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We Need a Pep-Talk! :)

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by solaris5:
<font color=yellow>I never knew anti-B5 trolls existed. We're too much of a niche audience to have anti trolls. I beleive only ST and SW have those.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

*LOL followed by a cynical snort.*

If someone loves something, there's likely to be someone who hates it. Still, it's amusing to see B5-bashers, there's good odds they're Trek fans and the first thing they attack is the special effects. Followed by dismissing the entire show as cheese.

Admiral Dave
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by gkarfan:
<font color=yellow>They are all over the place, especially in the newsgroups. They used to be at rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5, but now they seem to be at rec.arts.sf.tv. Podkayne Fries & Ford Thaxton are two of the worst ones. They think we are a bunch of crazy fanatics.

Tammy</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
And they are probibly the same f**kers who think all SciFi fans are pocket protecter wearing geeks. People like that I just want to beat there heads in with a baseball bat.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by RW7427:
<font color=yellow>I have noticed that a lot of B5 bashing trolls are jealous Star Trek fans. /ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
Or there is me. Im a fan of both and like each for different reasons. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
One troll thing that really gets my goat, is when Trek fans say B5 stole the story from DS9. B5 WAS WRITTEN IN THE 80s!
Anti-B5 trolls are actually quite common, though not around here, luckily. (Nice thing about having a moderated site.) B5LR even had a few in the early days, before Antony cleaned house. They invade the Sci-Fi Channel boards from time to time, and have periodically made it almost impossible to post to the official Warner Bros. site. The TNT B5 board was also infested with them for awhile. (One of them posted some horrible things using my name. Luckily he was such a bad writer that nobody was fooled. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif Another imposter did a better job and slandered JMS and Chris Carter so badly that I nearly got sued by The Man Himself.)

So yes, they are out there. But mostly they're sad, lonely little creatures, their only thrill in life pissing off strangers. I feel kind of sorry for them.


Also keep in mind that people like that exist for just about any show. There are just as many, if not more, Anti-Trek trolls, and plenty of trolls in general. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Whoa - what did that dude say that almost got you SUED?<hr></blockquote>

The funny thing is, I don't remember. The message was posted to a part of the board I never read, and I only learned about when I got an e-mail from JMS. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif When I went looking for the post I found the troll had been posting increasingly inflamatory messages on a variety of topics, always posing as me.

It was back when he and Chris Carter very nearly sold a series to CBS. IIRC, the message purported to be "inside information" about problems between the two and how CBS was about to pull the plug on the series or something like that. It was posted by someone using a close variation of my name, and included my actual e-mail address. Apparently there were a lot of rumors about the series floating around, planted by people hoping to get the deal killed for reasons of their own, and JMS reacted - strongly. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

Luckily I still had friends at TNT at the time, and they were able to convince JMS that the post wasn't mine and they got the guy's account (and the offending posts) deleted. JMS later wrote me that he had been the victim of similar impersonations, and knew what a hassle it could be. So everything turned out OK.


Well, if there are, then they certainly need to be institutionalized. Considering that B5 isn't too well known, these are people in need of SERIOUS, SERIOUS help.

If I hate something, I don't bother with it. I can't stand Britney Spears, yet you don't see me at her messageboard being a troll (if she even has one) A basher is a person (wait, I take that back, there is an intelligence requirement for being a person), well, a basher is a sub-human whose lack of thought capability causes him/her to waste the time of intelligent people that are interested in someting by putting it down for some or other purpose that defies all reason.
We had a few Trek Bashers here, their names escape me, but they were ignored by most that frequent this messageboard so they went somewhere else.
How to deal with trolls, quickfacts:
Ban them! Don't think twice, no improvements, if someone is new to the site and they start off trolling, their IP should be banned without second thought. If a regular starts trolling, then they deserve a warning, followed by a ban if they don't heed that warning.
If the admin hasn't gotten around to banning them yet, then all users should ignore them, completely, without responding to their taunts.
Anti-B5 trolls exist, for sure. I used to be a Trek fan, and I'd often run into people (on message boards, and such), who hated B5 basically because it wasn't Trek, and considered it "competition" or something, and would bash it relentlessly. Luckily, I didn't listen to what they said about the show, and I'm sure glad I didn't! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
Way passed bummed!

So Scifi has opted out on the B5 universe........might there be others willing to venture into our universe? There are certainly enough cable production groups out there. Granted, we are not talking a <u>My Dinner With Andre</u> type set......the B5 universe is an expensive place!
There really aren't any networks to go to. Shows generally don't go up the ladder. You won't see something scifi doesn't want on fox or probabbly event upn or the wb. That leaves TNT, TBS, and some others. Checked the temperature in hell lately?
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>UPN would be out automatically because of Enterprise?<hr></blockquote>

UPN would be out because it is owned by Paramount which "borrowed" certain concepts for DS9, threatened TV stations that wanted to carry both B5 and DS9 and generally did everything possible to kill JMS's series. (Out of the conviction that outer space was their corporate propety, and no one else should be allowed to set a series there.) I can't see them picking up a JMS series set in the B5 universe.

The mere fact that they have Enterprise wouldn't be a hurdle. If Rangers appealed to the same demographic there would be no problem with running two genre shows on the network, even on the same night. It isn't like they could be on opposite each other, so they would hardly be competing. You could, conceivably, get a little synergy going. But I don't think it is going to happen.

The whole point of the Fox network, UPN and the WB was to give the studios an outlet for their TV product beyond the existing "Big Three" broadcast networks and cable. Everyone knew that the FCC limitations of network ownership of shows were going away, which meant that the nets would have less reason to buy their shows from the studios. (They could produce their own programming "in house" - probably for less money - and take the profits from eventual syndication, which currently go to the studios.)

With opportunities at NBC, CBS and ABC about to dry up, the studios created their own networks to have somewhere to air their shows. (Yes there is still some cross-selling between the netlets - Buffy is a Fox production, for instance - but that's usually a food-chain or demographic thing. A Fox production will go to UPN or the WB after Fox itself turns it down, or because the concept doesn't work with Fox's core audience. UPN or the WB will buy a Fox - or Paramount, or Warner Bros. show - if it does fit their target demo, and if all their own pilots suck. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif)

The WB turned down B5 S5 and Crusade before they were offered to TNT and Sci-Fi. Partly this may have been a demographic thing, but it was also partly because PTEN was a proto-network that WB had invested in at the same time that the WB was on the drawing board. Staffers at the in-house network hated PTEN and everything connected with it, and weren't inclined to take any hand-me-downs from it. I can't say that politics is the reason they weren't interested in the B5 universe (the demographics were definitely an issue) but it may have played a role.

I'm not sure if this attitude still holds at the WB (there is a lot of turn-over in TV, and some of the PTEN-haters may have moved on), and Rangers would probably draw a younger audience than B5, but I still think it would be an extremely unlikely home for the show. WB Television almost certainly pitched it to them, if they thought it had the slightest chance, and since we haven't heard that they've taken it, I would guess that they either passed or that WBT didn't bother asking because they already knew the answer.


I didn't know UPN was owned by Paramount. Yes, enough said. No hope there. I admit, I was also wondering why WB couldn't sell Rangers to their own network.

This stuff is more complicated and changeable than I ever imagined. Thanks, Joe.
They don't mention the fact as often at they used to, but UPN stands for "United Paramount Network" (Nobody ever accused the studios of having a genius for naming things. You'd think Warner Bros. could have come up with something better than "The WB", for that matter. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif)


LOL! Well, they probably want to let people know. I just don't pay much attention to who owns whom anymore. It seems as though we'll all just have "the company" anyway. /ubbthreads/images/icons/rolleyes.gif
I only mentioned UPN because it is a network on the level of the WB so even if there weren't the other issues they probably would not take Scifi's castoffs.
/ubbthreads/images/icons/mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif .....*sits in the corner petting her gok and mumbling incoherently in Minbari*
Poor Flarny! /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

This is a thing that even one of my galaxy famous salads couldn't help. I always say that my salads make people happy, but when we're bummed about no Ranger series, that's a tough one to crack.

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