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What are you watching now?

Drew Goddard? Who is that?

And I bet you'd like Lost. I won't watch it on regular television because it's one of those shows that I hate having to wait through a week to resolve a cliffhanger. I can watch and consume at my own pace. I'm almost done with season 3. Good stuff. Took an interesting turn to say the least.

There is so much I want to watch. I can't wait for school to be over so I can get busy. I'm definitely going to check out the SG series. I may up my max. number of Netflix disks for a few months just to be a total television glutton.

I'm also waiting until they come out with Farscape Season 1. For some reason, it's unavailable on Netflix. I think I read somewhere that the original dvds were way out of order and they're fixing that?

As much as people talk about Space: Above and Beyond, I'll add that as well, likely and I might actually take a venture into Star Trek: TNG or Deep Space Nine. We'll see how much I get through.

Always get good ideas reading threads like this, though.
Despite all the rave reviews, I have never seen an episode of Lost.

Same here. I'm not knocking people who love the series, it seems like a really good one. But it just didnt' interest me. I blame it on post-X-files burnout, where it became obvious that "the answers" would never really be answered substantially, and the major "arc" had to get wilder and wilder to keep the audience viewing. It wasn't a bad series, not at all, I just burned out on it.

Lost seemed to me to be the kind of series that would just be perpetually frustrating. Also, I'll admit right up front: I just miss things on network T.V. anymore. I tune in for the news, then never watch network t.v. again all day long. I may never go back now that I have the International History Channel and the Science Channel. :LOL:

We've had Turner Classic Movies for some time, which I love, but now I also have the Fox movie channel, which is awfully action-oriented and repetetive to me, but sometimes scores a real A++ for me (like recently they aired "The King and I", and sometimes show older films that for some reason don't pop up on TCM).

It doesn't help that everytime I channel surf through "network" I either see a stern-looking judge or a stern-looking talkshow host (daytime talkshow), or a gameshow or something equally rivetting.
Ya know, hyp, I have heard that about Lost quite a bit, that it seems contrived and never-ending. Toward the end of Season 2, I was feeling that way, but Season 3 is really explaining a lot. I don't feel so jerked around and left hanging anymore. More and more things are coming into light. So, maybe someday you'll have the desire! Just let us know when/if you do and us Lost fans will be here to get all dorky and nerdy with ya. :)

I love the history channel (and A&E and TLC, Discovery, etc.) I've been enjoying some of the sleeper reality shows like Big People, Little World, John and Kate Plus Eight, the Axmen, Ice Truckers! Discovery has had The Universe episodes which I have enjoyed.

Some of Network television just seems so formulaic.

Fat man, hot wife, "honey, I'm going to nag you throughout the show"! (cue laughter)


Hot Cougars/Milfs/Teens full off angst, pregnancy-scares with Nickelback music montage halfway through.

Ugh. Get me something original.

As for the judge/talk shows, I have to admit I watch Judge Judy sometimes and I do catch Bill O'Reilly now and then. Yes, I just admitted it. I know, I know. (hangs head in shame.)
That's actually something that might happen. I'm lazy, and let others critique shows for me a lot. :D

As far as liking Judge Judy, we all have our guilty pleasures. Is the new Dr. Who one for Americans? If not, I'm absolutely certain that "Xena, the Warrior Princess" was one. :D
Drew Goddard? Who is that?

He came onto Buffy as a writer in season 7 and wrote some of what I consider the best eps, and he's written the best material in the season 8 comic so far.

And I bet you'd like Lost. I won't watch it on regular television because it's one of those shows that I hate having to wait through a week to resolve a cliffhanger. I can watch and consume at my own pace. I'm almost done with season 3. Good stuff. Took an interesting turn to say the least.

Based on what I have heard I'm pretty sure I would like it, but I don't have that much time as it is so I think it will be a bit till I get to Lost.

There is so much I want to watch. I can't wait for school to be over so I can get busy. I'm definitely going to check out the SG series. I may up my max. number of Netflix disks for a few months just to be a total television glutton.

