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Valen and UK showing of Rangers


New member
Hi It's Alpha again thanks for the replies on my first message it was a great help, just wana ask a couple of things.

Do we know if anyone has been working on a rendering of the Valen. I know it's a flying brick thingy, but I am trying to find a couple of orthographic views of it for one of my projects.

Secondly does anyoine know when rangers will be broadcast in the UK (I'm crawling up the walls with curiosity!). /forums/images/icons/shocked.gif
Last I heard Warner UK wanted to bring Rangers out on video first, just like they did with the other B5 movies.
I think they will use the DVD format this time.
the Ranger DVD is already listed as 'comming soon' on some region 4 sites /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Last I heard Warner UK wanted to bring Rangers out on video first, just like they did with the other B5 movies.
I think they will use the DVD format this time.


I wish they would, and the sooner the better. I can't wait to get me a B5:LotR:TLaDiS ( /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif ) DVD so that I can at last see this TV movie.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
the Ranger DVD is already listed as 'comming soon' on some region 4 sites /forums/images/icons/smile.gif


DVD Orchard is the only R4 site that is listing this DVD as available for pre-order as far as I can tell - and they don't have any technical details available. They do claim the release date is November 1st, but I'm skeptical. The S1 release date in R1 is also early November. The dealer's deadline to order the disc is early October, and WHV released the full specs in early August so as to promote the fact that the set was coming and give dealers time to place their orders.

If WHV Down Under planned to release Rangers by November 1st there would be information on DVD news sites, other dealers would be taking pre-orders and there would be more information available (including an MSRP, which DVD Orchard claims not to have) by now.

I think some WHV rep was being pestered about Rangers, did a cursory check of upcoming releases, say the S1 set, and said, "Oh, yeah, that B5 thing - that's coming in November." /forums/images/icons/smile.gif I suspect something similar happened with TV Zone magazine in the U.K. - which listed Rangers as being released in July for three straight issues this past spring only to change the listing to "TBA, 2003" when July came and the disc didn't.

While Bravo has confirmed that Warner Bros. told them that the movie would be released first on home video in the U.K. (they were asked on their message forum if they were going to air it) I haven't seen any firm evidence that Warner Bros. has plans to do this in the near future.

Wish I had something more optimistic to say, but that's where we seem to be right now.



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