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Valhalla Sector Conspiracy Theory

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Except, of course, that jms is a compulsive planner, likely having the major plot points of the enitre series written down already, while Chris Carter and Co have admittet that they never expected to make it past the second season, and were just making it up as the went along.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Com:
<font color=yellow>But something went wrong. To their horror they discovered that the plage didn´t go away as they had planned. It stayed dormant here and there. So they were scared of and stayed hidden for anoother ten years waiting. In the offchance of finding a cure for what they had created they kidnapped surviving children and used them a lab rats.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Just saw “the bag”.

So I would like to ad a bit more to my conspiracy theory.

A guessed before that VS kidnapped kids and experimented on them. That theory is now confirmed in my mind. The guy who died at the end of “the bag” was a little bit hard to make out, but if I understood him correctly he said this:

“They” – (I believe it is VS) used him to experiment on, so that they could find a vaccine for the big D. Exactly like “Captain Irons” experience.

There is another group who is working on the same cure. The contact person, Ferulan, is the one J and K must get the blood to. (At least the name sounded like Ferulan to me.) This could be the same group that Ezeikel is working for. An agency that is aware of VS plans and are working towards hindering them.

Did the rest of you get the same impression?

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by DrRingDing:
<font color=yellow>third, anybody else notice that this show is structured much like the X-Files?! </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Yeah.. there are some similaritys.. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif But I can think of a number of shows that work a bit like this. And Jeremiah is gonna be way better than X-files. /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Com:
<font color=yellow>There is another group who is working on the same cure. The contact person, Ferulan, is the one J and K must get the blood to. (At least the name sounded like Ferulan to me.) This could be the same group that Ezeikel is working for. An agency that is aware of VS plans and are working towards hindering them.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

I understand that some of my own questions is answered in the next episode "city of roses". Gotta see that episode..

It is Farralon and yes, the next episode may answer some of your questions but I think the real kicker will be this week's episode, Firewall. /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif
I have now seen "City of Roses" and that Farralon guy was from VS. I'm so sure on it that I'll bet my mobil phone! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
That question "where did you get this tech from" and the camera going to that VS logo was just to obvious! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

So.. adding to the theory. The VS are sending out burner teams all over the US to burn down anything that looks like the virus. Except at one or two places where they have put up small mobile research enclaves to try to find a cure.

But they don't kidnapp kids anymore. Instead they trick people who want to help into becoming their lab rats. Probably talking about the "greater good and the nobel sacrifice" etc...

Well, well..

next episode Firewall will obviously reveal some more information.. We shall see.

Just saw firewall.

And everything seems to play out exactly according to my conspiracy theory. The only thing thats left is to show that it was people withon the VS that created the virus to start with. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
