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uh-oh....this doesn't sound good.

Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

I, once again, have to ask, how much star power would they need? Most movies only have one or two big names in them. Very few movies are like Ocean's 11, with a large cast of Big names. Surely, if this is all true, simply having this one new character being a big name is enough.

One new character with a big name is a distraction, an overshadowing of all the B5 regulars who are big names in the B5 community. It shows a lack of respect and a shallowness that often eminates from corporations.

The B5 feature film needs no "Hollywood star power" guest stars to make its box office.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Just a point here, but if this is true (and multiple sources have heard the rumbles and my source has definately confirmed some friction over the casting betweem JMS and TPTB), then JMS most likely will NOT able to confirm or deny it since that could but him in massive hot water.

As I stated before, even if it's only rumor, and it ain't...then a massive write-in and support campaign for the original cast will hurt nothing...it will only serve to reassure WB and financiers that they are still banking on a sure thing!

My friend tells me that they're hoping JMS will give in on this because they can prove that the fans won't say anything if this leaks (thus the leaks within the industry knowing it will leak out -- TPTB want it leaked so they can say, "see, no one complained, let's recast." -- On the other side JMS couldn't and can't leak or discuss it or they'll say he acted to counter...it's a fucked up game these folks play and it's hardball but that's how it goes in this business.)

We have to prove them wrong and JMS right, that the fans will care, that we will complain (big time!) and that they'll make their cash and TMoS will be a bigtime financial success for them, but if and only if they use the cast we know and love!

Our voices must be heard.

Here is the main WB address, however, I could not get anyone to give me a name to ATTN: it to.

WB is claiming to have no knowledge of TMoS from any office that would know about it.

This is standard, even though I represented myself as from a company interested in sending them some casting headshots.

Both the production and development departments claimed no knowledge of a B5 feature. But since WB has not officially announced, I'm not surprised by this. Info being sent out is insider info, so they would deny to someone, even if they knew the insider info if they didn't have some name recognition.

So, anyway, if you want, you can snail mail to WB at the main address and make it attention development department or even be bold and make it attention Babylon 5 or TMoS.

Warner Bros.
4000 Warner Boulevard
Burbank, CA 91522

I will continue to press for insiders to snail mail and email to. My search has only just begun and I'm at work at the moment which hinders me greatly.

If any of you British types would like to try calling Elstree to see if you can get a number or name at the B5 offices there, that would be great. You can email any info to me at aflessas@sppictures.com and I will try to start coordinating a list of snail and e-mail locations and names, etc.

Rumor or truth, we must act now to preserve our cast before it's too late. As I said, my source tells me that a decision must me made soon on how to proceed or it could kill the project completely!

Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Well if this IS true, then the fans need to act. I think it would benefit from some kind of organisation. People need to know what to send, and where to send it. Then there are online petitions etc.

If think about the save farscape campaign, it was (to my knowledge) very well organised. If we have to fight for our B5 movie to have the original cast, then we need to be organised too.

Any volunteers?
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

maybe someone else may pick up the mantle and forge forward with the last best hope.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Long time reader, first time poster. I just sent this question to JMS on the newsgroup he posts to:

Suddenly I'm hearing rumors from people that there's trouble with your new movie.

A friend of mine told me that Warner's getting cold feet because they only want Blockbuster hits with big stars. Isn't Babylon 5 successful enough? I know you said the DVDs sold really well. Just because it's a TV show doesn't mean it won't be a hit. Are they talking to other studios? Anyways, my friend told me that the money folks are looking for movie stars to take the place of Bruce and Mira and the rest because they think nobody'll come see TV actors. That's dumb. He says that you don't want to change the actors and that's what's holding everything up. I'm glad to hear that but now there's the news about you filming in April. Does that mean everything's okay now? I don't think I want to see it without the stars I already know.

Please tell us!!!


I hope it get through the moderators soon.


I've heard the same thing too ... Once again, WB is being stupid in regards to B5.

Remember, they thought there wasn't enough interest in the series to merit the release of even one season ... Their "test" was a flipper disc of The Gathering/In the Beginning, and even with poor quality and being a flipper disc, the sales on it blew them away ... Then they didn't think a season 1 would do any good ... and the sales of that season alone were enough to finance a new series ... Seasons 2-5, the movies, and crusade, were all 'gravy' ...

