No, Recoil -
HOT damn.
One of the reasons I love this show so much is that we can no longer tell who is on what side. Jeremiah even hinted at it early-on, when he and Kurdy were talking about sides - what was it? "Gee, and I thought we were all on the same side?"
I love Jeremiah, because he's not what we would call a "good guy." He has temper tantrums. He's very self-motivated. In fact, he's... wait a minute... did you all notice a very disturbing Markus line?
"They're inconveniently strong-willed."
Strong-willed people are only inconvenient in a political system that values docility and compliance.
Makes ya think, huh?
I had to go back to check on the scene where Markus was shot, and on Lee's lines a few later - something to the point of "What makes you think he was aiming at Markus - he might have been aiming at you."
What a disturbing, disturbing trend.
Let's take what we know Ezekiel has said to Jeremiah: "The thunder will change you forever, but everyone you love will fall at the end of the world."
I'm having trouble telling who the good guys are, here. I know Lee is pivotal - he's a crux point. Jeremiah is also a crux point, if only for his value to SOME people in Valhalla Sector to use against Devon, his father, who might be a dissenting voice therein.
Ahh, Lee. I dislike him. I dislike him a lot.
He knows a lot about Jeremiah, too. But is he trying to kill Jeremiah - or is he working with Ezekiel to protect him, which means keeping him wandering about doing his "la la, I'm just a wanderer" deal, and out of the possession of the "big boys?"
Lee could be our "leak," but you never know. Maybe the leak is Markus. Lee, after all, is his right-hand man, and tends to make things easier, or facilitate, others' actions - Markus' and Ezekiel's.
One question. Was Lee within Thunder Mountain at the outset, or was he brought in? If he was in from the beginning, there's a lot more going on here than we previously suspected (like that's a surprise, with this show).
Anyone who says JMS isn't a good writer after this - I will smack thee on the head with a silo. I can definitely see where Rangers went by the wayside in planning this baby.
For now on, the only people I'm going to be sure of are Jeremiah and Kurdy. I don't know about anybody else.
I wonder if Jeremiah feels the same way...
From now on.
And one last thought. I never knew anybody rich enough to be able to afford ponies at a fifth birthday party. Never. And my friends were very posh people. Sounds like Jeremiah's father might have been an important guy, to be able to afford ponies for his son.
Kudos on this one, obviously, to JMS, and to Alex Zahara, who is friggin' awesome. He's only been in - what - three episodes, and he's already created one of the best characters in the entire show. Shiiiiiiiiiit - did any of you NOT get a chill down your spine with that scene between Jeremiah and Ezekiel in the dark room?
Hot damn, Recoil. Hot damn.