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Heh... I just looked at next week's TV guide and guess what will start airing on one of the local channels? Yes, V.

Of course, according to the TV guide it's made in 1884, so I wonder just how dated it will look!

As for DVD prices... bah, I wish the UK online stores would lower the prices like that too!
Yes... I can picture it now.

Funny, when I saw (and loved) it back in the mid-eighties, I don't remember it looking a hundred years old.
Look what I just saw on DarkHorizons.com:

# V: The Second Mini-Series: Kenneth Johnson's most recent email concerning his talks with NBC about doing a sequel mini-series sounds promising: "At this point I am talking to NBC and Warners about a 3 or 4 hour sequel. No deal is in place, but I'm hopeful".

Very interesting!
I am afraid it can become difficult for a sequel of V to be in the same 'style' as the original one. I surely hope they can make it work if it goes through, but we certainly don't want any Battlestar Galactica kind of situations.

Since the original actors have aged quite a bit, an idea could be a V miniseries '20 years later' or something...
They could always recast the roles. Considering the only actors I(probably most people) remember from the original are Freddy Kruger and the original Beastmaster it really would not be an issue.
Well I just picked up and watched the First V Miniseries DVD. I must say I have forgotten what a great miniseries this was. Many things about B5 are very similar to events in V (mainly surrounding Nightwatch and Pres Clarke's rise to "dictatorship"). It was great watching it again, and refreshing to be reminded that there have been great works of television over the years. V is definately one of the best Sci-Fi stories that has been done. Well cast, well acted, well written, and well thought out.
Many things about B5 are very similar to events in V (mainly surrounding Nightwatch and Pres Clarke's rise to "dictatorship").

How did you formulate that ? Maybe it was similar because v was primarily about the Nazi`s (wich Kenneth Johnson says on the dvd) and nightwatch/president clarke was a fascist regime .
A second V miniseries would be great. They certainly did leave it open to one with the ending of the Final Battle. I mean, what did the governements do with all the V tech that was left behind afterwards? I think if it was done right and well written it would be a big hit. I know I would certainly watch it. I recieved the V original miniseries on DVD for X-Mas one year ago and loved it. I need to watch it again. And purchase the Final Battle.
is that enough for a series though ?
What i mean to say is :
1.What would they do ? fight off another invasion ?

2.contact other worlds and travel the stars ?

i think what would be good is a feature length film to connect the loose endings . e.g. what happens to the 5th column
what happens to willy
Well, do remember there was the series. This came after the final battle.

I do love one thing though. A blonde woman is on the bridge of a ship at the end of the final battle. In the series, they resume exactly from that point... and she's gone.
So guys and gals what does V stand for? Whoever answers correctly first wins a thimble full of pride (I remember this from the original airing which was when i was 6-8 years old).

Also is this the best sci-fi mini-series of all time? Are there any others?
Hmm. I never saw more than bits of the series. But would I be going out on a limb by guessing "V" stands for "Victory"?
How did you formulate that ? Maybe it was similar because v was primarily about the Nazi`s (wich Kenneth Johnson says on the dvd) and nightwatch/president clarke was a fascist regime.
That is exactly how I formulated that. Im not saying JMS was copying script or anything, merely that both stories were similar in that respect. It makes sense too because both were also based on historical events. I think V had much more detail in that particular plotline than B5 did, mainly because B5 was set on the station, and you intentionally didnt get first hand looks at things developing on Earth, whereas in V it is up close and personal.
You see, Antony, I went to school before they eliminated history from the curriculum.

VE and VJ days.
That is exactly how I formulated that. Im not saying JMS was copying script or anything, merely that both stories were similar in that respect.

Don't forget that JMS was involved in an abortive V revival.

As for the picture and sound, on the dvd's, the first mini series picture quality is astounding considering how old it is. The sound is stereo only but not bad. However the second mini series had the sound listed as stereo but is clearly mono, how could they do that after the original was so well done?
I don't think it was mentioned, but Kenneth Johnson had nothing to do with V:The Final Battle or The Series. It was just network suits cashing in and, in true network suit fashion, running it into the ground and having no regard for the source material or its creator. Introducing a military mercenary type like Michael Ironside's character is a good example of this lack of regard. What I liked about the original miniseries was that it showed regular civilians armed and defending themselves which made the struggle more powerful and down to earth. And the first miniseries left open so many outcomes. Most intriguing the possiblility of a race Earth could ally themselves against the Visitors. But after SG1, I'm sure most people will make comparisons with the Earth/To'kra/gou'ald conflict.

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