I'm also waiting until they come out with Farscape Season 1. For some reason, it's unavailable on Netflix. I think I read somewhere that the original dvds were way out of order and they're fixing that?

As much as people talk about Space: Above and Beyond, I'll add that as well, likely and I might actually take a venture into Star Trek: TNG or Deep Space Nine. We'll see how much I get through.

Farscape is a show I really want to try out, but for that to happen they need to re-release it on DVD and at a much better price than before. I would also like to give Star Trek a try, but their prices are outrageous. The complete series of TNG costs something like $330, that is just ridiculous overpricing because of the brand name.
dvdpricesearch.com is a good resource for finding the best deals on new DVDs, and if you don't mind used, there's always the Amazon marketplace, which I use a lot of CDs.
But I also don't have Deadwood on DVD- I'm hoping for an eventual complete series set. Same thing with the Wire.

Lost is pretty good but it's good on a very superficial level, like Heroes. You get to watch beautiful people dashing about, hitting and worrying and yelling and being confused.. it's all quite a spectacle, but ultimately pointless. Pure classic distracting mind-numbing TV.
Heroes I have tried out, and I hated it. The acting is horrendous (outside of the occasional guest star like Kristen Bell), the writing is abysmal, and their isn't anything resembling a coherent plot. I really hate how people try and laud this as a comic book on TV, this is a show that gives comics a bad name and I could rattle off thousands of current comics that smoke this show in every way possible.
Heroes I have tried out, and I hated it. The acting is horrendous (outside of the occasional guest star like Kristen Bell), the writing is abysmal, and their isn't anything resembling a coherent plot. I really hate how people try and laud this as a comic book on TV, this is a show that gives comics a bad name and I could rattle off thousands of current comics that smoke this show in every way possible.

Well that's pretty harsh, dude.
Despite the fact that I completely agree with you (except the idea of comic books having a "bad name" is hilarious to me- I mean, comic books? It's just comic books.)

But... my god are all the girls pretty! The adorable cheerleader, the cute (but annoying) Mexican chick from season 2, the incredibly gorgeous non-super-hero chick from season 1, the multi-personality blonde, Kristen Bell, Uhura's jail-bait granddaughter... every scene is guaranteed to have some fantastic eye-candy.
Well that's pretty harsh, dude.
Despite the fact that I completely agree with you (except the idea of comic books having a "bad name" is hilarious to me- I mean, comic books? It's just comic books.)

This right here is where you and I will different greatly. I can't get behind the "it's just comic books" mentality. There have been a ton of comic books that I would put up there with the greatest works of literature, they can be that great. Yeah, just like the most "adult" lit they can be stupid and mind numbing, but there are comics out there that challenge you as a reader and bring both the visual and written art form to it's greatest heights.

But... my god are all the girls pretty! The adorable cheerleader, the cute (but annoying) Mexican chick from season 2, the incredibly gorgeous non-super-hero chick from season 1, the multi-personality blonde, Kristen Bell, Uhura's jail-bait granddaughter... every scene is guaranteed to have some fantastic eye-candy.

Eh, I get eye candy every where all the time. When I'm at work in the city, when I'm training at the gym, when I go to the mall, when I watch TV, etc.. I don't watch TV just for the eye candy though, I have porn for that. :)
I think it was GKE who said Heroes is like Lost, kind of a guilty pleasure. I agree with that. There's no rocket science. I watch it for pure fun.

But, I had a different comment, Cel, going back to Buffy. I have been pondering the idea of watching Buffy for a long long time now. Friends of mine think it rocks. I think it's just a matter of time before I get to it. I have caught an episode or two and enjoyed it, but couldn't let myself watch more as I'm one of those people who need to watch something from the start if I feel the story will be compromised in any way.

I've always enjoyed WB cult shows. I was a huge fan of Charmed (yeah, yeah, peeps will probably roast me for that one,) and I am a big Smallville fan. They seem to crank out "work horse" shows that pull in mediocre ratings, but I like the fact that they stick with shows for a long time and let them grow. If I recall, Buffy was also on WB?
But, I had a different comment, Cel, going back to Buffy. I have been pondering the idea of watching Buffy for a long long time now. Friends of mine think it rocks. I think it's just a matter of time before I get to it. I have caught an episode or two and enjoyed it, but couldn't let myself watch more as I'm one of those people who need to watch something from the start if I feel the story will be compromised in any way.