And they still think there isn't interest. How stupid are they? Deeply stupid, I think.

There is no one who could play Delenn by Mira Furlan. Same with Londo/Peter Jurasik, and the rest.

Having new actors step into those roles ... would be a tragic mistake.

And in thinking of their "logic", are they forgetting how successful the original Star Trek movies were, with the same tv cast? They got 6 movies out of the deal, with nearly every one making more money than the one before it (#5 being an exception).

Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Yes, the Scapers were organized. Possibly most importantly, they (we, I sent a few, though not the mass mailings that many made) were very clear about what to say and what not to say.

You don't want to be written off as a nut, or to unduly antagonize the person reading the letter.

Do *not* use profanity.

Do *not* say things like "You are clearly a moron, because it requires gross stupidity to consider such a thing."

Do *not* send anything that could possibly trigger security alerts in the building (it really antagonizes people). The "Crackers do matter" (if you don't get the reference, don't worry about it) campaign was called off *very* quickly when it was learned that some poorly packaged crackers were ground up by the post office to the point of being a white powder and triggering an anthrax test.

*DO* be polite.

*DO* try to make your case based on things that *they* care about.

Scapers went so far as to send flowers etc. to the secretaries / administrative assistants whose lives we were suddenly making more difficult though the provocation was none of their doing.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Hell, I could post something to JMS on his newsgroup saying "JMS, there are rumors about your new B5 movie containing scenes of hardcore pornography with Jenna Jameson. Why would you do that to your fans?

Finally, my two favorite things unite into one :cool: :D :eek: :LOL:
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Too early to speak of certainties...

...but to be honest, both can abandon both. If Warner makes the mistake of recasting old roles... I will *not* financially support their mistake.

Out of curiosity, I might pirate a copy... but for an "experimental" movie... without involvement of actors who have proven their ability in those roles... why should I pay? I would consider it an untested product, necessitating free evaluation.

Yes... it would be sad... for a potentially excellent story to fail. But the world was never perfect.

Of course, provided time for such hobbies... I could write Warner a letter, informing them that I have heard rumours which mention them choosing unreasonably... and express my opinion that such choices -- if they really have occured, or might occur -- should be altered.

But, expecting them to follow the traditions of large corporations... they would hardly read it, instead preferring to burn their fingers.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Out of interest, is there any precedent for the recasting of roles in a movie adaptation of a TV show so soon after that show had finished (I'm sure there must be, but can't think of one?) Surely that in itself would represent a big gamble for a studio, disrupting a proven formula?

Of course if WB really wanted to wreck it, they could always make it a knowing self-parody, like Starsky and Hutch.. We'd all love that..
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

I would rather see the orignal actors in the roles or dont make the movie at all.I mine there has to be reason why it is taking soo long to announce it and the following info fits.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Don't think this has been posted on this board yet, but on the jmsnews boards, it's been announced that a new website is being set up to organize the letter writing campaign:

One other thing. I think we should work towards getting the news about the actor recasting up on an established website, whether that be a B5-specific site like Lurker, or a general SF news site like Cinescape. Right now, the news only exists on messageboards like this one and jmsnews. So when we try to spread the word, we have to direct them to these places, where they wade through a zillion messages trying to figure out how reliable the news is. If it goes up on an established site, other SF news sites will link to it, and the word will spread much faster.

Antony--I don't suppose you'd be willing to resurrect the news page of B5tv.com for this one news story?
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

I just finished posting a message about the situation on Spacecast.com up here in Canada.
I hope that everyone sends a letter to Warner Bros. I know mine will be in the mail this afternoon.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

My news page is up! Go to www.SPPictures.com and click on the news page. Until the official KeepB5Alive.com page is up and running, I will make sure to keep all the latest contact info and news up at SPPictures.com.

Make sure you all go to the official WB message boards and post your thoughts there as well, as WB might have folks eyeing the boards to see if there is any fan outcry (which has only just begun).

Meanwhile, Jan and I are hard at work getting all the info we can and trying to find out who else we, the fans, can contact.

It is true, DO NOT be mean or unkind in any letters or emails. Be resolute but nice.

