For getting rid of Popup ads, you can try downloading Proxomitron from:
It's Free.
What is does is selectively modify the first script that comes to your browser which is the place where the code that tells it to download the popup ads resides. You set up a series of "filters" and Proxomitron changes the the script to convert anything you have "excluded" to a Comment.
It allows you to turn off Active Server Pages, cookies and all sorts of things that people find objectionable.
The good part is that it does it Outside your browser so you don't risk messing up your settings.
Proxomitron itself resides 100% in a single directory, so, if you decide you Don't like it, you can just delete it and not worry about messing up anything else. Same applies to installing it. since it all goes in One Place, you can be sure it won't "overwrite" some exotic part of Windoze.
There is ONE thing that needs to be set up in your browser. Proxomitron is what is known as a Proxy Server. There is a setting in Netscrape Preferences Advanced Proxies where you set a Yes/No and the name of the directory where Proxomitron resides.
After you set it the first time, you can turn the Yes/No flag on and off and teh browser will still remember where Proxomitron resides when it isn't being used.
It's the sort of thing that you have to try out for suitability.
Some web sites are set up so that they just don't Work when you use a proxy server to filter out the ads or the cookies.
B5LR, for instance, needs the cookies and Java turned On.
Since many of the Ads are Java based, turning Java off is one of the ways you can filter out the ads.
This doesn't work too well if parts of the site you Want also need Java.
The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!