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Want to write an article?


Staff member
We're looking for people to write editorials, and I'm in particular need of one quite soon.

Basically, as long as you can write reasonably well, the content is up to you. It could be a flash back to a particular episode, and why it was the dog's bollocks. It could be a particular story thread, or a character, or an actor, and why they ruled. It could be the day you became a fan of B5, and why, or a time when you thought B5 was going down the pan. Whatever... just something that's your opinion, and relates to B5 (or Crusade).

You then get it published on the site, and become famous. /forums/images/icons/grin.gif

Any takers? /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
Dude, I'll do it. I promise there won't be any spelling mistakes: when I post here, I don't bother to check it, but I'll do this in Word and such.
What would you both be interested in writing?

I will proofread anything that is submitted anyway, but obviously a good level of basic English is still required. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
I'd be willing and interested in writing something up (and yes I write better than what I do here - I think of this as more just "conversation" and spoken English is bad English. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif ) though I'm quite busy right now ... I have at least four to five reports on chess history for classes I'm teaching in August, I've got a story to write I've been neglecting, I have to find a job, find an apartment, find a roommate, make a Shogi set, make a dragon head ... etc ...

So ... will you need more this Fall? /forums/images/icons/grin.gif
I was going to volunteer but, seeing as you have have people now Antony, I am probably not needed. /forums/images/icons/frown.gif

BTW, what it the galaxy is that in your avatar? /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Gah, why do people have trouble recognizing it? One would think you've never seen a cow before! /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif
Hmm, what to write about... these topics come to mind:

Relationship dynamic between Garibaldi and Bester

Londo: tragic character

In defense of Byron (this one's good if you want some controversy /forums/images/icons/wink.gif )

G'Kar's eye (no, this wouldn't be an article about myself... unless that's what you really want /forums/images/icons/wink.gif )- plot point, symbolism, and other ocular ponderings.

Cringe moments: the mighty GKarsEye's list and discussion of the worst moments of B5. Suggestions welcome if I do this one.

Romance in Babylon 5: the harshly practical vs the fantastic. How believable is it? Is it possible to relate to them? Should we try? Etc.

I'll throw some more up here as I think of them...
Is this same type of thing that Ariel did at your Trek Fandom site? I remember reading hers and they were quite good. And then there was the Bring Back Kirk debate. I might be willing to do something like that on occasion.
RW, this isn't a finite thing, will need a steady stream. Just need one soon, pref. within a week.

Gkarseye, they sound really good. The Byron one sounds good too. I need convincing, and topics that are best are personal insights and something that encourages debate.

Sinclair, yes, sort of. Ariel's was obviously recurring. These will be more one offs. However we of course did have the debate weeks, with opposing views, polls, content etc. which might be nice to restart as they were popular.
I'd gladly write an article! I have a passion for writing and for Babylon 5...

Perhaps something as to why B5 was one of the greatest shows ever - relating to real world issues, superb characters, involving story etc..

I could start on something tommorow and maybe have it finished in a couple of days - I can write and think very quickly (After all I'm studying English, History and Government and Politics).

I'd love to write one, Antony.

Possible topics: The Journey home, or the much maligned fifth season and why it DIDN'T SUCK...

Or a smaller scale, taking one like View from the Gallery, or Learning Curve.

VftG- The little people were heroes too.

LC-- Turhan's speech about what it means to be a Ranger.

I was just thinking about this kind of thing this morning. Nice timing, boss. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

The_One, that'd be great, thanks.

No one feel discouraged in writing. This isn't a one off. I will need a steady stream. But if anyone can get me one pronto, that's great. If I get more than one, it gives me more content to run which is ALWAYS good.

On the whole, I'd say be controversial, be negative (constructively). My only request is that they aren't overall negative to start off with. The reason for this is because I want to reopen, but on a good note. I don't want people to check out the site for the first time since re opening and see "Why season five sucked." A month or so down the line, by all means "Why season five sucked" would be fine. But just not initlaly, I want to be bias.

Maybe we could write an article: Why Bush is President Clark.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Originally posted by Sinclair:
<font color="yellow">Is this same type of thing that Ariel did at your Trek Fandom site? I remember reading hers and they were quite good. And then there was the Bring Back Kirk debate. I might be willing to do something like that on occasion.</font color>

I assume you never read the 2 trilogies by Shatner that were all over the place the last several years. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif Kirk is alive and well in the 23rd century. Those books were also great at filling in the gaps in his character that Rick Berman just left hanging when he did his "Generations" things, and explains things a ton better.

Ant: Sign me up. I am assuming you are looking for columnists or some sort.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I assume you never read the 2 trilogies by Shatner that were all over the place the last several years. Kirk is alive and well in the 23rd century.


No, I've read very few Trek books, if any. I am aware of Shatner's books and that Kirk is indeed still a kickin'.
I'd be glad to help, Ant.

Do you have a certain length you'd prefer? I don't want to be too long-winded. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
What happened to the idea of adopting an actor/character? Is that still likely to happen? You got a fair number of volunteers for that.

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