Problem is, you never are sure if you should tell them to be quiet for fear that they might pull a gun and shoot you.
Where are you seeing movies, Fallujah?
Uh, only in one of the most racially tense cities in the country. It has happened and personally I'd rather move to another seat than get the shit beat out of me or make a scene.
Now if it's just some kids or something, I will say something. If the person looks like he could wrench my neck off and use my body as a bat for my head...nope...not worth it. And here, people love to talk back to the movie and then share it loudly with their friends as though the movie said something extremely humorous in return.
I've found some theatres where the crowds are better, but Friday and Sat. are mostly out for movies for me, those are the worst crowds.
The act of going to the cinema has been ruined by home video. People tend to act as if they were at home in their living rooms and somehow manage to forget that there are people around them that they don't know and that magically their sofa and refrigerator have vanished.
This is a major pet peeve for me. Even when I do say something, the damage is done IMHO since it's more than caused me to be pulled out of the film and forced to recognize that I'm sitting in a large room full of inconsiderate morons.