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What are you watching now?

I'm watching season 1 of Chris Carter's best show, that's right, Millennium. It's insane how great this show was, from the tone, to the lighting and cinematography, and Lance Henriksen is balls to the wall great. I like The X-Files and it was a good/great show, but while various people gush all over that show I don't think it can hold a candle to Millennium.
I'm on season 3 of Medium and started Volume 2 of Young Indiana Jones. And I think I might watch Trailer Park Boys. I've had several coworkers recommend that one to me over the past few months.
Oh let's see what is the mighty GKarsEye watching...

Well the NBA finals start tonight so I'll be enjoying that.

I saw this Tim Robbins move Cradle Will Rock- it looks like a spoof of a self-satisfied Hollywood liberal love-letter to itself, but it's serious. Of course Susan Sarandon is in it, and also John Torturro and the guy that plays Robert the Bruce is playing Orson Welles here, which was a kick. The movie is about a pro-union play in the 30s and the wacky politics and hilarity and social import of ......zzzzzzzz...

Finally caught the end of No Country For Old Men. What a great, great, freakin' flick. It's shot beautifully, so watch this on a nice TV setup. It's got a nice build up of tension and the villain is awesome.
At 5am, I started transferring 3 Days of the Condor from my DVR to the HDD of my DVDR, so I could burn it to disc. I usually work until 5am, but this was a day off, and so I usually go to bed 'early,' at about 5am, instead of 6:30 or 7am. But, I couldn't stop watching 3 Days. I hadn't seen it in years. Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway, Max Von Sydow, Cliff Robertson, all great, in a good thriller. But, it was so long since I saw it, I had forgotten what the McGuffin was... the CIA had drawn up plans to invade the oil-rich countries of the mid-east! :eek: :eek: :eek: It was directed by Sidney Pollack, who just died. It was set/made in 1975, just after the Arab oil crisis.
I started watching Oz. Yeah, I know, I'm like 10 yrs late with this one, but I didn't have HBO when it was originally on and my local library happens to have the entire series for rent.
Oz was good. I enjoyed it. It had its moments where I went wtf? It's amazing how many actors from Oz appear on some incarnation of Law and Order.
Oz was good. I enjoyed it. It had its moments where I went wtf? It's amazing how many actors from Oz appear on some incarnation of Law and Order.

There is just so much Law & Order that, mathematically, every TV actor is bound to end up doing it at some point.

I am enjoying seeing the two adult black guys from Lost.
OZ is fantastic, one of my favourites.

finished season 5 of the wire, found it a little disappointing, the rest of the show was great however, also just got done with the clonewars.
There is just so much Law & Order that, mathematically, every TV actor is bound to end up doing it at some point.

I am enjoying seeing the two adult black guys from Lost.

Yea I've started calling USA Network the "Law and Order Network." Most nights of the week that is ALL they show. Various Law and Order shows. I just never watch that channel anymore.
Rewatching the Adventures of Baron Münchhausen and the animated series The Critic (Jon Lovitz's best role).
Oz was good. I enjoyed it. It had its moments where I went wtf? It's amazing how many actors from Oz appear on some incarnation of Law and Order.

There was a specific reason for the cross correlation of actors. I believe one of the producers of Oz was also a producer for some of the L&O's and so he would use actors for both shows.
off the recommendation of some guys i play dungeons and dragons with i just started watching "The Unit".

it is very cool.
D&D rocks. I miss it! Hard to play when you have a tot.

I finished season 1 of House. I started watching around season 3, so I have another one to go to get caught up. Love that show.

Umm, just got Michael Clayton from Netflix. I'll watch that tomorrow.
Currently watching Star Trek TNG on DVD. I did catch the occasional episode on its original run, but I wasn't a regular viewer. Interesting stories and some character development too, but I admit it suffers from the "episode reboot" problem of all Treks, i.e. that what happens in one episode is usually completely forgotten by the next one, unless an earlier happening directly affects what happens later. Just about the only exception to this rule is Picard's Borg nightmares from being assimilated.
I watched the four-part series finale of Avatar The Last Airbender tonight.

It was DAMN good! [faints from all the awesome]
Currently watching Star Trek TNG on DVD. I did catch the occasional episode on its original run, but I wasn't a regular viewer. Interesting stories and some character development too, but I admit it suffers from the "episode reboot" problem of all Treks, i.e. that what happens in one episode is usually completely forgotten by the next one, unless an earlier happening directly affects what happens later. Just about the only exception to this rule is Picard's Borg nightmares from being assimilated.

Well, I think there are some minor examples. First of all, Picard is shown to play his flute from time to time. In one episode he plays it quite a bit, with a significant other who is an avid musician. And doesn't the entire Worf-being-disinherited, Klingons- at- the- verge- of- civil- war arc count in your mind?
I don't know if they can be called "arcs" though. Memories, or something, definitely. Continuity, definitely. But I thought a plot "arc" implied somehow that the entire story line was effected in some way by the events. Every single episode of TNG wasn't radically effected by the (wonderful) Borg episodes. Some were, like one of their best ("Brothers" or "Family" whatever the title was when Picard visits his brother on Earth). But then the next episode would proceed for the most part uneffected by these events. Then an episode would come up that referred to this, and it would pop up again as a "memory" or whatever you want to call it.

The amazing thing abotu B5 is how the entire plot was sort of ebbing and flowing towards certain HUGE events. Then, once shown, those events effected almost everything that followed. Unless I'm romanticizing the series with a dimming memory, that's part of what made B5 as a series stand out.
If nothing else, TNG has to get credit for probably having the 2nd biggest cliffhanger of all time with The Best of Both Worlds. #1 of course being Dallas' "who shot J.R." thing.

I finally watched the two Malcolm McDowell films Jade mentioned earlier, If... and O Lucky Man. Interesting of-its-time pieces. I think I'm gonna just add McDowell's filmography to my netflix queue.

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