I ask here, can anyone in England try to reach Elstree and see if they can find out an address or anything for the B5 offices there?

Until then, I've put up the main WB address and such at my site, go there if you need it.

Yes, go to any and every site you can think of and post. My main write up at my site is a good template for what is going on and how to word it!

If anyone (maybe a Scaper) wants to write-up a basic letter to be used by folks as a template, I will gladly put it up at my site. However, I do suggest that people use it only as a template. Make your letters as personal as you can so WB and TPTB don't see any letters as form letters mailed en masse.

Email me with anything if you need it or want info or have new info to be put out at AFlessas@sppictures.com


(aka CE)
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

My biggest problem with all of this is I have been around most of the B5 forums and it look like it’s the same people fanning the fires in all of them. Don't get me wrong if this is a problem then it should be addressed but at this point, I find still unconvinced. I mean it is one thing to have sources and it wouldn't surprise me at all of it many of you are well connected but at the same time saying it and hearing from people who will not come out openly doesn't lend to credibility. Now don't get me wrong I understand why people who are working on a project that is not yet official can't speak to it. I just find this flood of leaks questionable in a damn what has not had one in over a year.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Don't think this has been posted on this board yet, but on the jmsnews boards, it's been announced that a new website is being set up to organize the letter writing campaign:

Wow, that's quick!

He mistyped the word "roles". Although I know a few female fans who wouldn't mind Andreas in a roll. ;)
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

My biggest problem with all of this is I have been around most of the B5 forums and it look like it’s the same people fanning the fires in all of them. Don't get me wrong if this is a problem then it should be addressed but at this point, I find still unconvinced. I mean it is one thing to have sources and it wouldn't surprise me at all of it many of you are well connected but at the same time saying it and hearing from people who will not come out openly doesn't lend to credibility. Now don't get me wrong I understand why people who are working on a project that is not yet official can't speak to it. I just find this flood of leaks questionable in a damn what has not had one in over a year.

Marshal, you don't understand...these casting descriptions have gone out, within the industry. My source has confirmed this fact. And these decriptions are of the main cast characters like Sheridan and Delenne.

You have to realise that this leak, according to what I and others have been able to find out, came from TPTB. The info about shooting in April and the casting leaks. They are trying to create an atmosphere of pressure that will force JMS first into silence, then into a time pressure so he will cave.

This kind of hardball is not unusual in the industry. If JMS speaks out against this, he's blamed for leaking it (this kind of leaking is done in Washington all the time so blame can be shifted, etc.) and for creating a firestorm. And if it does get out, then they can claim he did it or other lunacy.

Meanwhile, they banked on us, the fans, being not-so-bright and not clueing in to what was happening. They could then go to JMS and say, "see, no outcry about recasting," while effectively keeping him bottled up.

What they didn't realise is that B5 fans are not ignorant to how this industry works (thanks in no small part to JMS, himself), nor did they realise that we would speak out. Remember, suits think they know everything and are always right.

My source vehemently confirms what's happening is, indeed, happening. Jan and Amy have gotten independent confirmation as well.

And even if this all turns out to be wrong, then writing in and emailing and generally letting WB know that we stand 200% behind JMS and the original cast will do no harm...it will only serve to strengthen their standing and let TPTB know once more just how strongly we stand behind this film and B5.

The few you've seen on other sites are the same people at first because it is those same people trying to get the word out on this everywhere. The B5 soldiers in what's being called the new "call to arms."

But word is spreading and fast. We have to get to others, outside the B5 forums, to those in film forums, other SF forums, in our communities and beyond.

We have to get the word out so the word can get back to WB and TPTB in one clear voice that says, "We want our original cast...and no other! Listen to JMS and let him complete this dream and we'll make sure we make it a major hit!"

Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

For the record CE I have put my voice out there on your side of this issue. Not so much that I have changed my mind, but because I don't want to see the changes that you’re speaking of come to pass. I'm still not convinced beyond doubt, but I care about B5 to much to see it be ripped apart. I trust that you believe that WB is trying to recast and in all honest is sound stupid enough to be a studio idea. I can see your fight hard for his trying to rally the troops I wish you good luck.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Well, I've also done some checking before posting any response here or over at JMSNews on this (though I have posted on this subject prior to this over there and will share my thoughts from there here after I say this):

According to my source, this is a problem folks! WB has suddenly in the eleventh hour decided that TMoS isn't high-profile enough since it's roots are in TV. The financiers are, according to my source, looking for big named actors over JMS's objections because they don't think fans will come out to see TV actors in a big screen film. JMS is supposedly battling on their behalf, but my source tells me that things are coming down to the wire and that a decision will have to come soon...either replace the cast with big stars in the same roles or not.

