Not-Lisa ripped Tyler's throat out, so, I highly doubt he'd come back from that.
Good... he can stay dead... Lisa was wasted on him & if she just has to "breed" with someone she can do much better with any other cast member.
I remember thinking that Tyler was gonna be cool way back when but then each episode he did something stupid. I wanted to shoot him when they trashed & tagged the church & I'm not even all that religious, there are certain things you just don't do. Got a problem with Jack? Take it up with Jack so he can kick your @$$.
Ryan, IMHO, wasn't working as a character, he was weighing the show down, not "V" enough, IMHO.
I blame the writers for that... he started out cool. Him & Georgie ruled those first couple episodes.
Diana, it's a shame they killed her off, she could work well in a new season as Anna's nemesis. But, the Scene was fantastic, and the line was Epic.
That's Lisa's job now... & I believe she'll be good and angry now.
IMHO, they could've dropped Jack, too.
NO!!! Not jack! I liked Ryan but Jack needs to stay... & I've always seen him and Erica hooking up so that's why I couldn't get behind it when she started doin' Hobbs. Plus Hobbs has some kinda secret issue that needs resolved.
Jack will snap out of it... in time.
From what I understand, the "Bloodbath" was meant to trim characters that weren't working and to shrink the budget, in an attempt to make renewal more possible.
As long as it works I guess...
Yeah, the thing with Ryan looked like he was dead, but as you said it's possible that he's not. I do know that the V's can seem to revive people so it's possible that if did indeed die Joshua could revive him. I'm also not totally convinced that Tyler is gone for good either. Anna could have him revived for some reason.
Let's not forget that they killed Joshua at the end of Season 1... though they showed him not dead at the end of the ep then.
I wonder how long the real Lisa will remain in the bowels of the ship. After Anna's queen egg hatched and she had skin put on the V that came out of it, having that skin look just like Lisa, I was like "Would the real Lisa Visitor please stand up!"

Maybe they'll have a scene later where the Lisas will fight each other to the death or something.
Some other unanswered questions are: Is Jack now useless to the fight because he was blissed or can Erica still count on him to help? What will happen to Chad Decker now that Anna knows he was part of the plot to try and kill her? Will Hobbs return? Hopefully we'll find out sometime this year!
IMHO... hehe, that catches on.
Jack... will probably be blissed for a couple episodes but I think he'll pull through in the long run.
Hobbs can die & be replaced by Michael Ironside.
Chad Decker... I think is my favorite character & I never know what to expect from him. I'm comparing him to Donovan from the Miniseries and the only differences I've seen is Mike was a camera man & Chad is a reporter.
When they exposed the Vs in the miniseries, I forget her name, but the chick ripped off the supreme commanders face on camera.
With Chad Decker already in the Fifth Column it's been giving me goose bumps... I've been waiting for the ep where the Vs are exposed. There's so much potential there & if Chad is exposed & forced to go on the run it changes everything. Sure he can try and do a negative report on the Vs but I have a feeling they can stop him from broadcasting.
Anyway... I think he's been exposed, but if you think back Ana asked him to infiltrate the Fifth Column way back when. If he's smart enough he can lie and say he's getting close to their leadership. Last time him & Ana talked he was her puppie. If he can't pull it off he'll have to escape & he's less threatening on the run.