Buffy is one of my all-time favorites, although the first season is probably the second weakest season in my eyes, ahead of only season 4 in my estimation. There is a great disconnect among Buffy fans, you have the seasons 1-3 fans and the season 5-7 fans, with 4 getting lost in the middle. 1-3 are deep and layered, but they are more light hearted with a lot less of a dark feel behind them. 5-7 are still funny and witty, but they take serious turn towards the dark and the more adult. I'm a fan of the entire series, but if pressed I would recommend season 5 over all others, followed by seasons 6, 3, and then 2. Season 7 really didn't do a lot for me as the plot was really thin and I hated, hated the idiocy of the finale. But, even if you plan on being just a cursory fan, I would check the series out as it is good stuff, but remember if season 1 appears to be dragging I suggest holding out until season 2, because that is when the show gets really good.

If you end up liking Buffy, and even if you don't, I would highly suggest its spin-off Angel. That series to me is far better than Buffy, because while it may not have the great single episodes that Buffy had, it was for more consistent and I loved the dark feel that show had for all five seasons. Season 4 of Angel is bar none the best season of TV in the entire Buffyverse.

I've always enjoyed WB cult shows. I was a huge fan of Charmed (yeah, yeah, peeps will probably roast me for that one,) and I am a big Smallville fan. They seem to crank out "work horse" shows that pull in mediocre ratings, but I like the fact that they stick with shows for a long time and let them grow. If I recall, Buffy was also on WB?

I never got into charmed, but it is a show I plan on checking out some day. I was a fan of Smallville for seasons 2-5, or maybe it was 4, but then it lose me. They kept rehashing the same plotlines over and over and I was gradually driven away. I fully expect to get back into the show as I start purchasing the DVD sets though.
Awesome, thanks. The one episode I saw that sticks out in my mind was one about Spike (blonde vampire?) When it showed him as a mortal and how he was spurned by love. I was like "Damn, how come I'm not watching this show?" I'll definitely add it to my netflix. And I never have issue with a show being slow at first, as long as I get the feeling that it will start to pay off (for lack of a better term.) Even the first part of B5's season 1 was slow for me, then BAM, jackpot.

My one uber-Buffy fan loves all of it. I'll have to ask him if he does have favorite seasons.

I feel the same way about Charmed. Though most episodes are pretty much stand-alone / demon of the week type stuff, the smaller (continuous) lines are interesting. I think season 5 was the best for it, if I recall. Maybe it's something about season 5. :) Shows are coming into their own....
I still haven't been at all interested in seeing Cloverfield. The only saving grace JJ Abrams has right now is Lost.

I actually really liked that movie. I thought it was well done, and well written. Shaky-cam stuff doesn't bother me, but for those who it does bother, I can understand shying away from it. But it was a well told story, and did have some subtle parts to it if you paid attention.
I actually really liked that movie. I thought it was well done, and well written. Shaky-cam stuff doesn't bother me, but for those who it does bother, I can understand shying away from it. But it was a well told story, and did have some subtle parts to it if you paid attention.

I don't know about all that, or if I'll see it- but here's the important thiing- does this film feature pretty girls fleeing and yelling in terror?
Link broken, but I'm aware of the commercial.
I always wanted to see a sequel- ok, now he's got hundreds of bikini girls assaulting him. Now what? He's gonna f them all? Hardly. Frankly, that looks scary. Girls are like donuts- one at a time will suffice.
I don't know about all that, or if I'll see it- but here's the important thiing- does this film feature pretty girls fleeing and yelling in terror?

Yes, yes it does. The one lead girl is pretty damn adorable IMO, and the other one is pretty damn cute as well. Yes, lots of pretty people running in terror and making somewhat witty quips.
just finishing the shield season 6, moving onto v the tv series, and considering the wire next, i hear good things about it from all over the internet.