The only "horror" flick that ever scared me, seriously

is "Dead and Buried"
I've never been scared by any horror movie, don't know why either, that's why i focus more on the suspense that horror can create.
Either way, I've watched,
Crash (2004)
Oh great and mighty Odin, how much I absolutely abhorred this film. Completely devoid of any subtlety, everyone is a racist, nope, there's no such thing as cool people in the world, only racists. Terrible overacting everywhere, this ranks as one of the worst movies I've ever seen, it's that bad.
Monster's Ball (2001)
Really good movie, tremendous performances from Boyle, Ledger, Thornton and Berry. Great statement on the human condition and the amount of "need" that exists in peoples lives and what we will do to appease that "need." Dirt, grungy and very authentic, this feels like a movie that is down on its luck, only part that didn't ring true to me was the expediency with which the dad was dealt with. I have yet to see a movie by Marc Forster that I haven't thought was great, Monster's Ball is yet another great film on his resume.
The Palm Beach Story (1942)
So yeah, Preston Sturges is amazing, he not only has a comedic eye behind the camera but he writes such slick and smart dialogue that's also very realistic. He's basically what Kevin Smith and Quentin Tarantino have spent their entire careers trying to be and they'll never reach his greatness. Claudette Colbert has quickly become on of my favorite actresses, as cute as a button and fantastic in her delivery of lines with some of the best facial expressions. Mary Astor does steal the show when she makes her appearance, just a great comedy.
Doubt (2008)
Every actor delivers a great performance, so no need to elaborate on that. I thought the script was excellent, as was the work of Roger Deakins but that's no surprise. This film touched on a lot of themes, and outside of that last line in the last scene it did a tremendous job of creating doubt and suspicion in the viewer, well before we were given anything to doubt.
Freaks (1932)
Freaks is a film that I could never see being made in today's politically correct world, and that's a shame because it is a splendid movie. It functions just as much as a statement on the evil nature of humanity as it does as a horror film. The collection of Carnies are truly wonderful in how varied they are, and I loved how the film toyed with your sympathies and at the end made you question who you were being sympathetic towards. Other than the tacked on happy ending, this was a great film.
Killer's Kiss (1955)
There's nothing much to say about this film, it was basically a paint by numbers noir. The only reason to see it is because it is a very early Stanley Kubrick film and you can witness some of the style he will soon develop fully in far better pictures.
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs (1937)
This is a classic for a reason. Pretty much a perfect fairy tale, with beautiful animation, whimsical characters, laughs, and a bit of a dark side as well. I really don't need to say much about this film, it speaks for itself.
Panic Room (2002)
Really good thriller, Fincher's visuals elevate it above the material. I liked the concept, although it did wear thin near the end. Foster and Stewart were really good and I was partial to Dwight Yoakam as one of the burglars. Not Fincher's best, but still a good film.
What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? (1962)
This is a tremendously macabre and dark comedy that also functions as a suspense and horror film. Bette Davis and Joan Crawford hated each other in real life and it comes across in their performances, you feel that Blanche and Jane really do hate each other. Full of disturbing imagery and acts of cruelty, this is also a very sly movie. From the get go its sets your sympathies on a certain path, but as the movie goes along your sympathies are called into question and you realize that in her own way Blanche is just as much of a monster as Jane, she just isn't psychotic like Jane. All around a great dark movie.
The Thing (1982)
Made during Carpenter's heyday, The Thing is a masterful who is who story with great suspense, atmosphere and gore. The effects for the alien were amazing, the casting was really good across the board, and I thought the claustrophobic atmosphere and the dread that permeated the picture were fantastic touches. There were a few too many easy outs in the script, and I do agree with some others that Carpenter didn't utilize the Antarctic enough, but a great picture.