It is my understanding that such listings mean that the studio is at least considering such a release. I know that was the case with O, Lucky Man, and Performance, both WHV releases. Both were released. But, Ken Russell's The Devils, also WB property, had such a listing, and has never been released.
I'm still waiting for WHV to release
Brimstone in SD-DVD, and it's had an Amazon page like that for about five years, WHV's been asked about a Brimstone DVD release in Home Theater Forum Chats with WHV four times in the past five years, and the ten year anniversary of the airing of the first episode is this October.
WHV was asked about "Brimstone" in the following WHV/Home Theater Forum Chats:
March 8, 2004
<warnerbros> MAD TV and FRESH PRINCE are in discussion. No plans for any of the others at the moment.
March 29, 2005
[WarnerHomeVideo] Nothing on any of those yet. Sorry.
May 7, 2007
<Warner_Brothers> no plans.
September 15, 2008
<WHV> Despite the wonderful work of Peter Horton and John Glover, there are no plans at this time. P.S. We'll take another at Brimstone ... the devil will make us do it. thanks for your input and support.
Maybe we're wearing 'em down. :guffaw:
So no, it doesn't mean much. I'm sure no one is more keenly aware than you about how problematic a HD B5 release would be, given the CGI situation...
Technically problematic, oh yeah! Problematic for WHV? Well it depends on how much they are against releasing an inferior product, weighing the short-term money they'll make by releasing a shoddy HD version having put little, if any, effort into making it a showpiece
vs. the backlash and quick drop in sales that's result from producing an inferior HD product. Quick buck vs. tarnishing WHV's reputation and B5. It'd be smart for WHV to do a "test-the-waters" set of Babylon 5 Season 1 (because it and Season 2 need the most improving.) DVD Set in Blu-Ray, making the following improvements:
- Cleaning up all dust, scratches and other film imperfections.
- Remaking all the CGI models the way it was done for the B5:Lost Tales DVD, making sure they're at least good enough for 16:9 1080P HD.
- Remaking all the pure CGI scenes, rendered 16:9 and at least good enough for 1080P HD.
- Remaking all the Composite CGI (live action with CGI) scenes at least good enough for 16:9 1080P HD.
- Don't try to put them on DVD-18's (Don't know if anybody's tried this with Blu-Ray yet, or if it's even possible. Hope not.). Use only single-sided DVDs.
- Put it all in slimcases (soft, non-scratchy, translucent plastic) like were used for the Stargate SG-1 slimsets, Monk sets, Bones sets, Firefly sets, etc.) and have the DVD #1 box have tabs for the info. pamphlet.
If they did that, I'm sure they'd be shocked and overwhelmed by the resultant large sales, but there's no way they'd be forward thinking enough to spend the money to do that.