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WB considering HD update

It has been mentioned, not sure which thread it was in. Unfortunately JMS himself shot this one down. Hopefully one day Warners see sense and do fund a Blu-Ray version with remastered effects. The DVDs are terrible quality!
Yeah, this was a year ago and JMS still says that WB will never pay for it. They certainly don't seem to be interested in growing the fan base by making the show available in reruns...

They certainly don't seem to be interested in growing the fan base by making the show available in reruns...


Do we know what the story is, here? Are they just asking for too much money? Given that there are DVD releases, I am assuming there are no rights issues.

It'd be awesome to get this stuff up on Hulu or Netflix or something.
Ah, just noticed it was a 2013 article lol. A friend sent me the link so assumed it was new. I guess redoing all the effects is to cost prohibitive, especially considering how many there are in most episodes.
Do we know what the story is, here? Are they just asking for too much money? Given that there are DVD releases, I am assuming there are no rights issues.

It'd be awesome to get this stuff up on Hulu or Netflix or something.

That's what the whole #FreeBabylon5 campaign is all about.

Definitely no rights issue since WB owns the show from decks to airlocks (except feature film rights, of course, which belong to JMS). As far as anybody can tell, they're not offering it because they have it available in a few places at $2/episode. We're trying to persuade them to offer it and TV stations to ask for it.

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Ah, just noticed it was a 2013 article lol. A friend sent me the link so assumed it was new. I guess redoing all the effects is to cost prohibitive, especially considering how many there are in most episodes.

When it comes to Babylon 5, Crusade and most other Warner Brothers TV shows that I like (e.g. Brimstone), Warner Brothers is EXTREMELY tight. Warner Brothers is utterly HOPELESS. If they DID come out with Babylon 5 and/or Crusade on Blu-ray, it'd almost certainly be a half-assed release done on the CHEAP, and not worth our money.

Hell, we can't even get the Babylon 5 novels and novelizations and the six short stories on Kindle. Evidently, people figure too much time has passed and/or there's not enough demand, and/or maybe Warner Brothers or others want too much money for the rights to put them on Kindle.
they still got all those lost tales cgi models havent they?
they should stump up for one spec dvd to see how it goes
Just read this on the Blu Ray forum, not listened to the podcast myself yet but will definitely go and hunt it down!

Ok guys. Something might be happening. If you listen to the most recent Warner Archive podcast, at about the 30 minute mark they start to answer email questions. One of the questions concerns B5 ever possibly coming to blu. The moderator, who is also the head of Warner Archive says that they aren't working on it. But someone else is and those someones are asking all the right questions in terms of aspect ratio and visual effects. My assumption here is that it's probably the main arm of Warner media. Since Archive does not have a sizable enough budget to take on a large scale project like this. It's also possible that it could be for the streaming service HBO Max. Either way, there appears to be some movement on upgrading B5.
Oooooooooooooooooo thanks for the update Lyta's Shadow. I have to be honest that your ID is giving me pause on whether or not I should trust you. ..... :guffaw:

Well I certainly hope it is for a physical release because I'd really hate to have to pick up another streaming service. How many years do you think it will take for them to realize the formula of everyone having their own streaming service isn't going to work? I just saw that Star Trek Discovery is headed to Prime Time CBS and will no longer be a streaming exclusive, but I'm sure they'll find a way for viewers to have to watch both - I've yet to give into their temptation. I also heard they are re-branding away from CBS All Access to Paramount Something Or Other - not the actual name of their new brand, but it may as well be. :guffaw:

Anywho kudos to Lyta's Shadow for bringing some light into my night.

Here's a transcript of the relevant portion of the podcast.
Host number two at one point mumbles a bit, I can't follow that part.
Host number three is... well, I know what he is trying to say, but he is just incoherent. :LOL:

I know you've had many queries about Babylon 5. I know that it's a very expensive show to remaster the series in HD. Failing that, is there any possibility of a rerelease of the series in standard definition in its original 4 by 3 framing. It would be great to watch the show without the distracting visual gremlins in the CG and composites created by a wide-screen conversion. Also, is there any likelyhood of you releasing the original televised edit of Babylon 5's pilot episode, which is very different from the one widely available 1998 re-edit.

HOST 1 said:
There is some activity going on around Babylon 5, but we [Warner Brothers Archives] are not involved in it right now. So I would leave it at that and say that maybe some time in the future we can talk about it. But right now it is for others to discuss.

HOST 2 said:
I wil chip in with [...mumbles a bit...] really anything, but those people who are involved with it have been asking very smart questions.

HOST 3 said:
Is there Babylon 5 fans.

HOST 1 said:

HOST 3 said:
But I kind of like the idea, that you know, hmmm, about talking about original four by three framing even in SD, which is interesting because, aaai, some people in that era of, you know, who likes to see it how they originally saw it in 4 by 3 and how likes the wide-screen. It's a very interesting taste profile.
Lyta's Shadow, you realize there are multiple ways to interpret that image.

A. Maybe you feel hurt by my comment?
B. Maybe you enjoy seeing pain on Lyta's face? :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:

Interesting stuff. I have no clue why he said, "Are there Babylon 5 fans?" after he said they get asked about Babylon 5. Weird. Glad I was unaware of this podcast until now. It would have taken up SOOOOOOOOOOO much of my time. I have a minor Warner Archive Collection of my own. ;)
Oddly enough I dreamt last night about there being movement on a HD version of B5!

Well, of course it's all rumours at the moment, but it does make a kind of sense – thanks to the pandemic television production is shut down on a lot of things, so WB might be combing through their archives looking for multi-season shows they can put on their streaming channels in lieu of any new content.

Though just because someone at Warners is asking questions, doesn't mean it's got the green light. I guess they have to work out what they need to do first and budget for it. I'd imagine they'd factor in Blu-ray sales. Also if it helps raise the profile of the series, it might open the door to a reboot?

Fingers, toes and everything else crossed!
Lyta's Shadow, you realize there are multiple ways to interpret that image.

A. Maybe you feel hurt by my comment?
B. Maybe you enjoy seeing pain on Lyta's face? :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:

My reaction to you casting aspersions as to my reliability! :p

Oh okay. I am just glad I was able to cast them toward someone else rather than them being cast upon me. .... :LOL::LOL::LOL:

You know the great part is when this new you broke becomes a reality you will always have a special place in my heart.... Sorry. :guffaw:

Patricia Tallman is going to be so proud. ;)

I wish I spoke your language. :LOL: That is hilarious though. Only communicating through Lyta reactions is such a fantastic idea. Hmmmmm.... which actor would I choose? Oh who am I kidding, I would use them all. I was trying to think whom would be the best choice and a hundred reactions from different actors all popped in my head so there is no way I could choose one. :rolleyes: :LOL: