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War of the Worlds Remake

I saw the original CE in the theater, on first release, and it had what I call the cosmic chandelier. It also had my favorite scene, Richard Dreyfus shoveling dirt from his flowerbed, into his house, to use for making his model of Devil's Mt. I later saw the rerelease, where the Dreyfus scene was removed. I heard it was restored in a later version, but I never saw that one.

I have only seen ET all the way through in the theater once, and that was the original release. It looked to me like ET was laboriously crawling through the leaves, moving way slower than he would if levitating. He was being chased. One thing they did remove, for later release, of which I approve, was in the scene where the kids were sitting around the table, and ET was about to make his first entrance. There was a lit cigarette in an ashtray, on the table, and no adults in sight, making it look like one of the kids was smoking.

I just checked his filmography on the IMDb, and realized that most of the films of his I feel this way about were his early ones, and I do actually like a number of his later ones. Also, I realized I made a big mistake in saying it was ToD with the swooshing near the end, it was of course, RoTLA. :eek: So, maybe he WILL do a good job with War of the Worlds.
I am sick unto death with remakes. I cannot believe that there are no more script ideas out there to be made into film. It's the easy way out for studios. "Everyone knows the title 'War of the Worlds' so we'll get at least 50 million bucks out of that. If this is successful, let's remake 'The Day the Earth Stood Still." :rolleyes:
Well, I can agree to a point. There ARE way to many remakes, and The Day The Earth Stood Still couldn't be done any better, but the 1953 version od WotW is fair, at best. I have heard some say, that if there must be remakes, they shouldn't be of great films, but of films with good ideas, that didn't turn out so well. I see some sense in that.
WotW is a fair film of a fair story. I would expect an idiotic, yet expensive update with Will Smith chomping on a cigar saying, "you want some of me?"

As you can see...I'm dubious.
Dubious, yes, me too, that was the original point of my criticisms of Spielberg. Speaking of chomping cigars, I've heard that they are going to remake Oh God, with Ellen Degeneres playing George Burns' part. Someone asked how she would look, chomping on a cigar... :D
WotW is a fair film of a fair story. I would expect an idiotic, yet expensive update with Will Smith chomping on a cigar saying, "you want some of me?"

That's already been done (if under another name). ID4 was nothing more then a WotW remake without the pesky trouble of clearing the rights. The aliens where even defeated by a "virus" in the end.
Yes, ID4 is Independence Day (The 4 refers to 4th of July). Nope, only the one was made, talk was made about a sequel, but, I think it was given up on.
That's already been done (if under another name). ID4 was nothing more then a WotW remake without the pesky trouble of clearing the rights. The aliens where even defeated by a "virus" in the end.

Exactly. No need to remake ID4 then. ;)
While I completely agree with Markas on this, there are still great stories out there why are me remaking old ones...I must admit to a certain curiousity in this one. Perhaps because Spielberg was my inspiration to become a filmmaker.

Yes, he knows how to push the buttons of his audience, even when that means using some of the tactics mentioned by JJ. But he does have that talent. He knows how to push the audience's buttons. That is a gift.

As for "The Day the Earth Stood Still," believe it or not, a remake has been discussed. Most likely, it will happen.

You are right, and ibwolf beat me to it, that ID4 was a remake of WotW. Hell, they aren't bashful about it.

Hyp, ID4 was the catch-phrase, nickname for Independence Day. And there was sequel planned, however, as with many other studios, Emmerich and Devlin had a bit of a falling out with FOX...therefore, the sequel died...just as did the planned sequel for Stargate. Only difference is, with SG, MGM turned it into a series (which is very successful and well done I might add :D). However, Emmerich and Devlin have nothing to do with the series...in fact, they hate it.

I don't really have a problem with the idea of this particular remake. I have a problem with Cruise starring in it. :rolleyes:

I kinda wish they'd "remake" the movie by following the original H. G. Wells story; have it occur in England! And, use English actors! (What a concept... :p)
Don't know the story of WotW (the Jeff Wayne music completely creeped me out at a young age and I don't listen to it now if I can help it).

When I saw ID4 I spent the entire movie thinking 'This is a rip off of V, X-files, Close encounters and the Death Star attacks.' I ended up giggling by the end because it was so bad.

Haven't watched it since.

If you want a proper WotW film, you'll have to get CE to make it. I'll do costumes if you like :D
Maybe I'll go down the street and ask Robin Williams. If you give him a good part, who knows... ;)

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