• The new B5TV.COM is here. We've replaced our 16 year old software with flashy new XenForo install. Registration is open again. Password resets will work again. More info here.

Upgrade complete!


Staff member
This is a quick post. Markas (I blame him entirely) begged me to upgrade to vBulletin even though it was quite late in the evening. Against my better judgement I did it, and then bham it's 4am and it's taking ages! Importing Babbleon has been time consuming, and I even had to shut the Trek BBS and Talk CSI which are on the same server because the server was going apeshit with the load.

So I will customize the look later, when I've had some sleep. And I'll talk you all through it, help with any problems etc.

But for now, just login with your display name from the old board. That's the name you had next to your posts, not the name you logged in with (if you had different names that is). Your password is the same. If you need to reset your password, you'll get that option after a failed login attempt.

Email me at antony[at]b5tv.com if you can't receive your password reset email.
And probably the biggest thing you're likely to comment on is the old UBB code in posts. There's a script that I think will clear that up, but it may just be something we have to live with as part of the move. It's a massive task, and I think it's amazing that vBulletin keeps as much intact as it does.
This is a quick post. Markas (I blame him entirely) begged me to upgrade to vBulletin even though it was quite late in the evening.

He is an excessive liar. :) Some things aren't working, like the old smilies and quotes, and the old titles and ranks are gone. Things will need to be attended to, as Antony has said above. Hopefully, you will all be able to get in and have at the new board.

Thanks Antony, for all the hard work.
Looks very lovely.

vBulletin is a nice system, especially for more active/larger boards. :cool:
I miss the blue. I guess the avatars will start trickling in, as RW's has been visible throughout and Kribu's just showed up when I logged in.
The blue is here. Go to the bottom of the page. On the left is a box for you to change the look of the board. I've changed it to B5TV.

Still waiting for the avatars to come back though.
KoshFan, if you want the blue you can go into yoru User CP and change to the B5TV theme. But it's a work in progress.

Everyone, I've run a conversion utility today that has converted old UBB Code to new vB code. And I've also sorted out all the smileys.

If you spot any code where there should be a smiley, strange characters etc. let me know.

I know there are escaped apostrophes about (where it says McDonald\'s for example) which I may try and fix. But it's dangerous playing with them. So I just want to be sure I do it right before I fix that. But anything else you spot, let me know.

This has taken more time than I anticipated. Lots to do. But all in all everything should be mostly working. Just gotta sort out new images, stuff like that.

I think I have my old Avatar reloaded (I'm too set in my ways to change it now) and I like the B5TV theme.

You might want to make special note that people will need to change to the B5TV skin in their User CP Options order to see the changes. My login defaulted to the standard vBulletin skin.
BTW, for a "work in progress" the skin looks very nice. You did a nice job executing the move. Well done!
It will definitely take some time for me to get used to it, even with my having been exposed to vBulletin at other boards.
You might want to make special note that people will need to change to the B5TV skin in their User CP Options order to see the changes. My login defaulted to the standard vBulletin skin.

I'm going to make it the default once I consider it done. Mostly gotta sort out some horrible images.

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