Republibot 3.0
I know there's at least two JMS-penned unfilmed B5 scripts that remain unpublished: There's the Garibaldi story from "Lost Tales," and there's the movie script for "The Memory of Shadows." Obviously, neither of those will ever be filmed, but I'm curious if anyone's read 'em? There's also an unfilmed Peter David script from Season 5, and at least one or two other unfilmed Crusade scripts that never made it on Bookface.
I know they're moldering away in a file somewhere in Warners, but SF scripts have a tendency to leak. For instance, I read JMS "World War Z" script a year or so ago, and reviewed it for my site (He asked me to take it down, so I did).
So: Has anyone seen any of these? I'd really like to read what I didn't get to see.
I know they're moldering away in a file somewhere in Warners, but SF scripts have a tendency to leak. For instance, I read JMS "World War Z" script a year or so ago, and reviewed it for my site (He asked me to take it down, so I did).
So: Has anyone seen any of these? I'd really like to read what I didn't get to see.