Jade Jaguar
I saw the original CE in the theater, on first release, and it had what I call the cosmic chandelier. It also had my favorite scene, Richard Dreyfus shoveling dirt from his flowerbed, into his house, to use for making his model of Devil's Mt. I later saw the rerelease, where the Dreyfus scene was removed. I heard it was restored in a later version, but I never saw that one.
I have only seen ET all the way through in the theater once, and that was the original release. It looked to me like ET was laboriously crawling through the leaves, moving way slower than he would if levitating. He was being chased. One thing they did remove, for later release, of which I approve, was in the scene where the kids were sitting around the table, and ET was about to make his first entrance. There was a lit cigarette in an ashtray, on the table, and no adults in sight, making it look like one of the kids was smoking.
I just checked his filmography on the IMDb, and realized that most of the films of his I feel this way about were his early ones, and I do actually like a number of his later ones. Also, I realized I made a big mistake in saying it was ToD with the swooshing near the end, it was of course, RoTLA.
So, maybe he WILL do a good job with War of the Worlds.
I have only seen ET all the way through in the theater once, and that was the original release. It looked to me like ET was laboriously crawling through the leaves, moving way slower than he would if levitating. He was being chased. One thing they did remove, for later release, of which I approve, was in the scene where the kids were sitting around the table, and ET was about to make his first entrance. There was a lit cigarette in an ashtray, on the table, and no adults in sight, making it look like one of the kids was smoking.
I just checked his filmography on the IMDb, and realized that most of the films of his I feel this way about were his early ones, and I do actually like a number of his later ones. Also, I realized I made a big mistake in saying it was ToD with the swooshing near the end, it was of course, RoTLA.