Supposedly WB is also not considering it to be big enough and are in negotiations with other studios to distribute it.

My source tells me, they're sending out casting notices on main cast...word is to prove no firestorm will come from the fanbase if this gets out and thus shut JMS up.

This means we need to make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN a shitstorm from HELL rises from the fans!

The word I'm getting is that it's turned into a battle of wills between the financiers/WB and JMS and that they think they're going to prove JMS wrong and win that way.

They think the fans and JMS will balk and let them have their way, since they think the fans don't care.

We have to prove them wrong folks!

Did B5 and JMS teach us nothing? The fight ain't over til it's over and that voices can be heard.

The Scapers did it. ST, Firefly, X-Files...all crossovers with little to- no-name casts. Yet, all but Firefly (which hasn't come out yet) were very successful...hell, ST with two casts.

Now word is that Farscape is going to the big screen.

We must let WB know, en masse, how we feel about even the suggestion or rumor of such changes.

We made them over 100 million in DVD sales...partly to "vote" for TMoS and help ensure it's being made!

I don't know about you, but I'll be damned if they're going to take my money then spit on me! Not just me but the original cast!

What a frelling insult!

Speak up and out! I learned that from being a gay man! And by God, this gay man will make sure that WB hears what he has to say, if I have to do it alone!

They need to hear that we're not going to stand for this, even in rumor, so they know we're behind the project and want JMS to say what's right! They need to know that even rumors of such things are NOT acceptable.

If it turns out to be a rumor, which I am assured it is NOT, then we've done no harm and reassured WB that the fans are ready to support JMS and B5 in a big way!

Come on, folks, let's get the word out!

I might have time to get the WB casting offices, features offices, etc., emails and snail mail addies today, but if someone beats me to it, then I won't be hurt in the least.

We voted once, now we need to make sure every vote has been counted!

If you all are concerned, then I would suggest the gathering of B5 fans. An outcry of fandom, telling them that we've been loyal, we've bought the DVD's and proven that we are here and ready to support TMoS in a big way.

We have to tell them, no casting changes...period. We want TMoS to be true B5. We will make sure it's a success, as long as they stay true to us, who've made all that money for them.

A write-in campaign, an email campaign, an outcry from fans around the world saying, "We want TMoS! We want the original cast! And we'll make it big if you do!" is worth our time.

Look what the SCAPERS and FIREFLY fans achieved, folks!

If this is true, or even if it's rumor, then it won't hurt to make our voices heard either way!!!!!!

Remind WB and TPTB that we're here, that our voice has made them millions, that we won't stand for this, that ST, X-files, SW (the OT and to some degree the PT), LOTR all were major successes with little to no star power.

It's the greatness and quality of the story not the names of the stars that will put butts in the seats.

Besides, they have to be reminded that financially, they cannot loose here! There is simply no way with DVD sales making up more the 3 to 4 times the money on films than box office does now. Even Chronicles of Riddick, as badly as that bombed, is most likely going to get its sequel now because the DVD sales have been good.

No...we must not sit by and allow this. We must stand united with JMS and the cast! JMS is fighting for them and us from what my source says, we must fight along side!

He and they have never abandoned us...we simply cannot abandon them!

Sadly the studios DON'T care. I am also a fan of B5. I am also a fan of Battlestar Galactica. The fans are still trying to get a BG movie : http://www.colonialfanforce.org

Tom DeSanto had a great idea for a BG movie only to see the rug pulled from under him. His idea brought some of the os BG actors back, Dirk Benedict and Herb Jefferson Jr. To make a B5 movie without the original will stink. No Garibaldi. Jerry was one of the redeeming qualities of season 5.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Thanks, CE. The address is:

Warner Bros.

Features Development Dept.
4000 Warner Boulevard
Burbank, CA 91522

Nice website, by the way. :)

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