Actually, this was kind of interesting, because about halfway through watching it, my friend leans over to me in the theatre and says "Why didn't they just call it mindfuck?"
I didn't like it at all. It dragged on for too long, and the ending say the least.
Note: From here on out my comments contain spoilers, you have been warned.
Several things REALLY bothered me. For example, if Jason Lee was Tom Cruise's "best friend" and according to the film "always stood by him", why did he leave Tom Cruise passed out drunk on a street corner in the middle of NYC?
And was "killing himself" even if he wouldn't really "die" in character for Tom Cruise at all? Remember, this is the guy who supposedly fought to retain his business to the bloody end, and then we see him swallow pills, take the easy way out?
And jumping off the skyscraper at the end, how was that necessary in any way shape or form? We never see a real "fear of heights" developed in the film, and the metaphor of "taking the big plunge" gets, as Londo so eloquently puts it "A little thick..."
In the end, however, I blame the advertising. The reviews all said "An errotic thriller..." so I walked into the theatre expecting "Eyes Wide Shut", except with Cameron Diaz instead of Nicole Kidman. I was then handed a large reel of film that stated "I can do an art film! I swear! No really, I'm serious. Look, I know what art is and I can do it! Oh yeah, well suck it!" signed, Cameron Crowe.