyone notice?)

Intersting stuff. Can't wait for the next new ep. *sigh* Six weeks. :( Damn.

Re: Tonight\'s Lost (Did anyone notice?)

Oh, and I'm not sure if this is a real connection, or just reusing an actress for a bit part, but, Harrold Perineau's (Michael) real life wife played the "lotto Girl" in this episode, and she was also the woman in the motel room with Sawyer a couple of weeks ago.
Re: Tonight\'s Lost (Did anyone notice?)

Did anyone notice that Hurley owned a Box company? With the way things are going in LOST, I'll bet Dollars to Donuts that it was the Box Company Locke worked at.

Good catch, I bet you're right.
Re: Tonight\'s Lost (Did anyone notice?)

Yea and the box company, or at least one of the plants, burned down killing 6 people. I wonder of Loche got PO'd at the bossman and torched the joint...
Re: Tonight\'s Lost (Did anyone notice?)

I thought it was a sneaker manufacturing factory that burned down.
Re: Tonight\'s Lost (Did anyone notice?)

Maybe it was, I couldn't keep it straight. Well I would bet that Loche worked for Hurley's company.
Re: Tonight\'s Lost (Did anyone notice?)

Yeah, the box company connection guess -- knowing how connected they're making the characters -- is bound to be on target.
Re: Tonight\'s Lost (Did anyone notice?)

Watched it. Saw Mira too... and liked her performance as usual. But I really cannot help smiling, when I mentally overlay Delenn instead of Danielle... and keep wondering what a Minbari ambassador is doing there. :D

Shuffling and rearranging the pieces of this puzzle... raised an silly hypothesis in my mind... one which I intend to entertain... until the next episode pops its bubble, or I find another colorful pet hypothesis.

If "Lost" were a science fiction series... the mystery of this island could include some Shadowtech, and no ordinary stuff... but stuff with future-predicting ability. A number could be cursed... only if one could calculate what knowing this number (and learning it under given circumstances) would cause people to do.

The series has already before speculated with the topics of choice, will, prediction, a blank sheet or new beginning... or oppositely, a cycle or errors, fate which one cannot seem to escape.

If "Lost" were a science fiction series, Hurley's numbers could be really cursed... by originating from a system of great awareness and predictive capability... capable of answering "what will happen in future, if I give this person those numbers now"... and using this ability to try achieve some goal. Possibly a goal which it cannot achieve directly.

Perhaps it's just my excess affinity towards stories of AI and hypercomputing... but for some reason, this episode gave me a mental image... of a wrecked future-predicting system employing a peculiar game of information and probability... to move tangible resources which it otherwise cannot touch.

Unfortunately for my silly hypothesis, "Lost" does not look like a science fiction series... and the "fridge" which Locke and Boone are excavating... doesn't look at all like Shadowtech. :LOL:

Therefore, I shall deposit my theory... to the system entropy pool of implausible theories. I shall switch back to considering the island's high level of mysteries a freak coincidence propelled by creative license, and permitted by suspension of disbelief. :D
Re: Tonight\'s Lost (Did anyone notice?)

Sleepy, the writers have been pretty specific that when all is said and done, everything will have a scientific or Psuedo-scientific answer.

That's part of the fun of solving the mysteries, is knowing that you can't use supernatural or known impossible things as explanations, they only look supernatural or impossible.
Re: Tonight\'s Lost (Did anyone notice?)

Sleepy, the writers have been pretty specific that when all is said and done, everything will have a scientific or Psuedo-scientific answer.

That's part of the fun of solving the mysteries, is knowing that you can't use supernatural or known impossible things as explanations, they only look supernatural or impossible.
Ive heard this too, but its been almost a full season and so far they arent exactly awe-inspiring their fans with payoffs of any type yet. I wonder if they REALLY know what is going on, or whether they just have general ideas and say "hey i bet we could get a lot of people wondering if we did *THIS*"

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