The Technomage trilogy was canon.
In the trilogy, we learn about the
<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>awesome power of the mages. They could tap into the 'power of the universe' or something to that effect. Put in a little more perspective, Galen could unleash a tremendous amount of power due to implants within his body. Talk about POWER DENSITY!
If Galen's implants can act as a conduit of such incredible power, imagine what a larger conduit could do, assuming size does matter (We are talking about fantasy physics. Hell, anything involving such high energy and interdimensional physics is awfully fantastic given our current state of understanding.).
Okay, so assuming bigger conduits yield bigger bangs, a very reasonable assumption, imagine what First Ones, Shadows and Vorlons, could do. They could wield incredible destruction well beyond what we saw with their planet killers, yes their planet killers.</font></td></tr></table>
I suspect that Lorien intervened to mediate the formation of rules of engagement between the Vorlons and Shadows to prevent or stop the massive destruction that unconstrained clashes between them could/did yield. Thus, the rules of engagement specified the types of weaponary/equipment that was permissable in addition to how it could be used.
Further, they probably agreed upon rules about what they could and couldn't do with the younger races.
Perhaps, they were not permitted to genetically engineer new species entirely. I know the Vorlons modified the genetic code of many to introduce telepathy to many races. But this is far different from engineering species from scratch.
Anyway, because of the Technomage trilogy, I believe that the Shadow and Vorlon spacecraft were intentionally limited in their capabilities and that they could easily have wielded far more powerful weaponary.
I've been wondering if JMS was 100% comfortable with this implication that the trilogy made. I'm not saying it is a glaring contradiction. I'm saying that it is a very influential element in the B5 universe.
You see, I find it interesting that, while clearly more advanced than the technology of the younger races, the First One's spacecraft seem somewhat conventional compared to what they should be capable of doing considering what we learn in the mage trilogy.
That said, the combat we witnessed between the Shadows and Vorlons were essentially just conflicts among their chess pieces. I don't think we ever saw or read about anything that the Vorlons or Shadows would consider capital ships by their standards. Thank goodness too, because they'd be so incredibly powerful.
Now, tying this to the Rangers tapestry (a spoiler for those that may not have seen it),
<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>the 'Hand' are considered First One's. They are NOT, as far as we know, constrained by any rules of engagement. In fact, from what we know of them, the other First One's banished them BECAUSE the 'Hand' were so reckless and destructive.
Finally, consider what the 'Hand' could do in the B5 universe in the absence of the First One's. Given these points, I think the 'Hand' have not re-entered our dimension yet. However, they have found a way to communicate and influence our dimension. This would explain why they haven't simply overwhelmed the younger races with their incredibly destructive 'power of the universe' technology. I suspect that they're trying to get a younger race(s) to construct a "gate" so that the 'Hand' can return to our dimension and kick ass in an unthinkable manner.</font></td></tr></table>
Well, lots of fun.
It never ends; it only changes!