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Has anyone ever done the Iliad? Not just the Trojen Horse, the entire story?

A 10 year story, it may be possible to do it as say 20 episodes. CGI could be used to give the Gods real power.
One of the things I found interesting about this version of the story is the complete absence of action from the Olympian Gods. Even Achilles' mother came across as human, rather than a Goddess.
Has anyone ever done the Iliad? Not just the Trojen Horse, the entire story?

A 10 year story, it may be possible to do it as say 20 episodes. CGI could be used to give the Gods real power.

Of course, the Horse isn't in the Iliad: it ends with Priam getting Hektor's body back from Achilleus.

Just saw this at the weekend, and could honestly not stop laughing at the dialogue. But then i read this and found out they spent £200 million on it....
$200 million?? So why was the script wirtten by an angry 15 year old in a pseudo classical lilt??
There's plenty of male eye-candy, and the chicks are hot, but $200 million!!!!!!
The battle scences were good, but $200 million!!!!!!!!!!
Do you get my point yet...
As for the hack job they did on the Illad, why? Why remove all epic-scale from your epic movie, (10 years, 3 weeks, whats the difference??).
And the acting, some of Hollywood's finest doing laughable accents, I personally loved Odysseus the pit-miner.
Its good to know Hollywood are still producing total tat.
Unless this was actually Carry on Troy, and no-one let on that they had resurected the franchise.... ;)
The cost has nothing to do with the quality of dialogue. Good writers get paid the same as hacks.

Given the basic premise of the film, I don't even know how it could have been done well. Let's take one of the greatest myths of all time- and remove the mythology. This makes the war pointless and the heros silly. If the intent was to make it about how futile war is, they should watch Platoon or something to learn how to do it right. I felt compassion or pity for none of the characters.

I just wanted them to shut up so they could kill more people. There was some nice eye-candy, like all the ships and Troy itself and the horse and whatnot. I was quite impressed with Pitt's moves (though who knows how much of that was a double). The one-on-one fight of Achilles vs Hector was my favorite part of the film (I like my violence to be up close and personal).

One thing I could not stop making fun of afterwards was that they gave Achilles a "special move," like in video games. This is where Pitt jumps in the air a little to the side and stabs downward. He did it a bunch of times. I think you have to press forward-down-forward punch to execute that move as part of a combo.
One thing I could not stop making fun of afterwards was that they gave Achilles a "special move," like in video games. This is where Pitt jumps in the air a little to the side and stabs downward. He did it a bunch of times. I think you have to press forward-down-forward punch to execute that move as part of a combo.

:D :D

Wheras Orlando's 'special' move was to fight like the girl he is...
Good point about removing the Myth from the Myth. Take a story about the gods meddling in the affairs of men, remove the gods, and you've got....
Nothing. Luckily the movie fitted into nicely into Darth Librarians' "so awful it was hilarious" category.
Paris pussying out during the fight against his chick's hubby was very cute. And then he got all Legolas at the end with the arrows. Pfft.
Finally saw this film. Yes, yes and yes the men are hot hot hot! But was this the only good thing in the film? No. It had some good moments and good ideas behind it. I can see what Peterson was trying to do. However, I don't think he quite made it. The performances were great, though directed a bit over the top and cliche in places that IMO was unnecessary. I blame the director for those moments. Peterson has proven to be a bit cliche at times, and it's my one big beef with him.

Overall, I think the film was worth seeing on the big screen because it's just one of those films best appreciated in a larger than life venue.

I felt that the story missed something, though exactly what all it didn't live up to I can't quite put my finger on. I think it was more than one thing. While I felt that Pitt played Achilles with angst and in doubt of his image while being trapped by it (IMO a great performance from him, despite the on again-off again accent which I didn't find too distracting like Reeves' horrid attempt at accents in several films), I felt it was one of James Horner's least impressive scores. The music had some great moments, some beautiful themes, but just didn't reach epic, sweeping, or moving enough proportions to help carry the film to that next level. I suppose I should say that I'm a firm believer that the score is not only a character in any film, but one of the most vocal and powerful as well.

The film gets an "E" for effort in my book. It's good, just not great. Still worth seeing at a matinee showing on the big screen, but not Academy Award material. I would give it ***1/2 out of ***** stars.

Wow, i might go and grab some of the clips. It all fits, Horner's score (and i do like a lot of his other work) did sound like a temp track at times, just one horn riff varied throughout was the only memorable bit.
Still not impressed by the movie. Amused, but not impressed.
Well, that explains a lot. A score can really make the difference in how the audience feels and associates with the film. Horner's basically didn't work. I would love to see Yared's score added back in.
I felt you could have replaced most of the score for Troy with a little caption that says "Imagine James Horner Score Here." He did a good job with Titanic but his scores are becoming a bit repetitious. Our Lady of Soundtrack Sorrow, indeed. And what is it with movies and songs over the credits, anyway? The LotR songs were acceptable, even great, but the rest of end-of-movie songs just don't cut it for me. At least John Williams does not bow to fashion in this regard, but John Williams is also so respected these days even George Lucas, Meddler Extraordinaire, knows not to mess too much with him.

As for the rest of the movie... it had its moments, and some of the acting was surprisingly good, and the people were pretty. But it was really a case of "so close and yet so far." If all the people who were supposed to die had died, and all the people whe were supposed to live had lived, then it would have been a far better movie.

And I just couldn't help but laugh when all 18 million soldiers politely stop fighting long enough for Hector and Odysseus to have a conversation.

In conclusion: cousin.


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